Thursday, January 05, 2006

What's up in quizzing pre-season

As I hope all of you know, November 2005 has past. I see April-November as an off-season. This is a steady, light practice. All you do is read over the material a few times and write questions. Maybe do some buzzer drills. Nothing to big. On November 30, the off-season ends, and a new phase begins. December becomes the quizzing pre-season. This is when the not-so-serious quizzers begin seriously considering if they want to quiz for the new season. For the serious quizzers, studying becomes more intense than during the off-season, but not as intense as regular practice. During the preseason, writing detailed quizzing questions for every verse is being wrapped up and finished. All question written from now on will be 15-question quiz matches for the week you are studying. During this time, you find out the weekly sections and read carefully only those parts. Now you start serious word-for-word memorization, because if you start that in the off-season you'll forget it when quizzing starts! Some teams even have pre-practices to work on stratergy and explain quizzing to rookies. The real quizzing practices begin after the pre-season ends, which is the end of December. January begins the quizzing season will real quizzing practices, and real quizzing matches! This is also when you get your quizbook, official schedule, and you know who is on the team

And that's what exactly happened. On December 21, I finished my questions for Luke 1 and 2. Questions done. I had gotten my buzzer speed to 304 buzzes/min., an improvement from last year's 300 buzzes/min., but not up to 300 buzzes/min., my all-time high. I had read over the material quite a few times. Still I had no quizbook, so I kept reading out of my Bible. And I still didn't know the breakdown of the material. On December 27, the official quizzing website updated, after 7 months of lacking and update (especially announcing the 2005 ACC Tournament Champions! ). The breakdown for the first week was Luke 1-2:40. I had fully completed Luke 1 & 2. I was slightly ahead, but that was OK. So I would ready the material in the Bible, listen to it on my Dramatized NIV Audio Bible CD. Then I began the memorization. I memorized the Benedictus and Magnificant. I could say it fluently by New Year's Day.

Well, Reading got their quizbook in mid-December. Christmas break rolled around and I still didn't have a quizbook. Of course I was panicing! I called coach Vicki Deitrick a few time asking about it, and every time she dind't have it. Even she was beginning to bug Fred asking it. Well, on New Year's Eve, they opened up a box, and saw the quizbooks inside. The Deitricks finally received the quizbooks. They were about to open the quizbooks, when Coach Vicki paused and said, "Graham is on edge. We better call him and tell him the quizbooks are here." She did call up and told me I could get my quizbook, and said today is good. She hung up the phone and said to coach Dave, "How much you want to bet that Graham will be here in the next half hour." She was right. I got there in 15 minutes (yes, I was going the speed limit!). The minute I hung the phone up, I picked it back up, called my parents, and told them I was going to the Deitricks. They knew why, so I went. I got my quizbook on December 31. It was the best Christmas present I got. I began highlighting it immeaditely. This is what it looks like (thanx Morgen!)

The following Wednesday, yesterday, January 3, was the first quiz practice. Christine was unable to come. Bruce and Brandon were able to come, Brandon had his last practice before heading back to Penn State. The old veteran Michael Schwager was already there, and not late for a change. I met the new quizzer, Becca and Jai. Since Becca was a tad late, we started with a quizmatch. We explained how a quizmatch goes as we go on. The first practice question of the year I buzzed in and got correct. By the end, I quizzed out. So did Mike. Brandon errored out, but that doesn't matter since he's not returning. Becca arrived, so we began a normal quizzing practice. We prayed, then read, then practice matches. During the reading, I quoted the Magnificant. In the remaining two quiz matches, I got the first question right on a buzz, and I quizzed out. Mike also quizzed out both matches, and Brandon was able to get one last quizout.

Now that we have one practice, I have been able to get an idea of our team and evaluate them. Our team consists me, Mike, Christine, Jai and Becca. Yes, you counted right, we only have a team of five. In October, we started out with a team of 8. By November, we had a team of 7. By December, we finished with a team of 5. Five is somewhat a good number. It is a good number for the rookies and substitute. There is a better odds of getting in. I were prefer a 6 quizzer quiz team. Two subs are better than one. Now, no one can get sick, or have a bad day. They MUST quiz. We cannot afford anyone missing in action. I still haven't been able to see Christine practice, but I think she'll do good. She is syked to be a starter (so far) and wants to quizout this year. If her mind is at it, I think she can. Mike did hold to what he said to me. He did quizout 3 times, and is now challenging me to do better. I think he will step up this year, maybe even to the Top 50 Quizzers List. For beginning, our rookies did good. Jai got a few buzzes in and was correct with them. Being on her team, I noticed that some questions she missed a buzz after half a second. She'll be good and get us team bonus. Becca was a bit shy, especially buzzer shy. We will have to get rid of that. But on every bonus she got, she answered it right. It's a sign that she knows the material. Now to get her buzzing, and we'll be good. I see promise in our team. We can easily get them to learn to buzz in for team bonus. By the tournaments, we'll be ready. Mike will get quite a few quizouts this year, and may shoot to the Top 50 Quizzers List. I think I can, too. I sense another great year.

Ah, yes. I now have an official countdown for quizzing. I found out that quizzing was not January 15, but January 22. A week later than I wanted, and the anxiety waiting for it is killing me! Yet I am patient. It just means more time to study.

OFFICIAL Countdown to the first quizmatch of 2006:16 days, 19 hours, minutes

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