- Statistics I - Mr. Mast
- Basic Music - Mrs. Rittenhouse
- Chapel/Activity (Advisor: Mr. Yoder)
- Rec Games - Mr. Moyer
- Family Living - Mrs. Musselman
- Lunch (Longacre Commons, NOT the cafeteria)
- Kingdom Living - Mr. Hertzler
- Senior English - Mrs. McTavish
- Economics - Mr. Jeff Hackman
Speaking of Senior English, I hope everybody has read their summer required reading and have done (or at least in the process of their book report). For mine....well....Rome wasn't built in a day. The paper is suppose to be 550-600 words, and broken into three parts. The first part is to be a short summary, the second part a scene from the book that was my favorite, and the third part is discovering the message the author was trying to communicate to the reader. The first time I did it, I started at the beginning part, the "short" summary. Well, halfway through writing the summary I checked it out how many words I had and it was 550! I never was able to summarize shortly. So I am trying again, starting with the second part. It was 400 words. That means the other two parts I have to do between 150-200 words. I think that seems more logical. Once again, I aim to finish it by tomorrow, so I don't have to focus on school work for that last day of summer vacation on Monday.
hi it's christine dragan. make sure u have fun as a dock senior!!!
No math? No language? I feel like everybody's dumping everything on the freshmen after reading your blog.
mjgood, Slate Hill 1, 4th down, quizzing 4 2007 also, the homeschooler
how is school going???
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