I have so many memories of you, and not one is how you performed in quizzing. You may believe that because you didn't score a lot you weren't contributing to the team. Bull. You had a big job in carrying the spirit and morale of the team. When we were tense, you loosened things up. When you weren't there, the team was down and did poorly. We always needed you to cheer us up. And remember, there were many other rookies who scored the same as you, and some even less. Heck, I know some second year quizzers who have only scored 20 points! But you were always a good friend, and that's worth more than a million points. You were always fun to be around, and that may even just have been to bug you. You have no idea how much fun it is to watch you eat! :-) And it was weird how you always had some kind of fetish attraction to all my quizzing buddies...but nothing you ever did was suprising to me by the end of the year. In the beginning you were so quiet, and we thought we'd had to get it out of you. That was no problem by the end of the year. Because of your craziness, we discovered that there were new words in the text! I think half of the excitement and craziness this year was caused by you. Congrats, that definitely makes you a quizzer. (Bekah Gibson)
With the way you performed, I sometimes forgot you were a rookie! You scored over a 150 points, plus quizzed out 2 times in the regular season, and once in the Ohio Tournament! I still can't believe it. Sometimes you did have me worried when you started randomly bleeding, or needed to take tons of medication to get rid of a small headache or other sickness, but you always pulled through. I think that you could have possibly done better if you weren't so attached to your cell, or some older guy, and would've taken that time to practice. But you always contributed to team bonus, which was a big help. But your cowboy pictures were no help to me. Sorry. I really hope you can quiz again next year. If you did that well for your first year, I can't wait to see how you would do next year! I just have a bit of advice for you. First, make sure you don't get a few slight mistake, like saying "tax payers" instead of "tax collectors" or saying "sheep" instead of "pigs" (although you made those mistakes, it is still much less than some other quizzer on our team). Oh yeah, and change those ringtones. I was getting pretty sick of Kelly Clarkson and that other guy. Remember MiB II!! (Jai Bodor)
Good friends, good times. Even thinking about you makes me laugh. I don't know how many times I have done something just because you said "All the cool people are doing it." I can withstand any peer pressure...except you. This year you suprisingly made up even more stupid answers. And I can't remember the amount of times you answered "Temple Obligations" even though we told you so many times over that it was is in last year's material, not this year (cuz he's still preoccupied...in quizzing 2005). I'd have to say my most favorite memory of you this year was when you were taking so long in the E-Town bathroom, so Bruce and I decided to go in and pretend we were using it as well, and pretend to talk poorly about you, like you weren't there. I was just washing my hands, but Bruce went all-out flushing toliets, turning on water faucets and activating the hand drier. It was funny. You deserved it, no one spends over 20 minutes in the bathroom. Because of you, my new favorite activities is hot sauce shots and playing Risk. And you play the most convicing homo I've ever seen. LONG LIVE THE FLAMING AMISH! I knew you would do better this year, but not as well as to make in the Top 60. You were definitely a threat to my personal score and gave some fun in-team competition. That really helped me put me into place, and told me how much more to study. Hey, maybe next year we'll see you in the Top 50! Anyway, you performed your best, and you had fun doing away. And I think one day, you'll get a girl because you are a very likeable person. Indubitably. And everyone else concurs. (Mike Schwager)
You've been with me every step of my quizzing journey. You were on my team every year, even when we changed church teams. We been together through thick and thin, good times and bad times. This year was another year to add to the memories. In previous years, you scored no more than 40 points in a year. I told you that because this year we lost Brandon and Aubrey, you'd have to step up to be Spring City's 3rd best quizzer. You stepped up to the challenge and took it. Your performanced was outstanding. You scored over 150 points, probably more than your the points of every year combined. And you got your first quiz out, too. I have never felt so proud of you. I know the end of the year was a bit hard for you, but it was great to see you be happily socializing with them. I sometimes saw a side of you I didn't know of. And thouse walks around the parking lot were fun, even though sometimes it seemed I didn't want to do it. You gave us team bonus when we were in need of it, and when you gave it, we suceeded to win. Thanx for the help. The team really was glad you was there, and we really appreciated you. (" height="523" width="499">Christine Dragan)
Thank you guys for another great year. Every year is unique, and this year was an especially unique year. The memories are several, and I will never forget you individually and as a team. For being a wide spread of personalities, we somehow were able to get along. We worked and cooperated as a team inside and outside of matches. You guys were great.