Quizzing started as normal. I arrived at 12:15 PM. I got my secret sponser gift, the biggest one yet. I had my usual lunch of Soup-at-Hand and an energy drink. This week's energy drink was MDX, Mountain Dew Energy Soda. Some of you may know it by its ad slogan which has the song "I Wear My Sungleasses at Night." Bruce does and was singing it all day and night. Mrs. Deitrick pointed out that it had some vegetable oil in it and I could sometimes swear you could taste it. When I was eating, some kid took my foam finger, ripped off the finger sticking up, and ran off with it. Needless to say, there is no more foam finger. But to some of you, that may be a blessing.
We had 4 practice matches. I was able to quiz out in all of them. Bekah's column on the score sheet is usually empty, so Mike raised the stakes to encouraged Bekah to try more. Mike told her if she could quiz out by question 10 anytime, he would buy her a jar of jam. (This comes from Bekah's "Jar of Jam" answer in a practice match). I never seen Bekah try so hard to quiz out. And when she didn't, she got so down about it. I thought it was a little crazy, but hey, if it works, it works!!
We arrived at Weaverland at 6 PM. I didn't recognize the place at first, but once we got in the building, I realized that I quizzed there before. Like I said last post, we had the first, middle and last match. So we jumped right into quizzing. Our first match was against Neffsville 1. We performed just I wanted us to. I was first to quiz out. Mike then followed. During review, Christine quizzed out! For the first time in her 7 year quizzing career, Christine finally quizzed out!! The awesomeness. Those 3 quiz outs led us to win against Neffsville 1 with the score 105-45.
We had to wait two matches until our middle match. The next match we went to watch was Petra 3 vs. Conestoga 3 since we had to quiz both teams later that night. It was a close match in the beginning, but then Petra 3 took off and won. We knew it would be a hard match upcoming. Then we went to go support our friends on Zion 2. Mike and I decided that the room was too quiet, so we raised the volume for cheering. They had a hard match, too. Mel didn't do too pretty.
Our middle match came up. It was our hardest match today, possibly second hardest all season. It was against 3rd place Petra 3. And they showed they deserved 3rd. They were fast at the buzzer. After 11 questions, I had 2 correct and 1 error. Not pretty. Three questions later and still nothing from me. So being the 15th question, and having only one error and really wanting the quiz out, I decided just to go for it (despite hating review). I buzzed in on "How many loaves...?" I figured to go with the obvious and answered "Five." I was correct. I got my second quiz out. Unfortuneately, my team lost 105 to 55. That 55 would hurt our average.
Between the middle and last match, we watched Good Shepherd 1 vs. Weaverland 2. They were the top two teams in our league. It was a low-scoring match, but a good one. Each team slowed down the other. There was an error out in it. In the end, the number 1 team came out #1. Good Shepherd won over Weaverland 2, 75 to 50. But I think both of them lost in the sense they were much under average score.
We were the last match of the night. It was against Conestoga 3. It was one of the lower teams, but they were a challenge. The first one to quiz out was on Conestoga 3. I quizzed out further into the match. We got team bonus, something our team hadn't gotten in a long time, and needed. The final score was 95-65, in our favor. While I was hoping to score in the triple digits again, 95 is close.
That night was awesome. I got 3 quiz outs, the best I could do, and it did so much for me. I got a total of 14 quiz outs, breaking my previous personal quiz out record of 12 quiz outs. It gave me a year total of 510 individual points, tying my personal all-time high score. With scoring 510, I have CLINCHED the Top 50 Quizzers List! No matter what I score in the next 3 matches, I end up on the Top 50 Quizzers List. But I plan to do better than that. Once again, so cool to see Christine quiz out for her first time, especially since this may be her last year. Mike wasn't so lucky. I calculated he needed 4 quiz outs to end up on the Top 50 Quizzers List the end of the season. He only got one. It may be possible to still do it, but a very small probability. People above him would need to do worse than him, plus he would need to quiz out both times next week.
Another awesome thing about this night was I got 4 opportunities to be on the quizzing video this year! The first time is when I, along with the rest of my team, cheered wildly for Zion 2. The second time is when the team did the wave. The third time is when I posed with my quizzing buddy, a lawn gnome. The fourth time I led a bunch of other quizzers across the balcony doing the horse galloping (without coconuts) from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. With all that, I hope that I can get somewhere on the 2006 quizzing movie!
Quizzing Question of the Post:
What perched on the musterd tree's branches?
The most literal reading of the Bible is to understand the Bible in its original context: historical context, geographical context, cultural context and literary context.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Whatever on quizzing
Quizzing practice on Wednesday was Bekahless. She used the excuse she had too much homework. Bah! I haven't used an excuse to skip out on quizzing since my first year. Since then, I haven't skipped practice, whether homework, sickness, or bad weather. Practice went faster than usual. We went through our 3 normal matches quicker than usual.(Hmmm, no Bekah....quick practice. Coincidence?) So then we went into 2 review matches. The practice showed who how much one read before practice. Those who read lots did well. Those who read it only once did poorly. Everyone did suprisingly well in review, especially Jai.
Well, I hardly tell you guys about standings, you here ya go. People are usually impatient with waiting for the standings to be posted, people like me. They were finally posted on Thursday. I checked them in the morning at school (yeah, like anyone at Dock follows CD's "Accecptable Use of Technology" statement) and I was suprised. I couldn't stop think and telling people "7th place!" That worked in two ways, both my individual score and my team score. Despite our average dropping from 95 points to 89 points, our placing only dropped from 5th to 7th. Not bad. The better 7th place was my individual score. Up to today, I have accumulated a total of 405 points. (this time last year, I only had 295 points. What an improvement!) These 405 points landed me in 7th place out some 300 quizzers. This is the highest I have ever been.
This Sunday we meet at Weaverland at 6:30 PM. I'll say it again, if you can come, COME! Fans are awesome, and we love you. Tomorrow we've got Bruce (he's like a regular now), my parents, and a couple from my church. That's a start, but we could really use you there too. There is 3 matches. We begin on the first round. We quiz against Neffsville 1 (27th). I saw a few of their matches last week. I'm not sure it this is an always, but I only saw three quizzers. One of them always quizzed out. I want to sit across from him. I, of course, aim to quiz out. Since they are in the 20s, I am hoping we score in the triple digits. We'll need it with the team we are playing next. Our next match is the middle round. It is against Petra 3 (3rd). We go from quizzing against a below-average team to an above-average team. Quite a jump. This is going to be the second hardest match. I know I said that about Blainsport, but since they dropped to 18th place, I revoaked that (they are now the 3rd hardest match we've quizzed against). I want to quiz out, but I'll take whatever I get. The last match is during the last round. We volley back from an above-average team to a below-average team again. The match is Spring City vs. Conestoga 3 (23rd). Once again, 100+ points may be needed to maintain or raise average.
This could be a really big day for me tomorrow. It all depends if I quiz out, and if I do, how many times I quiz out. To this date, I have 11 quiz outs. If I get:
1 Quiz Out (12 quiz outs total): Tie personal all-time quiz out record
2 Quiz Outs (13 quiz outs total): Break personal all-time quiz out record
3 Quiz Outs (14 quiz outs total): Tie personal all-time high score (510 points) and CLINCH a place on the Top 50 Quizzers List.
Yup, there is some excitement coming Sunday. I also figured out for Mike (he can thank me later) that for him to finish on the Top 50 Quizzers List, he must quiz out 4 of his last 5 matches (he won't be here week 8). So I hope to see him quiz out 2 of the matches tomorrow, if not all 3. Christine last week for her first time (in at least 6 years of quizzing) got 100 points. That reminds me of another quizzer. I won't be with Reading, but I would hope that Morgen can get in triple digits score for her first time. And Tim just got on the Top 50 List barely. Let's see if he can stay there.
I got a whole handful of quizzing jokes for ya.
Joke 1:
Q: Who would make bad busboys?
A: Pharisees, because they only clean the outside of the dishes (Luke 11:39)
Joke 2:
The Jewish mafia in those days had a hard time. After killing the prophets that disagree with them, they had no way of properly disposing the boides. So they just just threw them anywhere. It was gross, and making the people unclean. So the experts in the law decide to go into the tomb-making business. Their advertisement slogan: "You kill the prophets, we build their tombs." (Luke 11:48)
Joke 3:
Q: Where is there a Catholic in the gospel of Luke?
A: The woman in the crowd that yelled, "Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you!" (Luke 11:27)
Joke 4: Another time of quizzing in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 10:25-28)
(25.)On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. "Teacher," he asked, "what must I do to inherit eternal life?" (26.) "Another time for a quizmatch," Jesus said. "Question. How do intrepret the law to say how to inherit eternal life?" Simon the Zealot buzzed in. (27.) "Love the Lord your God with...all your heart....all your strength.....all your soul......and all your mind.......and...um....oh...." Simon's time ran out. "Sorry," Jesus replied. "I need more. That's a bonus for Simon. Bonus question. How do intrepret the law to say how to inherit eternal life?" The Expert in the law said, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your strength, all your and and all your mind.....and......love your neighbor as yourself." (28.) "You have answered correctly. Two more, and you will quiz out. Simon, watch out. One more, and you will error out."
Well, I hardly tell you guys about standings, you here ya go. People are usually impatient with waiting for the standings to be posted, people like me. They were finally posted on Thursday. I checked them in the morning at school (yeah, like anyone at Dock follows CD's "Accecptable Use of Technology" statement) and I was suprised. I couldn't stop think and telling people "7th place!" That worked in two ways, both my individual score and my team score. Despite our average dropping from 95 points to 89 points, our placing only dropped from 5th to 7th. Not bad. The better 7th place was my individual score. Up to today, I have accumulated a total of 405 points. (this time last year, I only had 295 points. What an improvement!) These 405 points landed me in 7th place out some 300 quizzers. This is the highest I have ever been.
This Sunday we meet at Weaverland at 6:30 PM. I'll say it again, if you can come, COME! Fans are awesome, and we love you. Tomorrow we've got Bruce (he's like a regular now), my parents, and a couple from my church. That's a start, but we could really use you there too. There is 3 matches. We begin on the first round. We quiz against Neffsville 1 (27th). I saw a few of their matches last week. I'm not sure it this is an always, but I only saw three quizzers. One of them always quizzed out. I want to sit across from him. I, of course, aim to quiz out. Since they are in the 20s, I am hoping we score in the triple digits. We'll need it with the team we are playing next. Our next match is the middle round. It is against Petra 3 (3rd). We go from quizzing against a below-average team to an above-average team. Quite a jump. This is going to be the second hardest match. I know I said that about Blainsport, but since they dropped to 18th place, I revoaked that (they are now the 3rd hardest match we've quizzed against). I want to quiz out, but I'll take whatever I get. The last match is during the last round. We volley back from an above-average team to a below-average team again. The match is Spring City vs. Conestoga 3 (23rd). Once again, 100+ points may be needed to maintain or raise average.
This could be a really big day for me tomorrow. It all depends if I quiz out, and if I do, how many times I quiz out. To this date, I have 11 quiz outs. If I get:
1 Quiz Out (12 quiz outs total): Tie personal all-time quiz out record
2 Quiz Outs (13 quiz outs total): Break personal all-time quiz out record
3 Quiz Outs (14 quiz outs total): Tie personal all-time high score (510 points) and CLINCH a place on the Top 50 Quizzers List.
Yup, there is some excitement coming Sunday. I also figured out for Mike (he can thank me later) that for him to finish on the Top 50 Quizzers List, he must quiz out 4 of his last 5 matches (he won't be here week 8). So I hope to see him quiz out 2 of the matches tomorrow, if not all 3. Christine last week for her first time (in at least 6 years of quizzing) got 100 points. That reminds me of another quizzer. I won't be with Reading, but I would hope that Morgen can get in triple digits score for her first time. And Tim just got on the Top 50 List barely. Let's see if he can stay there.
I got a whole handful of quizzing jokes for ya.
Joke 1:
Q: Who would make bad busboys?
A: Pharisees, because they only clean the outside of the dishes (Luke 11:39)
Joke 2:
The Jewish mafia in those days had a hard time. After killing the prophets that disagree with them, they had no way of properly disposing the boides. So they just just threw them anywhere. It was gross, and making the people unclean. So the experts in the law decide to go into the tomb-making business. Their advertisement slogan: "You kill the prophets, we build their tombs." (Luke 11:48)
Joke 3:
Q: Where is there a Catholic in the gospel of Luke?
A: The woman in the crowd that yelled, "Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you!" (Luke 11:27)
Joke 4: Another time of quizzing in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 10:25-28)
(25.)On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. "Teacher," he asked, "what must I do to inherit eternal life?" (26.) "Another time for a quizmatch," Jesus said. "Question. How do intrepret the law to say how to inherit eternal life?" Simon the Zealot buzzed in. (27.) "Love the Lord your God with...all your heart....all your strength.....all your soul......and all your mind.......and...um....oh...." Simon's time ran out. "Sorry," Jesus replied. "I need more. That's a bonus for Simon. Bonus question. How do intrepret the law to say how to inherit eternal life?" The Expert in the law said, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your strength, all your and and all your mind.....and......love your neighbor as yourself." (28.) "You have answered correctly. Two more, and you will quiz out. Simon, watch out. One more, and you will error out."
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Double your pleasure, double your fun
Preparation for quizzing began Saturday night. Since we had to take double material in, we decided to have double practice. We read and had four practice matches Saturday night. It was around the new material. My performance was slow, including a near error out, but I was able to bring out quiz outs. On top of that, I felt like I forgot the cancelled week's material. After four matches, I needed a break from quizzing. I stayed overnight, along with Christine, Jai, and Mike. We first watched the old quizzing videos. Lol, I could sing along with the 2004 video and recite the 2004 Top 50 Quizzers List Introduction. We then stayed up to 1 AM playing card games. When we began playing bull, some of us got so many cards, we could predict the bull. "Don't even bother laying down kings." lol. Gotta love those guys. I listened to the material one more time before going to sleep.
After 6 1/2 hours of sleep, I got up at 7:30 AM. I read the snow week's material again. Mike got up a half hour later. We got ready to get for church. During the Sunday School hour, we met up with Bekah for some more practice. This practice was on the snow week's material. We did great. Our first practice match there was only one error, our second had zero, and our third had two. Each error the bonus was picked up, not a wrong bonus. A boost in confidence.
After the church service, we left immeadiately. In the van, we ate lunch. The van ride was funny. I told some of you guys this story. I had a Talking Stitch for my quizzing buddy (from the movie Lilo and Stitch). It has a microphone in it so when you say some choice phrases to it, it replies. However, Stitch is very sensitive. When talking to it, one must be loud and clear, pronouncing every syllable carefully. One of phrases Stitch recognizes is "I Love You" and Stitch will reply "I love you, too." Well, Bekah (our youngest quizzer, and it shows) spent about an hour telling this stuff animal "I Love You" but never got any reply. It must've not understood Bekah's "valley girl accent" or how Bekah talked, because it would not respond to it. A few time when Bekah said, "I love you" it replied "Whatever!" ("Whatever is what Stitch says when it can't register what was said, or when time has passed without anything being said to it.) Jai says, "That's a typical guy. A girl pours her heart to him, and all he says is 'Whatever'." After the hour, Bekah just gave up. So Bruce decided to try Stitch. He says "I Love You" and on the first try Stitch replies "I Love You Too." Well, of course, Bekah had to try for another half-hour.
We got there with 15 minutes to spare. After quick announcements and a cheesy joke, quizzing began. In the first half (snow week material), we had 3 matches. Our first match was against Akron 1. We were able to get team bonus. I was the only one to quiz out. We won 95 to 65. We had two matches between this match and our next match, so I watched future oppenents. Both of the matches were with Hope Comm. 4 in it. I hope they didn't think I was stalking them. The last match I saw was E-Town 2, our next opponent, get a smackdown. A #6 team was being beaten by #27 team. I knew that this double week made no assumption safe. Every team was to be taken as a hard team. But that didn't change for playing E-Town 2. In our match, they had 2 error outs, one of them from a quizzer who had errored out the last match (2 consecutive error outs). I got my first two bonuses of the year from him. I quizzed out that match as well. Our team won with a score 90-45
The match against E-Town 2 was the first of a consecutive match. Now we had to go against Good Shepherd 1, the no. 1 team in our league. Now I know that the placement meant nothing for the doubled up days, but it did have us nervous. Waiting for the judge to come back from his bathroom break, I got to talk to one of the quizzers from Good Shepherd 1 (naturally, being in seat 1). That helped gete rid of some tension. Then the quizzing began. I did quiz out, but late. We did good, but Good Shepherd just out quizzed us. We lost the match 90-65. Here's the irony: last year, when we quizzed against the number 1 quiz team, Maple Grove 1, we lost 90-65. Creepy! It was upsetting to lose, but they were a hard team. We put up a good fight. While not winning, we did prevent Good Shepherd 1 of getting to their average.
We roughly ended the first half at 5 PM. We got dinner out of the way so we could practice more. Bekah finally got Stitch to say, "I Love You" back at her, so she did it non-stop for awhile. I had to take Stitch away from her, so Mike or Christine would not fulfill any of their threats. After dinner, most of the quiz team went out to play tetherball. After a half-hour they came back in. We read over the week's material, and did rounds of questions. That practice that I felt was sticking actually did. I felt better about know the material. We then went to praise and worship. After worship there were a few announcements. There are a planed 91 teams going to the Invitational Tournament 91 TEAMS! They also made some rulings harder. "Spirit" alone is incomplete. Disciples are automatically assumed to be Jesus's, otherwords must be specified as John the Baptist's disciples or the Pharisees' disciples. My favorite: The Apostles and the Twelve are interchangeable, but disciples is only SOMETIMES interchangeable. I know it makes sense, but it is soooo hard.
Spring City's first match in the second half wasn't until round 4, so I watched a few matches. I wanted to watch matches of future opponents, but Mike wanted to watch Hopewell matches to find a certain girl, and Christine wanted to watch Hope Community matches to find a certain guy. So I pretty much watched my matches alone. I saw Neffsville 1 twice. They only have 3 quizzers, but one always seemed to quiz out. I want to sit across from him next week. I also watched Blainsport vs. Good Shepherd 1. Once again, Good Shepherd was unable to get their score in the triple digits. This will hurt their average, givin hope to our placing.
Our first match of the second half of the day was against Hopewell 2. They are team #22 in our league. I thought I hadn't seen this team before, but apparently I had. It the remained of Dennis Willman's Hopewell 4, just without Krystal and Jason/AJ. It Bryant and Mike. I wanted to sit across from Bryant in seat 1, but coach wanted me in seat 4, so I sat across from Mike in seat 4. Christine sat across Bryant in seat 1 (and she didn't want to). Easy, right? Not exactly. We struggled. I managed to quiz out. In the end, we lost to them 90-75. Not who I was expecting to lose to.
We had to wait for the last round to get our final match. It was against Goods 1. I quizzed out again, making that my fifth quiz out for the day. Bekah got a bonus, and I was so sure she'd have 20 points at the end of the day, but she missed it. We barely won with a score of 80-75. While the win was nice, it killed our average.
Quizzing Question of the Post:
From whose blood to whose blood will all this generation be responsible for?
After 6 1/2 hours of sleep, I got up at 7:30 AM. I read the snow week's material again. Mike got up a half hour later. We got ready to get for church. During the Sunday School hour, we met up with Bekah for some more practice. This practice was on the snow week's material. We did great. Our first practice match there was only one error, our second had zero, and our third had two. Each error the bonus was picked up, not a wrong bonus. A boost in confidence.
After the church service, we left immeadiately. In the van, we ate lunch. The van ride was funny. I told some of you guys this story. I had a Talking Stitch for my quizzing buddy (from the movie Lilo and Stitch). It has a microphone in it so when you say some choice phrases to it, it replies. However, Stitch is very sensitive. When talking to it, one must be loud and clear, pronouncing every syllable carefully. One of phrases Stitch recognizes is "I Love You" and Stitch will reply "I love you, too." Well, Bekah (our youngest quizzer, and it shows) spent about an hour telling this stuff animal "I Love You" but never got any reply. It must've not understood Bekah's "valley girl accent" or how Bekah talked, because it would not respond to it. A few time when Bekah said, "I love you" it replied "Whatever!" ("Whatever is what Stitch says when it can't register what was said, or when time has passed without anything being said to it.) Jai says, "That's a typical guy. A girl pours her heart to him, and all he says is 'Whatever'." After the hour, Bekah just gave up. So Bruce decided to try Stitch. He says "I Love You" and on the first try Stitch replies "I Love You Too." Well, of course, Bekah had to try for another half-hour.
We got there with 15 minutes to spare. After quick announcements and a cheesy joke, quizzing began. In the first half (snow week material), we had 3 matches. Our first match was against Akron 1. We were able to get team bonus. I was the only one to quiz out. We won 95 to 65. We had two matches between this match and our next match, so I watched future oppenents. Both of the matches were with Hope Comm. 4 in it. I hope they didn't think I was stalking them. The last match I saw was E-Town 2, our next opponent, get a smackdown. A #6 team was being beaten by #27 team. I knew that this double week made no assumption safe. Every team was to be taken as a hard team. But that didn't change for playing E-Town 2. In our match, they had 2 error outs, one of them from a quizzer who had errored out the last match (2 consecutive error outs). I got my first two bonuses of the year from him. I quizzed out that match as well. Our team won with a score 90-45
The match against E-Town 2 was the first of a consecutive match. Now we had to go against Good Shepherd 1, the no. 1 team in our league. Now I know that the placement meant nothing for the doubled up days, but it did have us nervous. Waiting for the judge to come back from his bathroom break, I got to talk to one of the quizzers from Good Shepherd 1 (naturally, being in seat 1). That helped gete rid of some tension. Then the quizzing began. I did quiz out, but late. We did good, but Good Shepherd just out quizzed us. We lost the match 90-65. Here's the irony: last year, when we quizzed against the number 1 quiz team, Maple Grove 1, we lost 90-65. Creepy! It was upsetting to lose, but they were a hard team. We put up a good fight. While not winning, we did prevent Good Shepherd 1 of getting to their average.
We roughly ended the first half at 5 PM. We got dinner out of the way so we could practice more. Bekah finally got Stitch to say, "I Love You" back at her, so she did it non-stop for awhile. I had to take Stitch away from her, so Mike or Christine would not fulfill any of their threats. After dinner, most of the quiz team went out to play tetherball. After a half-hour they came back in. We read over the week's material, and did rounds of questions. That practice that I felt was sticking actually did. I felt better about know the material. We then went to praise and worship. After worship there were a few announcements. There are a planed 91 teams going to the Invitational Tournament 91 TEAMS! They also made some rulings harder. "Spirit" alone is incomplete. Disciples are automatically assumed to be Jesus's, otherwords must be specified as John the Baptist's disciples or the Pharisees' disciples. My favorite: The Apostles and the Twelve are interchangeable, but disciples is only SOMETIMES interchangeable. I know it makes sense, but it is soooo hard.
Spring City's first match in the second half wasn't until round 4, so I watched a few matches. I wanted to watch matches of future opponents, but Mike wanted to watch Hopewell matches to find a certain girl, and Christine wanted to watch Hope Community matches to find a certain guy. So I pretty much watched my matches alone. I saw Neffsville 1 twice. They only have 3 quizzers, but one always seemed to quiz out. I want to sit across from him next week. I also watched Blainsport vs. Good Shepherd 1. Once again, Good Shepherd was unable to get their score in the triple digits. This will hurt their average, givin hope to our placing.
Our first match of the second half of the day was against Hopewell 2. They are team #22 in our league. I thought I hadn't seen this team before, but apparently I had. It the remained of Dennis Willman's Hopewell 4, just without Krystal and Jason/AJ. It Bryant and Mike. I wanted to sit across from Bryant in seat 1, but coach wanted me in seat 4, so I sat across from Mike in seat 4. Christine sat across Bryant in seat 1 (and she didn't want to). Easy, right? Not exactly. We struggled. I managed to quiz out. In the end, we lost to them 90-75. Not who I was expecting to lose to.
We had to wait for the last round to get our final match. It was against Goods 1. I quizzed out again, making that my fifth quiz out for the day. Bekah got a bonus, and I was so sure she'd have 20 points at the end of the day, but she missed it. We barely won with a score of 80-75. While the win was nice, it killed our average.
Quizzing Question of the Post:
From whose blood to whose blood will all this generation be responsible for?
Friday, February 17, 2006
Snow: Causes and Effects
Here's the story what happened last weekend. It began with a snowfall that started Saturday night. By the time it ended on Sunday morning, there was roughly a foot of snow. Early Sunday morning, and quizzing was not cancelled. So at 10:30 AM, I got a call from the Deitricks. They said that most churches had agreed to quiz and they were going to try it. At 10:31 AM, I began to shovel my dad's 4-wheel truck out of the snow. My parents never saw my shovel out snow so fast. By 11 AM by parents gave me a helping hand. At noon, we had finally finishd. After a quick shower and preparation, my dad drove me to practice at Spring City (who had no church). I arrived for 1:30 practice. Mike arrived shortly after with his mom. And she said, "But doesn't the quizzing website say quizzing is cancelled?" Sure enough, when we got ahold of Fred, it was. We were all annoyed. So, since we were already there we had practice. After a half-hour of practice, we called it quits.
My quiz coaches invited me to stay for dinner, so I did. Meanwhile, I helped shoveled out the van for the Deitricks. Yes, mores shoveling. Dinner was great (I never knew rice tasted so much better with butter). So then we went through more questions. We got most of them right on the first try. We were all dressed up with nowhere to go. When done, I went home.
For those who do not know how snow cancellations effect quizzing, it's nasty. The matches have to be made up so everyone has the equal number of matches. This is done in a doubled-up week. To start with, we have to study twice the material: the missed material and the scheduled material. The doubled-up week has doubled-up matches. The matches from last week are made up from the previous week in early afternoon, and then the matches scheduled for this week are during the evening regular time. It's a strain on the quzzers, but needs to be done.
Here was the problem. The schedule for the cancelled week was all at one place, and was designed for that. Unfortunately, we weren't able to get in one buiding the following week, only two. So Fred had to do some major schedule revamping. The number of matches is the same, but the opponenets changed. This came to a surprise to us. More about the schedule later.
So on practice Wednesday, we had to change it a bit. Our practice matches were different. The first 13 questions were from the new material. The 3 "review" questions were the questions from the missed material. Mike and I only read the material twice by practice. For me, I quizzed out all four practice matches. For Mike, it showed-
Question: What 5 should you not take for the journey?
Michael: No money, no staff, no extra tunic, no bread........no duffelbag?
Question: What have nests?
Michael: Ummm....owls?
Question: What should you shake off...?
Michael: Shake your feet off!
Beside that, it went pretty well, but we could use more practice. With double weeks worth of material and matches, you just need a double amount of practice. So that's what Spring City is doing. We are going have an additional quiz practice on Saturday night. Then I am staying overnight. The next morning, we will practice during Sunday school hour. We should be prepared by then. So this is why you may not hear from me.
Now to the schedule. They got it down to two places: Hinkletown and E-Town. Spring City will be at E-Town all day. We were suppose to be at Hinkletown, but the schedule revamping ended us up at a farther away location. It begins at 2 PM. We have new opponents as well. For the 2 PM round, we quiz against Akron 1 (#21), then we play back-to-back matches of E-Town 2 (#6) and Good Shepherd 1 (#1!) Yes, we went from playing the no. 2 team to the no. 1 team. Nevermind, I want to to playing the no. 2. On top of that, those Top 10 teams we have to play consecutively. And I miss the fact that we no longer play the no. 27 team. That would have (theoretically) been easy points. Then at 4 PM, we get a 2 1/2 hour break for dinner. At 6:30 PM, we switch material and have two more matches. The first match is round 4 against Hopewell 2 (#22). Our last match just happens to be the last match of the day (It's gonna be later getting back home. Luckily, no school Monday). It's against Goods 1 (#11). I once again, like usual, ask you to come if you can and support the team. I know it's a distance, but that is why we need you, the distance already cuts down the number of fans. But it is an all day event. Come when you can, leave when you have to. We'd appreciate it.
Quizzing Question of the Post:
Who are the 5 that Jesus let in with him?
Quizzing Joke:
Q:Why should the ACC bring the quizmasters, coaches, scorekeepers and timekeepers to Ohio
A: Because Jesus said to take no staff for the journey
My quiz coaches invited me to stay for dinner, so I did. Meanwhile, I helped shoveled out the van for the Deitricks. Yes, mores shoveling. Dinner was great (I never knew rice tasted so much better with butter). So then we went through more questions. We got most of them right on the first try. We were all dressed up with nowhere to go. When done, I went home.
For those who do not know how snow cancellations effect quizzing, it's nasty. The matches have to be made up so everyone has the equal number of matches. This is done in a doubled-up week. To start with, we have to study twice the material: the missed material and the scheduled material. The doubled-up week has doubled-up matches. The matches from last week are made up from the previous week in early afternoon, and then the matches scheduled for this week are during the evening regular time. It's a strain on the quzzers, but needs to be done.
Here was the problem. The schedule for the cancelled week was all at one place, and was designed for that. Unfortunately, we weren't able to get in one buiding the following week, only two. So Fred had to do some major schedule revamping. The number of matches is the same, but the opponenets changed. This came to a surprise to us. More about the schedule later.
So on practice Wednesday, we had to change it a bit. Our practice matches were different. The first 13 questions were from the new material. The 3 "review" questions were the questions from the missed material. Mike and I only read the material twice by practice. For me, I quizzed out all four practice matches. For Mike, it showed-
Question: What 5 should you not take for the journey?
Michael: No money, no staff, no extra tunic, no bread........no duffelbag?
Question: What have nests?
Michael: Ummm....owls?
Question: What should you shake off...?
Michael: Shake your feet off!
Beside that, it went pretty well, but we could use more practice. With double weeks worth of material and matches, you just need a double amount of practice. So that's what Spring City is doing. We are going have an additional quiz practice on Saturday night. Then I am staying overnight. The next morning, we will practice during Sunday school hour. We should be prepared by then. So this is why you may not hear from me.
Now to the schedule. They got it down to two places: Hinkletown and E-Town. Spring City will be at E-Town all day. We were suppose to be at Hinkletown, but the schedule revamping ended us up at a farther away location. It begins at 2 PM. We have new opponents as well. For the 2 PM round, we quiz against Akron 1 (#21), then we play back-to-back matches of E-Town 2 (#6) and Good Shepherd 1 (#1!) Yes, we went from playing the no. 2 team to the no. 1 team. Nevermind, I want to to playing the no. 2. On top of that, those Top 10 teams we have to play consecutively. And I miss the fact that we no longer play the no. 27 team. That would have (theoretically) been easy points. Then at 4 PM, we get a 2 1/2 hour break for dinner. At 6:30 PM, we switch material and have two more matches. The first match is round 4 against Hopewell 2 (#22). Our last match just happens to be the last match of the day (It's gonna be later getting back home. Luckily, no school Monday). It's against Goods 1 (#11). I once again, like usual, ask you to come if you can and support the team. I know it's a distance, but that is why we need you, the distance already cuts down the number of fans. But it is an all day event. Come when you can, leave when you have to. We'd appreciate it.
Quizzing Question of the Post:
Who are the 5 that Jesus let in with him?
Quizzing Joke:
Q:Why should the ACC bring the quizmasters, coaches, scorekeepers and timekeepers to Ohio
A: Because Jesus said to take no staff for the journey
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Week 3: Neffsville
This week quizzing was the same day as the Super Bowl. As all matches Super Bowl Sunday, it began at 2 PM. Because of that, we needed practice during church hour. After doing a Wawa run for lunch, I went to the Deitricks. They took me to the church to practice at the Sunday School hour. At the Sunday school practice, I quizzed out twice, and errored out once. I felt mostly ready, but I needed to practice more.
At 12:30, we left for Neffsville. I ate on the ride up, while answering questions thrown at me. I realized how much I had no idea where the questions were coming from. So I tried to read more on the way up. When we got there, I found all my rooms, so I decided where to sit. I wanted seat 3 every match. We went back to worship. I saw Reading come in. Christine asked me, "That guy on Reading..." she pointed to someone. "Who is he?" I replied, "SHE would be Becky Moss." lol. Funny. By now, the energy drink kicked in. I was shaking all over the place. Jai kept telling me to hold still, but I couldn't. Cuz it was QUIZZING!! After worship, we had 2 back-to-back matches.
The first match was the Match of the Year. SPRING CITY VS. READING 2. For every match of the year, I have a goal to complete in it. It's like a mini-goal, or a goal inside the big goal. For this match, I wanted to be the first to quiz out, on my team and on Reading's team. I wanted to sit across from Becky, but I didn't get the chance. So I got the next best thing, I sat across the second person I wanted to, Morgen. The first two questions I buzzed in and got correct. I was sure I would quiz out on question 3, but Becky got in before me. That's the second time quizzing out on all buzzes on question 3 got away from me. If they didn't I would have done that 3 times by now. I did quiz out by question 5. It's a good thing that I didn't quiz across Becky. She got two errors. Right now, I have not gotten a single bonus to this date. Every point, every quiz out, I earned on my own. Morgen got nothing on me. I quizzed out, along with Mike, and Jai. We won 105 to 35. I completed my goal by quizzing out before everyone, including a Moss. It was a successful match.
My second match was against Petra 4. We had played them before, last year. They were our opener, and we tied. The team was different this year. I quizzed out. Michael did as well. One of those questions was to name the 12 disciples. He did it, and finished just in time. In the end, our team won 80 to 55.
After that match, our last match didn't happen until the end. So we had 4 rounds between. We watched 2 of Reading 2's matches. There wasn't a lot of improvement between them. I also one of the Petra 7 matches. They got destroyed. We all thought this would be an easy match. Time would tell....
Our last match finally came. It was against Petra 7. One of the quizzers I noticed from last year's Petra 4. I sat in seat 4. The match did not go as smoothly as we wanted it to good. I was slow. Christine wasn't getting in. Michael got 2 errors, one of them being "Name the 12 disciples" again (He forgot Matthew). We began to get our act back together after a well needed time out. I quizzed out. This was followed by Jai quizzing out for her second time. Pretty good for her first year. The scorekeeper called team bonus for Petra 7, but she made a mistake and quickly took it back. But Petra 7 was still one away from team bonus. After question 14, the score was 75 to 60 in Petra 7's favor. On the last question, Mike got in and answered correctly. Out of nowhere, we pulled off a win, with the score 80-75. We should have never gotten that, but we did.
As soon as the match was done and hands were shaken, I left immeadiately for home. I did make it home in time for the opening coin toss. And I picked the right team to win. The Steelers won 21 to 10. Now that football is over, we can now fully concentrate on quizzing.
Tuesday night standings were posted. I was amazed. My average of 32.86 points raised me up to 13th place (tied with 9 others). The only people higher are the 12 perfect quizzers. This is extremely good. This is the highest I ever been on the top 50 Quizzers List. Despite a bad match, Mike stayed on the Top 50 Quizzers List. He is currently 38th with 4 other quizzers. Jai really moved up. She now has 2 quizouts, 120 points and is in 103rd! Not bad for the first year. What surprised me even more was our team's standings. We didn't move. We are still tied for 4th place with another team. But the team we are tied with has changed. Instead of Conestoga 1, we are tied with Petra 3. Our team now has an average of 95. We'll see if we can get it back up to 100. Maybe practice tonight will reflect that.
Quizzing Question of the Post:
What kind of jar did the sinful woman bring?
Quizzing Joke: Mistranslanted Bible text - Quizzing In the Gospel
Luke 7:40-43
40. Jesus answered the Pharisee, "Simon, let's have a quizmatch." "Okay, teacher," Simon said.
41. Jesus gave him this quizzing material: "Two men owed money to a certain moneylender. One owed him five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. 42.Neither of them had the money to pay him back, so he canceled the debts of both."
"Question number 1," Jesus began to ask, "Which of them will love..."
"Oh, I think I know!" Simon the Zealot said as he jumped up. "The man who owed 50 denarii"
"Sorry, that's incorrect," Jesus said. "The bonus is for Simon the Pharisee. Bonus Question. "Which of them will love the moneylender more?"
43. Simon answered, "I suppose the one who had the bigger debt canceled."
"You are correct," said Jesus. "Ten points for you."
At 12:30, we left for Neffsville. I ate on the ride up, while answering questions thrown at me. I realized how much I had no idea where the questions were coming from. So I tried to read more on the way up. When we got there, I found all my rooms, so I decided where to sit. I wanted seat 3 every match. We went back to worship. I saw Reading come in. Christine asked me, "That guy on Reading..." she pointed to someone. "Who is he?" I replied, "SHE would be Becky Moss." lol. Funny. By now, the energy drink kicked in. I was shaking all over the place. Jai kept telling me to hold still, but I couldn't. Cuz it was QUIZZING!! After worship, we had 2 back-to-back matches.
The first match was the Match of the Year. SPRING CITY VS. READING 2. For every match of the year, I have a goal to complete in it. It's like a mini-goal, or a goal inside the big goal. For this match, I wanted to be the first to quiz out, on my team and on Reading's team. I wanted to sit across from Becky, but I didn't get the chance. So I got the next best thing, I sat across the second person I wanted to, Morgen. The first two questions I buzzed in and got correct. I was sure I would quiz out on question 3, but Becky got in before me. That's the second time quizzing out on all buzzes on question 3 got away from me. If they didn't I would have done that 3 times by now. I did quiz out by question 5. It's a good thing that I didn't quiz across Becky. She got two errors. Right now, I have not gotten a single bonus to this date. Every point, every quiz out, I earned on my own. Morgen got nothing on me. I quizzed out, along with Mike, and Jai. We won 105 to 35. I completed my goal by quizzing out before everyone, including a Moss. It was a successful match.
My second match was against Petra 4. We had played them before, last year. They were our opener, and we tied. The team was different this year. I quizzed out. Michael did as well. One of those questions was to name the 12 disciples. He did it, and finished just in time. In the end, our team won 80 to 55.
After that match, our last match didn't happen until the end. So we had 4 rounds between. We watched 2 of Reading 2's matches. There wasn't a lot of improvement between them. I also one of the Petra 7 matches. They got destroyed. We all thought this would be an easy match. Time would tell....
Our last match finally came. It was against Petra 7. One of the quizzers I noticed from last year's Petra 4. I sat in seat 4. The match did not go as smoothly as we wanted it to good. I was slow. Christine wasn't getting in. Michael got 2 errors, one of them being "Name the 12 disciples" again (He forgot Matthew). We began to get our act back together after a well needed time out. I quizzed out. This was followed by Jai quizzing out for her second time. Pretty good for her first year. The scorekeeper called team bonus for Petra 7, but she made a mistake and quickly took it back. But Petra 7 was still one away from team bonus. After question 14, the score was 75 to 60 in Petra 7's favor. On the last question, Mike got in and answered correctly. Out of nowhere, we pulled off a win, with the score 80-75. We should have never gotten that, but we did.
As soon as the match was done and hands were shaken, I left immeadiately for home. I did make it home in time for the opening coin toss. And I picked the right team to win. The Steelers won 21 to 10. Now that football is over, we can now fully concentrate on quizzing.
Tuesday night standings were posted. I was amazed. My average of 32.86 points raised me up to 13th place (tied with 9 others). The only people higher are the 12 perfect quizzers. This is extremely good. This is the highest I ever been on the top 50 Quizzers List. Despite a bad match, Mike stayed on the Top 50 Quizzers List. He is currently 38th with 4 other quizzers. Jai really moved up. She now has 2 quizouts, 120 points and is in 103rd! Not bad for the first year. What surprised me even more was our team's standings. We didn't move. We are still tied for 4th place with another team. But the team we are tied with has changed. Instead of Conestoga 1, we are tied with Petra 3. Our team now has an average of 95. We'll see if we can get it back up to 100. Maybe practice tonight will reflect that.
Quizzing Question of the Post:
What kind of jar did the sinful woman bring?
Quizzing Joke: Mistranslanted Bible text - Quizzing In the Gospel
Luke 7:40-43
40. Jesus answered the Pharisee, "Simon, let's have a quizmatch." "Okay, teacher," Simon said.
41. Jesus gave him this quizzing material: "Two men owed money to a certain moneylender. One owed him five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. 42.Neither of them had the money to pay him back, so he canceled the debts of both."
"Question number 1," Jesus began to ask, "Which of them will love..."
"Oh, I think I know!" Simon the Zealot said as he jumped up. "The man who owed 50 denarii"
"Sorry, that's incorrect," Jesus said. "The bonus is for Simon the Pharisee. Bonus Question. "Which of them will love the moneylender more?"
43. Simon answered, "I suppose the one who had the bigger debt canceled."
"You are correct," said Jesus. "Ten points for you."
Thursday, February 02, 2006
"Least of these" vs. "Enemies"
I really like the material for this week, not because of its difficulty, but what Jesus is teaching. My favorite part is Luke 6:32-36.
Luke 6:32-36-
"If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even 'sinners' love those who love them. And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even 'sinners' do that. And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even 'sinners' lend to 'sinners,' expecting to be repaid in full. But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful."
When we do missions and service, we base it off Matthew 25. We do it for "the least of these." But Luke opens our eyes to something. While doing this stuff for the "least of those", we really don't know them. We have nothing against them, so we do it. But Luke throws in a different idea. What if we do these things for those who are our enemies? Can we forget their iniquities against us, not hold a grudge, not seek any kind of revenge, and be nice to them? For example, if someone crashed into your car, and both cars were damaged, would you pay for his/her car to be fixed as well as yours?
One day in March, our school has Random Acts of Kindness Day. On this day, students can pay for Senate to hand out to someone a not of compliments, encouragement and exhortation. A very good idea, but once again, destroyed by the student body. I GUARENTEE that most people will only give these notes to friends (and of course show-off couples will do what they do best and give one to their boyfriend/girlfriend). This proves Jesus's point. We say we do good stuff, but we only do it to those we know well and are our friends. Jesus states that unsaved and even bad people do that. It doesn't make us any different from them. So how do we? The world tells us to love our friends, and hate our enemies. If we show love towards our enemies, that will separate us from everyone else, and by our love towards those who hate us, the world will notice the followers of Christ.
Quizzing Question of the post:
Where had a great number of people come from to hear Jesus and be cured of the sicknesses?
Luke 6:32-36-
"If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even 'sinners' love those who love them. And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even 'sinners' do that. And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even 'sinners' lend to 'sinners,' expecting to be repaid in full. But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful."
When we do missions and service, we base it off Matthew 25. We do it for "the least of these." But Luke opens our eyes to something. While doing this stuff for the "least of those", we really don't know them. We have nothing against them, so we do it. But Luke throws in a different idea. What if we do these things for those who are our enemies? Can we forget their iniquities against us, not hold a grudge, not seek any kind of revenge, and be nice to them? For example, if someone crashed into your car, and both cars were damaged, would you pay for his/her car to be fixed as well as yours?
One day in March, our school has Random Acts of Kindness Day. On this day, students can pay for Senate to hand out to someone a not of compliments, encouragement and exhortation. A very good idea, but once again, destroyed by the student body. I GUARENTEE that most people will only give these notes to friends (and of course show-off couples will do what they do best and give one to their boyfriend/girlfriend). This proves Jesus's point. We say we do good stuff, but we only do it to those we know well and are our friends. Jesus states that unsaved and even bad people do that. It doesn't make us any different from them. So how do we? The world tells us to love our friends, and hate our enemies. If we show love towards our enemies, that will separate us from everyone else, and by our love towards those who hate us, the world will notice the followers of Christ.
Quizzing Question of the post:
Where had a great number of people come from to hear Jesus and be cured of the sicknesses?
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