"If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness." -2 Corinthians 11:30
"But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me." -2 Corinthians 12:9
The Spring City quiz team is not known for negative qualities, but if there one negative thing about Spring City, it would the number of errors we produced in a year. Spring City is infamous for our errors. For some reason, it mostly happens in the championship. In 2005, during the ACC Tournament, Spring City errored 36 times, and got the championship. In 2006 ACC Tournament, we errored 22 times, half of them were from Mike Schwager. This earned him the title "Mayor of Errorville." In this past ACC Tournament, by the time we lost in the second round of the playoffs, we had collected 38 errors. If we would have made it to the final match, we probably would've past the 40 error marker easily. Heck, this is just talking about our team! You should see the individuals that help propel errors so high. As I mentioned, in 2005 & 2006, Mike was elected "Mayor of Errorville" because of his vast amount of errors. Yet when he "ran for re-election" in 2007 & 2008, he lost both years to Tim. Tim errors out about 1-3 times a year. Last year, by week 5, Tim had already racked up 19 errors by week 5. He could probably tell you how many he had at the end of the year. Now this isn't just something I know, or my team knows, this is known throughtout the whole ACC. After all, the reason Fred decided that the one bonus given during 4-way fun matches would be random was because [and I do quote Fred exactly], "just in case you're sitting across from Spring City."
It's interesting to see the philosophies of errors on my team. Between my coaches, I think this is the only time I've seen them disagree is on errors. Vicki believes the fewer errors, the better, with the best being no errors at all. If there was a way to get negative errors, she probably would've figured it out. Her concern is that no questions are answered wrong. Dave is the other way. He likes the fact we are trying to buzz in so much, it overshadows the fact we error. He's fine if we error as long as we don't kill any seats, lose points, and keep our head in the right place. Vicki demands us to slow down with too many errors; Dave allows to stay the same speed in buzzing. I don't mean to sound like I'm picking on the coaches, the top 2 quizzers on Spring City seem to have the same split view on errors. Tim's approach on errors is liberal, especially looking at his error record. He's more concerned about how fast he's buzzing more than whether he can answer it correctly or not. I'm more conserative with errors. If you haven't heard my illustration, I think of errors like a traffic light. Your first error is still green light, go at full speed. Your second error is a yellow light; slow down. The third error is your red light because you are forced to stop. I do try to error as little as possible. One of the stats that made my 8th place finish even more satisfactory that I only had 8 errors. That tied my lowest number of errors in my career (well, at least since I started keeping track). Likewise, I encourage my quizmates (quizmates = quizzer/quizzing + teammates, if you haven't figured that out yet) to do the same and keep errors to a minimum. Quizmates who are still below average I tell not to buzz in until they know the correct answer. Quizmates with average performances I tell to buzz in when they have enough of the question that is key and can think up the answer. Quizmates who are above average I tell to buzz in when they hear enough to figure out the rest of the question and then the answer.
I talked about the philosophy on how to deal with errors, but I really didn't talk about the why. Why are errors dealt with the way they are? For those who allow errors and don't mind them, they see it as a show of good effort in attempting to buzz in at the correct time and attempting to answer correctly. The more tries, the better one gets. Well what about those who see errors as evil? What about them? I thought about this for a while, about their bane of errors. I pondered possibly because it gives bonuses to the other team, or that 3 of them for one quizzer kills a seat, or that 5 of them hurts the team's score. These all good possible reasons why. Now, for me, who is concentrated on personal scores and stats have more reasons to hate errors. For me, errors are a sign of not knowing the material. They are a sign of not being able to buzz in at the right time. They show that you are unable to think through enough to process a right answer. To sum those all up in one sentence, errors are a sign of weakness.
Nobody likes being called weak. We want to be strong. Weak has such negative connotation. Errors aren't just a sign of weakness in quizzing. It's true in other sports. For example, errors in baseball mean that the fielder was unable to catch the ball as he should have. He was weak. But you don't need to be a sports player to make errors. Make an error in performing your job, you look weak to your boss. Make errors on a test or exam, you get a weak grade. With some medical examinations, if there are errors in your body's performance, you literally have a weak body. You make an error in meeting your buddy, it makes your friendship look weak. Errors make us look weak. We want to forgot our errors and totally avoid future ones.
It's uncommon to see people openly talk about their weaknesses, and it's rare to see them brag about them. Those who do seem crazy to us. How many times have you heard in prideful way, "I'm so lazy...I have bad work ethic...my GPA is less than 1.o...I am terrible at sports...I am so dumb...I have absolutely no musical talent..." etc. Yeah, you probably never hear these things in a bragging way. But 2 Corinthians 11:30 & 12:9 seems to say that's the right way to approach. It's just amazing alone that we are allowed to brag. The Bible commands us to not to boast because our boasting leads to pride, which is at the heart of all sin. Usually we boast about our talents and other things we are good at so we uplift ourselves. You can't do this with our weaknesses. Weaknesses expose our faults, which only destroy our image and pride. Jesus uses that for His own glory. He takes our weakness, and through His grace and power, turns the weakness completely the opposite way through into perfection. So when we praise Jesus for our weaknesses, we are also praising him for His power and grace that give us purpose.
Let's circle this back to quizzing. God has used errors to teach Spring City about humilty and pride, success and failure. The errors keep Spring City in check. Every time that we pray before we go into a match, we pray for God's favor to bless us. If we shown ourselves approved, God grants our prayer and gives us points and wins. Our coaches remind to humble ourselves or God will humble us in a not so pleasant way. God does that through errors. It is if God is saying, "I, the Lord God has given you those points. Now let me step back and show you how weak you are on your own." So God steps back and lets us try on own. No matter how we try, we error. We error, we lose points from those errors, we lose seats to error outs. When we boast about ourselves, God humbles us. When we humble ourselves and acknowledge Christ working in our weakness, Christ uplifts us.
The story that I am reminded of is an incident I had in 2006. I never really talked about because for me, weaknesses and errors are embarrassing and humiliating. I only reffered to it as my "incident" or my "accident", but you probably figured out what it is...an error out. It was my first error out. To me, an error out is the worse thing you can do to both yourself and your team. You stop yourself from quizzing, prevent another quizzer from taking your place, and bring your team halfway to losing points. I condemned anyone for getting an error out. Mine came in the second match of first week in 2006. See, the previous match before was probably my best of my career. I quizzed out on the first questions, all buzzes. I was on a roll and already heading for a perfect season. I was happy for what I did...almost too happy...pretty much prideful. If I wasn't prideful, I was dangerously close to getting there. So the Lord intervened and humbled me. I errored out. Reflecting back on that day, I finally realize that's exactly what the Lord was doing First, he was hhumbling me. Second, he was reminding me that every point and every quiz out was a gift from the Father. Apart fom Him, I am too weak to gain anything on my own.
With that in mind, I thank God every point, for every quiz out, for every win. They are not mine, they are the Lord's. I thank and praise God for four consecutive years on the Top 50 Quizzers List. Even to this day I praise and thank God for our team winning the 2005 ACC Tournament. Ah, yes, the 2005 ACC Tournament! What a perfect example! As a stated above, we reached 36 errors by the time we won that final match. How could that be? Look at 2 Corinthians 11:30 & 12:9. The Lord saw Spring City as excellent canidates for winning the ACC Tournament. But there was only one problem: we were too strong. It's kinda like Gideon. When Gideon brought the army and presented it to God, he said, "Too big. They'll think the won on their own merit. Shrink it down." We were good canidates for winning the whole tournament, but we were still strong enough that the team, as well as other teams, could say we earned it on our own. So the Lord reminded us that He was in control by weakening us with errors. Weakened and broken by our errors, we depended on God to take us into the playoffs, and through the playoffs, and He was faithful to the team. God used Spring City's weakeness for His glory.
So have I changed my philosophy on errors? Yes and no. No on the how; I still want to get as few errors as possible, hoping for none. Yes on the why, in the sense that I am now proud of my errors. My errors remind me that I cannot do this on my own and help me recognize that God is using me. So I boast about my errors. It is a sign that God is active in my life. So for my fellow quizzers, I say to you boast about errors! Now be careful, there's a wrong way to do it. It's wrong to brag about your errors to show how you you are, such as saying "I can error so much and still be on top!" This is a pride to yourself. Instead, boast about your errors in such that God gets the glory for your accomplishments. May this be the prayer of us quizzers...
*O LORD, may You be glorified in our correct buzz-ins, in our bonuses, and even our errors.*
The most literal reading of the Bible is to understand the Bible in its original context: historical context, geographical context, cultural context and literary context.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
My Spring City home dawgs
Last Sunday, 8 days ago, was what I call the "Quizzing banquet." I call it that because when sports team finish their year they have a sports banquet honoring the team's accomplishments, as well as some individual's accomplishments. Pretty much, this is what is done at the end of the year for the quizzers. The quiz team as a whole is mentioned on how they did, then each quizzer is brought up individually to talk about how they did for the team, and finally who the secret sponser was for that person. Dave and Vicki also gave us the chance to be able to say something. All my fellow quizmates got up and said something about the team and their teammates. I got up and said something about our great coaches, at which time I presented our gift to them, a quizbook signed by the whole team. I really wanted to focus that time on our quiz coaches because they did an awesome job coaching us in some many ways. But don't get me wrong, we a great team, full of wonderful individuals. So at this time, as I do yearly, I would like to recognize my quizzing teammates for the accomplishments and what they have done for this team. And as I do every year, I am not going to tag a name onto the desciption. Just in case I might say something that person might find embarrassing. But you can feel free to guess who it is. I accidently might leave hints ;).
for the past 3 years, i have noticed that there is someone on the team who brings a fun, exciting and encouraging Atmosphere to the the team. i also realized that for these Last 3 years it happens to be the Youngest quizzer on the team who finishes with the Smallest Score. first it was bekah, then it was bryan, and now it's you. you were the youngest on the team, but it didn't stop you from joining the big boys in their fun. you were the only one willing to be pushed by mike on the hand cart. you almost took out the deitricks television playing wii boxing. there Are a lot of funny memories you gave this Team. yeah, you scored the lowest of all year, but i swear that had to be the holy spirit. you buzzed in on "on what was jesus..."! first of all, you had some crazy buzzes this year, enough of them to make us older quizzers proud. second of all, nobody knew the answer at the point! that's why i'm sure that the holy spirit gave you that answer. it was random, but right! pretty amazing you're first one Right was not a bonus, but a buzz-in. you made practice and matches fun, Even when we weren't doing too good. your Estatic personality can be uplifting in down times, a strong need for a quizteam. so i hope to see you next year so you can answer more questions right in real Matches. if U don't, i'll keep calling u by your right-answer nickname Longer than you may Like. In god's Name, i pray that he will make you a leader to your peers and church as paul told timothy to be. (Alyssa "Tree" Mullin)
Boy, you are like a sponge. On the first practice of the year, as dave was explaining the Basics of quizzing, like the rules and how scoring works, i could tell you were getting this down. you learned fast. not many rookies can get a Buzz-in correctly on the first week, but You did it! and it got us team bonus in the process, another thing few rookies experience the first week. after christine left, you were just what the DR. ordered for this team. you were a strong 4th seat. you got us team Bonus a few times, and one time you even quizzed Out! after that quizout, since you were quizout number 4, was amazing getting to see you lay Back up there with nothing to do! your triple-digit score of 105 points got u into the top 200, 2 accomplishments that are rare to rookies. i have 2 favorite memories of you getting right answers. the first one is when we were at weaverland. we were doing poorly, and we needed a jumpstart in the next match. on the first question you buzzed in on "whose clutches..." to answer Herod and got it right! It suprised us all and encouraged the older guys to get their butt in gear. Another favorite of mine was that match against petra 3 in the acc tournament. we had tied it Up twice as were in Sudden-death overtime question. the older quizzers Were feeling powerless As the team's fate was in the hands of 2 rookies and a 2nd year quizzer. Last question we would ever have that match. you buzzed in, answered "some bad characters formed a mob" and got it right! without that, we wouldn't be able to have been undefeated in the acc tournament. but we had a lot of fun in practice too. you came up with some creative answers, but they were a little more intellegable than some other person we know. it was funny hearing you say "a geographic location" instead of giving a proper place or saying "small particles of matter" instead of Dust. still, you learned it, and we learned from you. i can truly see a younger self in me. i'm glad you felt like part of a team. we were glad to have you on the team. you are truly one of the spring city boiz. you joined in on our schnanigans, and it showed...literally (i don't care what jen says, you look good with it shaved!) can't wait to see you back on the team next year cuz i think you would make a really solid 4th seat next year. solid! as dave told us many time, i will also tell you. it's great that you have that knowledge in your head, but you got to put that into your heart. you know many things about interpreting the scriptures, but it's no good if in the end you don't apply it. apply it, and you will gain wisdom. (Bobby "Dr. Bob" Hauswald)
after you had an incredible first year, i was glad to that you Chose to try quizzing again for a second year, even as early as april! now from what i collected at the quizzing banquet, you were a little disappointed at How you did this year. trust me, i know Exactly how you feel. i also started my second year after have a strong finish to my rookie year, getting a buzz in right pretty much every match. i too expected me to do so much better the next year, even reaching the top 50 quizzer List. So i too was disappointed when i didn't even reach the top 150! you Expect A lot from yourself, but really it's almost too much. if you look at it statistically, you didn't do worse, you did the Exact same. instead of seeing, what you didn't do, look at what you did do. 40 points is still good. There are at least 30 quizzers below you (if not more) who didn't get Nearly what you did and i bet they wish they did. you also reached some areas where the other quizzers couldn't reach. it was no mistake when i called you "the lady of review." when the rest of us Forgot review after the weekly divisions in the season, you picked Up the same Exact questions. GO you! Maybe i should pick Up a few pointers from you ;). you also were a big contribution to the team. always quick to Laugh at joke or join in a game (admit it, you Liked playing jell-o in the back of the van coming home from the Invitational!) you were also a big help to me. you helped me with the brackets on both tournaments and when i would ask you questions, you would gladly accept them. so i'm glad to hear you are alread onboard for Next year as well. as you said yourself, it may be easier for you since you are going back to homeschooling (i'm telling you, we'll turn into one of those sand ridge kids, lol). and i will help anyway next year to make you better. it was my third year when i took off, and the same might be true for you too. my exhortation to keep bringing people into the church showing god's love to all. be a friend to the friendless and those who are hard to be friends with. in the end, god's love conquers all. (Chelsea "En fuego" Mullin)
ah, yes, although not consectively, i have quizzed with you for a Total of 3 years on the same team, 4 years at the same church. the 4 years on the same team is longer than any of your siblings. congratulations. I have seen you in Many positions, having your ups and down. This year was full of them. Half the time you were up, the other half you we done. it seemed like you either would quiz out or Error out. yet it was always fun to watch you quiz. it goes back to your two poles. we think you know it and you get it wrong; we think "there is no possible way he'll get this" and it's right! my favorite part is watching you contest or rebuddal. you always seem to be able to ENCHANT the quizmaster and judges into thinking you're right, Especially when it comes to grammar, like the difference between "who" questions and "what questions. lol. still, through trials and tribulations, you finished in 29th with 530 points and 15 quizouts. if i'm not mistaken, that is your best so far. you deserved every point you got, but for the Record, i still got More :-). you've been deemed by me a valuable advisory. still, you're gonna have to try better to show you got the power to beat me. may that alone be a reason to come back for another year. i would like you On the team again. in closing, i have a word for you, just as the deitricks did (and this might be another good reason why I do this without any names). i remember one sunday at the pre-worship, you reminded me of what dave has told me over and over: "pride is death to the Spirit." truthfully, i was shocked because I wasn't expecting that from you, nor anyone else on the team but the deitricks. But it was a helpful reminded. hearing it from you told me that you were receiving this word as much as i was. And now that quizzing is over, i send the same word back to you. "pride is death to Spirit." i want to remind you of this because i want you to know this is true even outside of quizzing. whatever you are doing, pride is still death to the spirit. when you are playing your other favorite sports like baseball, soccer or basketball, pride is still death to the spirit. when you are hanging out with your friends or on a date with your girlfriend, pride is death to the spirit. we live in a culture that tells us it's best to be number one, to be on top, to be the best and look done on others. but god's way is different. don't let your pride kill you, but find your life to be a humble one, unlifting god first, and then unlifting others, even your enemies, with kind words and actions. (Tim "the Enchanter" Moss)
it's been 4 consective years we've been on the same team, which makes you the longest guy quizzer that's been with Me. congratulations. It's been an interesting ride. i've seen you on the top of your game and on the bottom. this year your season was not as big and bad. you only scored 340 points. that got you to 85th, finishing in the top 100 for the third consective year. actually, that's pretty much exact same you did last year. but this year is more impressive than last year, i think. you were able to learn the quizzing material while taking physics and Calculus 2 at psu berks (and i remember you telling me that it's a harder program than usual). Heck, you were even working a full time job and you still could study enough to finish in the same place. A lot of quizzers who are in high school cannot balance their schooling and job, and you had it harder! good job! Errors came Less this year, so many fewer that tim beat you by a lot. Sure you didn't do so well in the season, but you Completely made up for that in the tournaments. You were a Heckava quizzer as you gave us team bonus and quiz outs. Winning is what you did best. A lot of the time it seemed like you were carrying a third of the team's burden. Great way to show you Give to this team. Don't get me wrong it's not All about points. Wherever there was fun, craizness or trouble, you always seemed to be there. whether it was going back for a pizza run, shoveling snow off from on top of the van, wrestling in the LBC foyer or driving a car barely inspection, you were there. But my favorite memories have some of the answers you Gave. Sometimes it seemed like your Consistent babbling was right, but you ended up wrong. Half the time you looked like you were clueless, or that you didn't study that part, but you Would pull the answer out of no where And get us the points. my favorite memory is when you would pull your "hat trick." you would pick a random answer out of your imaginary hat, and it would be the right one! hey, if it works, it works! you've been quizzing almost as long as me, and it shows that you also got some "ol' school quizzing style" in you. The craizness of the quizzers of past Generations will live on because of you. you would be always quick to join in on our team pride. whether it was wearing team shirts, goin' cowboy, or shaving the head, you were in (although the shaven head was scary. you did look like a white supremeist). i also have a word for you. i remember you did quiz from 2002, when we quizzed on joshua. i Encourage you to go back and read the book. if you look at it closely and thoughly, you'll see the main message is that god wants to bless his people, but only if they will obey. i believe that applies to today, especially for you. god wants to bless you, but the only way that he will is if you Remember to follow his laws and commands. it's true that good works don't save us, but they do give us blessing. so go, avoid sin, but produce fruit of the spirit. and god will bless you. (Michael "Schwagg dawg" Schwager)
Thank you all my teammates for another great year. I also want to once again thank my coaches Dave and Vicki Deitrick for bringing us together and holding us together. We bonded as a team, and in doing so we reached some major accomplishments. In the season we finished 4th place with an average with 97. 4th place is the highest I have ever finished with a team, and the first time my team was seeded in both tournmanets. We are definitely an improving team. We did better this season and we did better in the ACC Tourament than we did in the past 2 years, going undefeated in the ACC Tourament. You guys were all great to have on a team, and I will miss during the offseason. And a friendly reminder to my quizzers that I do exist ouside the months. I am not Baal! I do not die after the secret sponser banquet and then resurrect in January, fully knowledgeable in the Scriptures! lol. Keep in contact. I'd love to hear from you all. And I'm glad you all have made a decision to come back next year. With everyone experienced, we can only get better!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Quizzing March Madness Part 2: Invitational
A good quizzing year has got to end with a bang. So what could be bigger than putting together 5 conferences of Bible Quzzing into one giant quizzing tournament. Yes, just as we finished every year, the last tournament is the invitational. The "Ohio tournament", as we ACC quizzers call it, was in Pennsylvania, at Lancaster Bible College. Kind of an oxymoron. There were 81 teams altogether: 2 from Virginia, 7 from Wayne County, 9 from West Liberty, 10 from Northwest Ohio and the most coming from, of course, the ACC with 53 teams. A total of 81 teams for 3 days in Lancasater, PA. What kind of craziness could this result in? Let me tell you...
I was the first quizzer to arrive at the Deitricks. I was the first one that they saw live with the new shaven head. Yes, I followed my team into shaving our heads. I was the last,m but I did it. Now, while Tim and Mike bic-ed their head (shaved it down to the skin on their skull), I went with Bobby and wenth an eighth of an inch. Slowly all the quizzers entered in with their stuff. Tim brought Chelsea and Alyssa, and we saw Tim's bald head. He lookled like Mr. Clean. When Mike cam in, he looked like some kind of White Supremesist. Bobby had re-shaved his head for the occasion. Now we were truly 4 men in a vow. And these 4 men were ready.
Usually for practice, Spring City practices from 7-9 P.M., four practice matches, two from Dave, two from Vicki. Even when we had that overnight for the ACC Tournament, we did the same. But this was the invitational. This is different. So we practiced from 7-10 p.m., 6 practice matches, 3 from Dave, 3 from Vicki. Ya got to step it up for the big tournament of the year. After practice, we relaxed and had fun. I set up my Wii for the girls. They thought they set up all the pieces, but theey forgot the important sensor bar so the Wiimote could be read. Silly girls. "You need all the parts." lol. I was more focused on studying. In the middle of it, Tim and Mike called Bobby and I up to the room. Literally. I got a call on my cell phone from Tim to come up with Bobby and bring snacks and drinks. We did go up, but nothing happened up there. I just continued to study. So I went back down to play Wii until Mrs. Deitrick told us to go to bed at 12:30 because we had to leave by 6:30 a.m. the next morning. Bobby and I roomed. I went to bed listening to the material and praying for my team.
I woke up at 6:10 to Bobby's cell phone alarm going off. He said, "We have 5 more minutes." So I rolled over. Well, a couple more "5 minutes more" I decided to get up. It was 6:25 a.m. So I decided to get up and do my thing to get ready. As my parents have always told me, I'm loud when I get up. I was loud enough to wake up the Deitricks. Apparently, the electricity went out and their alarm did not wake them up. So we rushed frantically about to get out of the house. The funniest part was Mike and Tim. Vicki explained to them what had happened, but not thoroughly enough for them to explain. She did explain how the power went off, but not that it was now back on. So when Mike went to turn on the lights, with his hand on the lightswitch, Tim said, "Don't bother to turn on the lights, the power is out." So Mike didn't turn on the lights and they got dressed in the dark. We finally were all together to leave by 6:50, twenty minutes after we wanted to. I practiced on the way up. Everyone threatened me that if I played "Horse-and-punch-buggy" they would all wail me back harder, so I skipped on that.
We somehow got there right on time, at 8 a.m. on the dot. Still, we were a little late for the big meeting because we had to say hi and catch up with the quizzers from our host family last year. Then we went into a packed auditorium for the announcements. We didn't hear a lot because we had to find a seat. I did hear an announcement about how they were going to deal with a block. If the quizmaster was uncertain of a block, but it kinda looked suspicious, they could reset the buzzers and ask another question. If it happened again, or if they were really sure, then they could asses a foul. It was a good call from the staff. We prayed, and then we off to matches.
We had the second round in the round robin, so we had to go to another match before. We went to GSC-205 because we had the next match there and we wanted to watch the quizmaster. The match there was Grace Chapel 2 (West Liberty) vs. New Danville (ACC). It was match from Group N with New Danville as the seeded team. It was obvious New Danville was seeded as they took off with the match. New Danville won easily. As our team watched, we watched where they were buzzing in and if we knew the answer by then. We were doing with that. The questions seemed easy, and we for the most part knew the answers. Now it was our turn in the room...well, almost. The match got over early, and we had to wait for our opponents. So we prayed and studied a little bit more. Tim read up on Honda motorcycles. Finally Zion 1 arrived. They had been watching Zion 2. Last time we quizzed against Zion 1 we won barely 90-80 in a hard match. This time, Zion 1 was not as hardcore against us. We maintained getting 90 points, which included me quizzing out. We won 90-45. We did better than we did last time against Zion. Spring City started in their round robin 1-0.
Repeat process. We had to wait a a round until our match, so we went to the room anyway to watch the quizmaster. This quizmaster was a favorite of our team: Jaime Detweiler. We also had a favorite scorekeeper as well. It always seemed like the match before us involved Grace Chapel 2 because the matched before us was Grace Chapel 2 (West Liberty) vs. Goods 2 (ACC). Grace Chapel 2 had a better start for this match, but they weren't going to win this one either. Spring City just watched how Jaime quizmastered. Now it was our turn up. Our match was against Crossway 1, a team from West Liberty. This was not the same one Landon from last year was on, thank goodness. They were seeded. Still, we approached this team with caution. Caution was not needed at all. We won 90-20. Spring City was still undefeated 2-0.
Reapeat process again. Spring City had a rest match, so once again we went to the room we were going to be in to watch the match. In that room the match was Petra 4 (ACC) vs. Central 1 (Northwest). We cheered for our friends on Petra 4, but mainly to watch the quizmaster. Next was our match against Byerland...again....again again. Yes, this was our third match against Byerland. The first time in the season we beat them greatly 135-55. The second time was in the ACC Tournament, where we barely won 65-55 by me quizzing out on question 15. We hoped to do more of a season performance thanthe ACC Tournament performance against them. Some things in the match never change. Both Charise and I quizzed out. But like other matches against Byerland, after Charise quizzed out, and there was really no action on Byerland's side. We won 105 to 45. Spring City remains undefeated 3-0 with one more match in the round robin.
Repeat process again again. We had to wait a match to our last match. So we went to the room and watched the match before us. It was important to watch this quizmaster because the staff was from West Liberty. We watched Timberline have a successful win against Neffsville 2. Now it was our shot. Our match was against Hinkletown 1. We had played them once in the season and won 100 to 45. This time Hinkletown 1 was stronger than in the season. They took control in the beginning and took a good lead. I quizzed out, but sloppily. In the end Hinkletown was the winner. Spring City finished the round robin 3-1.
Now things got difficult. We were done at 3-1. The other 4 teams still had one match to go. Hinkletown 1 was 2-1. Byerland was 2-1. Crossway 1 was 1-3. Zion 1 was 0-3. Because Zion 1 lost to Crossway 1, they were out of it. Yet their game would decide a major factor. We could be tied for first in a 2-way tie or a 3-way tie. A 2-way tie would be decided by head-on. A 3-way tie would be decided on errors. The 2-way tie would be in our favor, the 3-way tie would not be in our favor. We could end up 1st, 2nd or 3rd. We definitely did not want 3rd because 3rd meant quizzing against Sonnenberg/Pleasant View, a powerhouse team combining the best quizzers from two churches. 1st or 2nd is our aim. The last two quizmatches in our our group were Hinkletown 1 vs. Crossway 1 and Zion 1 vs. Byerland. We needed the underdog Crossway 1 to win over Hinkletown 1 to get first. If they couldn't win, we needed winless Zion 1 to win against Byerland so we could get 2nd. If neither happened, we would get 3rd, and have to quiz against Sonnenberg/Pleasant View. Tim and Mike went to the Zion vs. Byerland match; Dave and I went to the Crossway vs. Hinkletown match. It was looking good as Crossway was winning at one point with the score 55 to 20. But Hinkletown 1 got their act together and won against Crossway 1. So now we needed Zion to win. It seemed hopeless as Zion was winless at that point and clearly out of the tournament. But they put their best into it and got their only win of the tournament. Thank you, Zion 1! So Group F finished this way:
Group F
1. Hinkletown 1 (3-1)
2. Spring City (3-1)
3. Byerland (2-2)
4. Crossway 1 (1-3)
5. Zion 1 (1-3)
Not that first place we wanted, but it got us into the tournament. We were 1 of the 64 teams going to quiz in the afternoon in the bracket. Only 17 teams didn't make it, including Zion 1 and both Emmanuels. We found out our next match would be in GSC-204 against Rockville 1. But for now, we went and had lunch. Lunch was catered barbeque. Chelsea didn't like it because it was mostly meat. I enjoyed my chicken barbeque sandwich, but I also tried to study in between. When we were done, I took Chelsea and the rookies back to the Good Shepherd Chapel. We updated my personal bracket, and then we found a place in the hallway to practice. I ask them questions. Bobby got most of them.
As the morning went, we had to wait a match until we were up. The match in the room before that was Petra 1 vs. Blainsport. Since I usually root for who I predict will win, and the Deitricks were friends with the Eshes, I rooted for Petra 1. But Dave went to cheer for Blainsport. It seems like he never cheers for the people I'm cheering for. I'll never get that. Anyway, Petra 1 performed like a champion, which they are. Andrew Weiler quizzed out on question 3, all buzzes. Megan Blank covered the situation questions. They got team bonus and another quiz out, plus one more right to boot. Petra 1 was victorious, scoring 130 points. Now we were up against Rockville 2. We had quizzed Rockville 2 in the season, winning 75 to 50. This time we did better. We performed at Petra 1 strength, scoring in the triple digits, giving us the win. We were advancing in the winners bracket.
Our next match would be either against Zion 2 or Longenecker, and it was Longenecker. Longenecker finished 3rd in Wayne County, but it was a close 3rd, only missing 2nd place by 45 points. Longenecker has always been a tough team, and they still were. We could not compete with them and lost the match. We were on the one-loss side of the bracket.
Luckily going from one end of the bracket to another gives you a 1-match break until the next match. As usual, we went into the room we were in next. We watched Paradise 2 vs. Petra 3, both teams we quizzed in the ACC Tournament round robin. It started out as a close match, but Petra 3 took off and won the match. Now it was our turn up. The previous match was an inner church match between Goods 1 and Goods 3, and we would quiz the winner. Apparently Goods 1 was the winner because they were our opponents. Spring City took control of the match. I quizzed out. We won against Goods 1, advancing us in the losers bracket.
Since we were further in the bracket, matches were now closer, and we had hurry off to our next match. We returned to the room where we quizzed Hinkletown 1, hoping for better results this time. It was against Petra 6. I had forgotten it at the time, but this was another team we had quizzed in the season. We had beaten them at their home sanctuary in the season. At a smaller room at LBC, we were able to get our second win against Petra 6 this year. We were advancing in the second chance bracket more.
Our next match was against another Petra. This was Petra 5. Petra 5 was not to be taken lightly. Then finished 4th in League A, 6th in the whole ACC, with an average of 89 points. Seeded in both tournaments, they had also won the ACC Tournament this year. So it was the 2008 ACC Tournament Champions vs. the 2005 ACC Tournament Champions (even though Mike and I were the only ones left from that 2005 team). Another thing comes to play with quizzing against the ACC Tournament Champions. Last year Spring City quizzed against Rockville 1, the ACC Tournament Champions at the time, in the losers bracket and beat them, knocking them out! So it only made sense when we won against Petra 5. Yes, Spring City was the winners. We were moving on in the one-loss bracket, while Petra 5 was not. Add another ACC Tournament Champion to the Spring City victim list :)
Our next match was against the team we were avoiding quizzing against in the beginning. This was the dreaded match against Sonnenberg/Pleasant View. Being one of 6 matches going on, the small classroom was crowded with many viewers. Since Sonnenberg/Pleasant View was the only Wayne County quizteam quizzing at the time, it seemed like everyone from Wayne County was cheering for them! We had attracted some fans too. Zion was there, and so was Slate Hill 2, and even Blainsport was there! (See, it paid for Dave to be cheering for them!) Cheering might have helped Sonnenberg/P. View, but it didn't help Spring City. Sonnenberg/PV took off with their perfect quizzer Dennis Stauffer quizzing out. What suprised me is that they kept him in, despite having subs, including Dennis's own sister! The highlight for Spring City was that I quizzed out. That's it. They did a good job, and Sonnenberg/Pleasant View won.
So Spring City was done for the day, the tournament, and the year. As for the tournament, Spring City was 6-3: 3-1 in the round robin, 3-2 in the bracket. I quizzed out most, if not all, the matches. Comapred to last year, it seems we did better last year. Last year Spring City made it a match further in the tournament bracket: last year it was 4-2, this year was 3-2. But compared to 2005 and 2006, we did better this year than both of those years. Now that I look back on it, this was a pretty good tournament.
Our match was the last one of the afternoon, leading us up to the 2 hour break for dinner. We got to the dining hall late because of our match, and it was packed! We found some booths in the corner and had dinner there. Chelsea was relieved to find more meatless options this time. After dinner, Tim and Mike went to play frisbee with Calvary and Crossway (I found that odd considering both of them had matches that evening). Chelsea, Alyssa, Bobby and I went back to the Good Shepherd Chapel. I finished filling out my brackets, thanks to much help from Chelsea. We got most of the way done, then we went into the chapel for the fun match at 6 p.m.
At 6 p.m. there was a fun match, the biggest fun match I have ever seen among quizzers. 20 quizzers would be quizzing at once. It was the 4 best quizzers from each conference to see who the best conferences was. I didn't recognize any of the quizzers on West Liberty or Virginia because they don't put their standings online, but I recognized the other quiz teams. The ACC had its 3 perfect quizzers: Andrew Weiler (Petra 1), Jordan Keener (E-Town 2), and Kim Weaver (Good Shepherd), as well as 4th place quizzer Joel Delinger from 2nd place ACC team Paradise 4. Northwest Ohio had their 2 perfect quizzers Eliot Nofziger (Lockport 1), Whitney Stamm (Sand Ridge), 3rd place quizzer Sarah Schoenhals (Central 1), and 7th place quizzer George Miller (Edgerton Alliance). Wayne County came with their top 4 quizzers. They had their 3-year 1st place, and finally perfect quizzer Dennis Stauffer (Sonnenberg/Pleasant View) and his 3rd place brother David Stauffer (Sonnenberg/Pleasant View). They also had 2nd place Michelle Raber (Longenecker) and Brian Nussbaum (Orville). Their top 4 quizzer came from their top 3 teams! The buzzers were pretty well created for a 5-way match. The machine recognized the first one in, and blocked it out from all the buzzers. The bonus would be the second fasted buzz in from another team. The machine actually knew this! Pretty impressive! All cheering broke loose as every team cheered loudly for their conference. Last time there was a fun match was in 2005. In that 2005 match, Wayne County's best quizzer Dennis Stauffer (yes, the same Dennis Stauffer, duh) shamed all the other conference's perfect quizzers, especially the ACC's perfect quizzer Lisa Weaver, by quizzing out almost immeadiately. This time the ACC would not allow it. The ACC took an early lead. Since there are 20 quizzers up at the same time, quizouts were only 2 questions, totalling 25 points. Jordan Keener was the first perfect quizzer to quiz out, followed by another perfect quizzer, Andrew Weiler. Dennis still had to get in! He did eventually and quizzed out. Those 25 points were the only points for Wayne County. The match was interesting and fast paced. Poor Virginia couldn't seem to stay on pace! The weirdest question was this one. It was a good question that most of the quizzer audience knew, but no one on stage did! It went through all 5 conferences and was no one got it! That attracted a lot of boos. West Liberty pulled themselves together and make a comeback, having 2 quizouts. Northwest Ohio had Eliot Nofziger quiz out, and got 10 points on top of that. It came down to the last question with West Liberty and ACC tied at 50 points. On the last question, West Liberty buzzed in and got it right! West Liberty won with 60 points, ACC got 2nd with 50 points, Northwest Ohio 3rd with 35 points, Wayne County with 25 points came in 4th, and last was Virginia, unable to score anything. With West Liberty's all-star quizzers winning the match, it seemed like they were the best conference in quizzing. With their top 3 teams still in the tournament, could they go all the way and take first?
So I finished my bracket and looked for a good match to watch. I found one: Slate Hill 1 vs. Petra 1. Last year Petra 1 was unstoppable unless they ran into Slate Hill 1. That's what caused them to lose to Slate Hill 1 in the finals match of the 2007 season, making Slate Hill 1 the 2007 Champions. But this year, not needing to deal with Slate Hill 1 in the season playoffs, Petra 1 was the 2008 Champions. So this match was the 2007 Champions vs. the 2008 Champions. Who would prevail? The room was a classroom in Sabastian. I wasn't the only one who wanted see this match because the room was packed! I had to stand up in the middle to get there, and so did Chelsea, Alyssa and Bobby! It was apparent Petra 1 was the new champions, for they took a lead Slate Hill 1 couldn't catch up to. Slate Hill did their best, but they were not match for Petra 1. Petra 1 took the win, and moved on. Slate Hill1, who finished 4th place last year in the Invitational, was done, not getting anything in the Invitational this year. Still, I shook their hands and complimented them for a good year, although it wasn't as good as the last one.
I went back to the Good Shepherd Chapel to see the last match in the winners bracket which would decide who would go into the final match on Sunday without a loss. The match was Crossway 2 (West Liberty) vs. Sand Ridge (Northwest). This was literally 1st place in Group A vs. 1st place in Group B. Both were undefeated to this point, and they showed it. Sand Ridge did the same as they did last year. They took the match in their control and took the win. Just like last year, Sand Ridge would be quizzing on Sunday in the final match, either finishing 1st or 2nd.
I always liked watching inner-church matches in quizzing, and this match couldn't come any better. Late in the tournament, it was Petra 1 vs. Petra 2. These were (arguably) Petra's 2 best teams going at it. This match would decide what team would be in the top 4. The match was in s-101, and appriorately, for the lecture hall (of Tyrannus, lol) classroom was pretty much filled. All of Petra had to be there, as well as most of the ACC people still there, because the other match going on between 2 Ohio teams. Petra 1 was up to par, continuing their domination, but Petra 2 was not up to their par. Dave Jensen quizzed out, but that was the highlight. Petra 2 got enough errors to lose points, and the bonuses helped Petra 1. Petra 1 was victorious and going on. It was the end for Petra 2.
The final match of the night was between in the Good Shepherd Chapel between Petra 1 (ACC) vs. Calvary (West Liberty). The loser would finish the tournament in 4th place, the winner would go on to be one of the top 3 teams and quiz on Sunday. We knew Calvary because these were the girls who hosted us last year. This match also had history. Petra 1 and Calvary faced off in the losers bracket last year, with Petara 1 the victor. So here they went again. We cheered for our friends on Calvary, and so did the rest of West Liberty. The cheering didn't help. History repeated itself with Petra 1 being the victorious team. Crossway 2 (West Liberty), Petra 1 (ACC), and Sand Ridge (Northwest) were the top 3 teams, the last 3 teams in the tournament. They would go home looking forward to more matches the next day. The other 78 teams were done, and their year was over, including Spring City.
Once we got everyone rounded up, Spring City quiz team went back to their coaches' house. Mrs. Deitrick cooked us up a nice snack of soft pretzels and pizza rolls. We debriefed about what happen this day. We didn't play Risk, but had a small, short game of scum, and some more Wii. Alyssa really got into the Wii Boxing. We thought she was going to take out the TV! We all went to bed by 1 a.m., tired out by the days events. We made sure we all set our clocks :)
As the last day of quizzing came, we got up in enough time, got ready, had breakfast and left on time. On the way there, Tim and Mike caught up on lost sleep. It was very quiet. With the rest of people still up, I played my game of "horse and punch buggy, no punch backs". Since it was a Sunday moring, all the Amish were out, and so there was a lot of punching. Since Chelsea and Alyssa were in front of me, they got the most hits. I hope they didn't have too many bruises!
This time we arrived right on time for the start. We eventually found seats in the back. They did something different this year. Fred wanted to show how our quizzing is an act of worship, so he had us doing praise and worship mixed in with the final quizmatches. I liked it, very much because I agree with Fred's thinking. Quizzing is an act of worship and should be treated that way. It gives a new attitude to your heart when quizzing. So the first match was the match to figure out who would take on the undeafted Sand Ridge from Northwest Ohio. This match was Petra 1 (ACC) vs. Crossway 2 (West Liberty). This would be a deciding match, for if the winner wanted to be the champions, they would need to win 3 matches in one morning. These teams seemed evenly paired up, as they began the match with either a tie score or a near to tie score. But Petra 1 started taking a lead, and before Crossway 2 knew it, that lead was too far ahead to stop Petra 1. Petra 1 was the winner and was going on to the final match.
After more praise and worship, the final match was on. The last two teams standing were Sand Ridge (Northwest) and Petra 1 (ACC). What I saw, I'm not sure how many people were expecting that, but I wasn't expecting it, and neither was Sand Ridge! Maybe it was after having last year's Invitational championship handed to them through 10 bonuses, they thought the same would happen again. Not ture. Petra 1 quizzed wisely. As for what happened last year, almost the opposite happened as Petra 1 had no errors, while Sand Ridge gave up 6, all which Petra 1 used. That also means that Sand Ridge lost 10 points. They could've had 30 points, but they lost 10, thus only scoring 20. By question 13, Sand Ridge had clearly lost, but they still called a timeout afterward! Mrs. Detirick was wondering why the would call timeout after question 13. I joked around and say, "Threats. The coaches wanted to threaten their grades. The coach threatened with chains and ropes." (lol, that is definitely an inside joke.) Petra 1 won the match 155-20.
Since Sand Ridge only had 1 lost, and 2 losses are needed to be eliminated from the tournament, the same matchup had to faced off once again. The only difference in the setup was the team switched sides. So after a few more praise songs, both teams marched back onto the stage at different sides. Sand Ridge was looking for a win right after a loss, Petra 1 was looking for their 3rd consecutive win of the day. This match was closer than the last one. Even the errors were closer. Sand Ridge only managed to error 3 times, while Petra 1 errored 4 times, one away form losing points. But alas, the match went to Sand Ridge, winning 80-60. So this is the final results:
2008 Invitational
1st place: Sand Ridge (Northwest Ohio)
2nd place: Petra 1 (ACC)
3rd place: Crossway 2 (West Liberty)
4th place: Calvary (West Liberty)
There are many things you can point out as special for these top 4. The obvious is Sand Ridge is the Inviational Champions for the third consecutive year. Petra 1 is the first ACC team since 2004 to make the final match and place in the top 2 teams. According to our fun match on Saturday, the best team should've been from West Liberty. A West Liberty quiz team wasn't the best quiz team, but West Liberty did manage to have 2 of its teams finished in the top 4, the 2 seeded in the tournament. Furthermore, by Crossway 2 taking 3rd place, it is the first time a West Liberty team has been part of the top 3 since 2004. Between the 2 West Liberty teams, there was a split of brothers and sisters. It was great to see them both bring something home this year.
So that was it for matches.....for the year. The day closed off nicely. Merv gave a sermon on the material. It talked about Acts in our lives today. He seemed to mention everything, but he left out the revival fire seen in Acts, as Dave always tries to point out to us. After the message came a closing word with the word all next year's quizzers had been waiting for: next year's material. As the cordinator for Northwest Ohio walked up, it became obvious to what conference was hosting the tournament next year. Dave and I had figured this since they hadn't hosted since 2004. In 2009, we were going back to Northwest Ohio. I had only been there once before, and it was at Pettisville High School. This time, it was going to be at Archibold High School. The cordinator announced, "For next year's material, it made sense to us that we should go back to the beginning...we will be studying on the first part of Genesis." So the quizzing material will be the opening of Genesis. It was ironic because Tim said no more than 12 hours before that annoucement, "Wouldn't it be great to quiz on Genesis?" Tim insisted afterwards that he was right, while I his "guess" wasn't valid. Which chapters in Genesis they didn't specify. Anyway, I got started on the Tuesday after this anouncement.
So the rest of the day was peaceful. We all said goodbye to our quizzing friends, both the Ohio and Pennsylvania ones, not knowing if we will see them again until next year. I reminded some of them, including my own teammates, that I do exist outside the 3 months of quizzing :-). As these people were leaving, I got them to sign my orange shirt, the one with all the quizzers' names on it. Once our coaches gathered our quiz team together, they took us out to Friendly's to congratulate us for a year well done. There we ran into some ACC Quizzing staff. After full from a meal, we went back to the Deitricks. On the long ride back, most people slept, exhausted from the weekend and possibly the whole quizzing year. I decided to have last minute fun in the van, as I sat in the middle and played jello with Chelsea and Bobby on both sides. When we got back to the Deitrick's abode, we stayed there until picked up by our parents. All incoming parents congratulated the team for a good year.
So to briefly say what happened the next two days following. I was on Spring break. So I really had nothing to do. Monday was transition day, officially ending one year and beginning another year. I sorted through all my quizzing stuff, reflecting on the year. Maybe I'll tell you about those reflections sometime. Tuesday was the first day of the offseason. I opened my Bible, turned to Genesis 1:1, and wrote on a notebook, "Question number 1, question. When did God create the heavens and the earth? In the beginning Genesis 1:1". Look at quizzing 2009, here Graham comes!
I was the first quizzer to arrive at the Deitricks. I was the first one that they saw live with the new shaven head. Yes, I followed my team into shaving our heads. I was the last,m but I did it. Now, while Tim and Mike bic-ed their head (shaved it down to the skin on their skull), I went with Bobby and wenth an eighth of an inch. Slowly all the quizzers entered in with their stuff. Tim brought Chelsea and Alyssa, and we saw Tim's bald head. He lookled like Mr. Clean. When Mike cam in, he looked like some kind of White Supremesist. Bobby had re-shaved his head for the occasion. Now we were truly 4 men in a vow. And these 4 men were ready.
Usually for practice, Spring City practices from 7-9 P.M., four practice matches, two from Dave, two from Vicki. Even when we had that overnight for the ACC Tournament, we did the same. But this was the invitational. This is different. So we practiced from 7-10 p.m., 6 practice matches, 3 from Dave, 3 from Vicki. Ya got to step it up for the big tournament of the year. After practice, we relaxed and had fun. I set up my Wii for the girls. They thought they set up all the pieces, but theey forgot the important sensor bar so the Wiimote could be read. Silly girls. "You need all the parts." lol. I was more focused on studying. In the middle of it, Tim and Mike called Bobby and I up to the room. Literally. I got a call on my cell phone from Tim to come up with Bobby and bring snacks and drinks. We did go up, but nothing happened up there. I just continued to study. So I went back down to play Wii until Mrs. Deitrick told us to go to bed at 12:30 because we had to leave by 6:30 a.m. the next morning. Bobby and I roomed. I went to bed listening to the material and praying for my team.
I woke up at 6:10 to Bobby's cell phone alarm going off. He said, "We have 5 more minutes." So I rolled over. Well, a couple more "5 minutes more" I decided to get up. It was 6:25 a.m. So I decided to get up and do my thing to get ready. As my parents have always told me, I'm loud when I get up. I was loud enough to wake up the Deitricks. Apparently, the electricity went out and their alarm did not wake them up. So we rushed frantically about to get out of the house. The funniest part was Mike and Tim. Vicki explained to them what had happened, but not thoroughly enough for them to explain. She did explain how the power went off, but not that it was now back on. So when Mike went to turn on the lights, with his hand on the lightswitch, Tim said, "Don't bother to turn on the lights, the power is out." So Mike didn't turn on the lights and they got dressed in the dark. We finally were all together to leave by 6:50, twenty minutes after we wanted to. I practiced on the way up. Everyone threatened me that if I played "Horse-and-punch-buggy" they would all wail me back harder, so I skipped on that.
We somehow got there right on time, at 8 a.m. on the dot. Still, we were a little late for the big meeting because we had to say hi and catch up with the quizzers from our host family last year. Then we went into a packed auditorium for the announcements. We didn't hear a lot because we had to find a seat. I did hear an announcement about how they were going to deal with a block. If the quizmaster was uncertain of a block, but it kinda looked suspicious, they could reset the buzzers and ask another question. If it happened again, or if they were really sure, then they could asses a foul. It was a good call from the staff. We prayed, and then we off to matches.
We had the second round in the round robin, so we had to go to another match before. We went to GSC-205 because we had the next match there and we wanted to watch the quizmaster. The match there was Grace Chapel 2 (West Liberty) vs. New Danville (ACC). It was match from Group N with New Danville as the seeded team. It was obvious New Danville was seeded as they took off with the match. New Danville won easily. As our team watched, we watched where they were buzzing in and if we knew the answer by then. We were doing with that. The questions seemed easy, and we for the most part knew the answers. Now it was our turn in the room...well, almost. The match got over early, and we had to wait for our opponents. So we prayed and studied a little bit more. Tim read up on Honda motorcycles. Finally Zion 1 arrived. They had been watching Zion 2. Last time we quizzed against Zion 1 we won barely 90-80 in a hard match. This time, Zion 1 was not as hardcore against us. We maintained getting 90 points, which included me quizzing out. We won 90-45. We did better than we did last time against Zion. Spring City started in their round robin 1-0.
Repeat process. We had to wait a a round until our match, so we went to the room anyway to watch the quizmaster. This quizmaster was a favorite of our team: Jaime Detweiler. We also had a favorite scorekeeper as well. It always seemed like the match before us involved Grace Chapel 2 because the matched before us was Grace Chapel 2 (West Liberty) vs. Goods 2 (ACC). Grace Chapel 2 had a better start for this match, but they weren't going to win this one either. Spring City just watched how Jaime quizmastered. Now it was our turn up. Our match was against Crossway 1, a team from West Liberty. This was not the same one Landon from last year was on, thank goodness. They were seeded. Still, we approached this team with caution. Caution was not needed at all. We won 90-20. Spring City was still undefeated 2-0.
Reapeat process again. Spring City had a rest match, so once again we went to the room we were going to be in to watch the match. In that room the match was Petra 4 (ACC) vs. Central 1 (Northwest). We cheered for our friends on Petra 4, but mainly to watch the quizmaster. Next was our match against Byerland...again....again again. Yes, this was our third match against Byerland. The first time in the season we beat them greatly 135-55. The second time was in the ACC Tournament, where we barely won 65-55 by me quizzing out on question 15. We hoped to do more of a season performance thanthe ACC Tournament performance against them. Some things in the match never change. Both Charise and I quizzed out. But like other matches against Byerland, after Charise quizzed out, and there was really no action on Byerland's side. We won 105 to 45. Spring City remains undefeated 3-0 with one more match in the round robin.
Repeat process again again. We had to wait a match to our last match. So we went to the room and watched the match before us. It was important to watch this quizmaster because the staff was from West Liberty. We watched Timberline have a successful win against Neffsville 2. Now it was our shot. Our match was against Hinkletown 1. We had played them once in the season and won 100 to 45. This time Hinkletown 1 was stronger than in the season. They took control in the beginning and took a good lead. I quizzed out, but sloppily. In the end Hinkletown was the winner. Spring City finished the round robin 3-1.
Now things got difficult. We were done at 3-1. The other 4 teams still had one match to go. Hinkletown 1 was 2-1. Byerland was 2-1. Crossway 1 was 1-3. Zion 1 was 0-3. Because Zion 1 lost to Crossway 1, they were out of it. Yet their game would decide a major factor. We could be tied for first in a 2-way tie or a 3-way tie. A 2-way tie would be decided by head-on. A 3-way tie would be decided on errors. The 2-way tie would be in our favor, the 3-way tie would not be in our favor. We could end up 1st, 2nd or 3rd. We definitely did not want 3rd because 3rd meant quizzing against Sonnenberg/Pleasant View, a powerhouse team combining the best quizzers from two churches. 1st or 2nd is our aim. The last two quizmatches in our our group were Hinkletown 1 vs. Crossway 1 and Zion 1 vs. Byerland. We needed the underdog Crossway 1 to win over Hinkletown 1 to get first. If they couldn't win, we needed winless Zion 1 to win against Byerland so we could get 2nd. If neither happened, we would get 3rd, and have to quiz against Sonnenberg/Pleasant View. Tim and Mike went to the Zion vs. Byerland match; Dave and I went to the Crossway vs. Hinkletown match. It was looking good as Crossway was winning at one point with the score 55 to 20. But Hinkletown 1 got their act together and won against Crossway 1. So now we needed Zion to win. It seemed hopeless as Zion was winless at that point and clearly out of the tournament. But they put their best into it and got their only win of the tournament. Thank you, Zion 1! So Group F finished this way:
Group F
1. Hinkletown 1 (3-1)
2. Spring City (3-1)
3. Byerland (2-2)
4. Crossway 1 (1-3)
5. Zion 1 (1-3)
Not that first place we wanted, but it got us into the tournament. We were 1 of the 64 teams going to quiz in the afternoon in the bracket. Only 17 teams didn't make it, including Zion 1 and both Emmanuels. We found out our next match would be in GSC-204 against Rockville 1. But for now, we went and had lunch. Lunch was catered barbeque. Chelsea didn't like it because it was mostly meat. I enjoyed my chicken barbeque sandwich, but I also tried to study in between. When we were done, I took Chelsea and the rookies back to the Good Shepherd Chapel. We updated my personal bracket, and then we found a place in the hallway to practice. I ask them questions. Bobby got most of them.
As the morning went, we had to wait a match until we were up. The match in the room before that was Petra 1 vs. Blainsport. Since I usually root for who I predict will win, and the Deitricks were friends with the Eshes, I rooted for Petra 1. But Dave went to cheer for Blainsport. It seems like he never cheers for the people I'm cheering for. I'll never get that. Anyway, Petra 1 performed like a champion, which they are. Andrew Weiler quizzed out on question 3, all buzzes. Megan Blank covered the situation questions. They got team bonus and another quiz out, plus one more right to boot. Petra 1 was victorious, scoring 130 points. Now we were up against Rockville 2. We had quizzed Rockville 2 in the season, winning 75 to 50. This time we did better. We performed at Petra 1 strength, scoring in the triple digits, giving us the win. We were advancing in the winners bracket.
Our next match would be either against Zion 2 or Longenecker, and it was Longenecker. Longenecker finished 3rd in Wayne County, but it was a close 3rd, only missing 2nd place by 45 points. Longenecker has always been a tough team, and they still were. We could not compete with them and lost the match. We were on the one-loss side of the bracket.
Luckily going from one end of the bracket to another gives you a 1-match break until the next match. As usual, we went into the room we were in next. We watched Paradise 2 vs. Petra 3, both teams we quizzed in the ACC Tournament round robin. It started out as a close match, but Petra 3 took off and won the match. Now it was our turn up. The previous match was an inner church match between Goods 1 and Goods 3, and we would quiz the winner. Apparently Goods 1 was the winner because they were our opponents. Spring City took control of the match. I quizzed out. We won against Goods 1, advancing us in the losers bracket.
Since we were further in the bracket, matches were now closer, and we had hurry off to our next match. We returned to the room where we quizzed Hinkletown 1, hoping for better results this time. It was against Petra 6. I had forgotten it at the time, but this was another team we had quizzed in the season. We had beaten them at their home sanctuary in the season. At a smaller room at LBC, we were able to get our second win against Petra 6 this year. We were advancing in the second chance bracket more.
Our next match was against another Petra. This was Petra 5. Petra 5 was not to be taken lightly. Then finished 4th in League A, 6th in the whole ACC, with an average of 89 points. Seeded in both tournaments, they had also won the ACC Tournament this year. So it was the 2008 ACC Tournament Champions vs. the 2005 ACC Tournament Champions (even though Mike and I were the only ones left from that 2005 team). Another thing comes to play with quizzing against the ACC Tournament Champions. Last year Spring City quizzed against Rockville 1, the ACC Tournament Champions at the time, in the losers bracket and beat them, knocking them out! So it only made sense when we won against Petra 5. Yes, Spring City was the winners. We were moving on in the one-loss bracket, while Petra 5 was not. Add another ACC Tournament Champion to the Spring City victim list :)
Our next match was against the team we were avoiding quizzing against in the beginning. This was the dreaded match against Sonnenberg/Pleasant View. Being one of 6 matches going on, the small classroom was crowded with many viewers. Since Sonnenberg/Pleasant View was the only Wayne County quizteam quizzing at the time, it seemed like everyone from Wayne County was cheering for them! We had attracted some fans too. Zion was there, and so was Slate Hill 2, and even Blainsport was there! (See, it paid for Dave to be cheering for them!) Cheering might have helped Sonnenberg/P. View, but it didn't help Spring City. Sonnenberg/PV took off with their perfect quizzer Dennis Stauffer quizzing out. What suprised me is that they kept him in, despite having subs, including Dennis's own sister! The highlight for Spring City was that I quizzed out. That's it. They did a good job, and Sonnenberg/Pleasant View won.
So Spring City was done for the day, the tournament, and the year. As for the tournament, Spring City was 6-3: 3-1 in the round robin, 3-2 in the bracket. I quizzed out most, if not all, the matches. Comapred to last year, it seems we did better last year. Last year Spring City made it a match further in the tournament bracket: last year it was 4-2, this year was 3-2. But compared to 2005 and 2006, we did better this year than both of those years. Now that I look back on it, this was a pretty good tournament.
Our match was the last one of the afternoon, leading us up to the 2 hour break for dinner. We got to the dining hall late because of our match, and it was packed! We found some booths in the corner and had dinner there. Chelsea was relieved to find more meatless options this time. After dinner, Tim and Mike went to play frisbee with Calvary and Crossway (I found that odd considering both of them had matches that evening). Chelsea, Alyssa, Bobby and I went back to the Good Shepherd Chapel. I finished filling out my brackets, thanks to much help from Chelsea. We got most of the way done, then we went into the chapel for the fun match at 6 p.m.
At 6 p.m. there was a fun match, the biggest fun match I have ever seen among quizzers. 20 quizzers would be quizzing at once. It was the 4 best quizzers from each conference to see who the best conferences was. I didn't recognize any of the quizzers on West Liberty or Virginia because they don't put their standings online, but I recognized the other quiz teams. The ACC had its 3 perfect quizzers: Andrew Weiler (Petra 1), Jordan Keener (E-Town 2), and Kim Weaver (Good Shepherd), as well as 4th place quizzer Joel Delinger from 2nd place ACC team Paradise 4. Northwest Ohio had their 2 perfect quizzers Eliot Nofziger (Lockport 1), Whitney Stamm (Sand Ridge), 3rd place quizzer Sarah Schoenhals (Central 1), and 7th place quizzer George Miller (Edgerton Alliance). Wayne County came with their top 4 quizzers. They had their 3-year 1st place, and finally perfect quizzer Dennis Stauffer (Sonnenberg/Pleasant View) and his 3rd place brother David Stauffer (Sonnenberg/Pleasant View). They also had 2nd place Michelle Raber (Longenecker) and Brian Nussbaum (Orville). Their top 4 quizzer came from their top 3 teams! The buzzers were pretty well created for a 5-way match. The machine recognized the first one in, and blocked it out from all the buzzers. The bonus would be the second fasted buzz in from another team. The machine actually knew this! Pretty impressive! All cheering broke loose as every team cheered loudly for their conference. Last time there was a fun match was in 2005. In that 2005 match, Wayne County's best quizzer Dennis Stauffer (yes, the same Dennis Stauffer, duh) shamed all the other conference's perfect quizzers, especially the ACC's perfect quizzer Lisa Weaver, by quizzing out almost immeadiately. This time the ACC would not allow it. The ACC took an early lead. Since there are 20 quizzers up at the same time, quizouts were only 2 questions, totalling 25 points. Jordan Keener was the first perfect quizzer to quiz out, followed by another perfect quizzer, Andrew Weiler. Dennis still had to get in! He did eventually and quizzed out. Those 25 points were the only points for Wayne County. The match was interesting and fast paced. Poor Virginia couldn't seem to stay on pace! The weirdest question was this one. It was a good question that most of the quizzer audience knew, but no one on stage did! It went through all 5 conferences and was no one got it! That attracted a lot of boos. West Liberty pulled themselves together and make a comeback, having 2 quizouts. Northwest Ohio had Eliot Nofziger quiz out, and got 10 points on top of that. It came down to the last question with West Liberty and ACC tied at 50 points. On the last question, West Liberty buzzed in and got it right! West Liberty won with 60 points, ACC got 2nd with 50 points, Northwest Ohio 3rd with 35 points, Wayne County with 25 points came in 4th, and last was Virginia, unable to score anything. With West Liberty's all-star quizzers winning the match, it seemed like they were the best conference in quizzing. With their top 3 teams still in the tournament, could they go all the way and take first?
So I finished my bracket and looked for a good match to watch. I found one: Slate Hill 1 vs. Petra 1. Last year Petra 1 was unstoppable unless they ran into Slate Hill 1. That's what caused them to lose to Slate Hill 1 in the finals match of the 2007 season, making Slate Hill 1 the 2007 Champions. But this year, not needing to deal with Slate Hill 1 in the season playoffs, Petra 1 was the 2008 Champions. So this match was the 2007 Champions vs. the 2008 Champions. Who would prevail? The room was a classroom in Sabastian. I wasn't the only one who wanted see this match because the room was packed! I had to stand up in the middle to get there, and so did Chelsea, Alyssa and Bobby! It was apparent Petra 1 was the new champions, for they took a lead Slate Hill 1 couldn't catch up to. Slate Hill did their best, but they were not match for Petra 1. Petra 1 took the win, and moved on. Slate Hill1, who finished 4th place last year in the Invitational, was done, not getting anything in the Invitational this year. Still, I shook their hands and complimented them for a good year, although it wasn't as good as the last one.
I went back to the Good Shepherd Chapel to see the last match in the winners bracket which would decide who would go into the final match on Sunday without a loss. The match was Crossway 2 (West Liberty) vs. Sand Ridge (Northwest). This was literally 1st place in Group A vs. 1st place in Group B. Both were undefeated to this point, and they showed it. Sand Ridge did the same as they did last year. They took the match in their control and took the win. Just like last year, Sand Ridge would be quizzing on Sunday in the final match, either finishing 1st or 2nd.
I always liked watching inner-church matches in quizzing, and this match couldn't come any better. Late in the tournament, it was Petra 1 vs. Petra 2. These were (arguably) Petra's 2 best teams going at it. This match would decide what team would be in the top 4. The match was in s-101, and appriorately, for the lecture hall (of Tyrannus, lol) classroom was pretty much filled. All of Petra had to be there, as well as most of the ACC people still there, because the other match going on between 2 Ohio teams. Petra 1 was up to par, continuing their domination, but Petra 2 was not up to their par. Dave Jensen quizzed out, but that was the highlight. Petra 2 got enough errors to lose points, and the bonuses helped Petra 1. Petra 1 was victorious and going on. It was the end for Petra 2.
The final match of the night was between in the Good Shepherd Chapel between Petra 1 (ACC) vs. Calvary (West Liberty). The loser would finish the tournament in 4th place, the winner would go on to be one of the top 3 teams and quiz on Sunday. We knew Calvary because these were the girls who hosted us last year. This match also had history. Petra 1 and Calvary faced off in the losers bracket last year, with Petara 1 the victor. So here they went again. We cheered for our friends on Calvary, and so did the rest of West Liberty. The cheering didn't help. History repeated itself with Petra 1 being the victorious team. Crossway 2 (West Liberty), Petra 1 (ACC), and Sand Ridge (Northwest) were the top 3 teams, the last 3 teams in the tournament. They would go home looking forward to more matches the next day. The other 78 teams were done, and their year was over, including Spring City.
Once we got everyone rounded up, Spring City quiz team went back to their coaches' house. Mrs. Deitrick cooked us up a nice snack of soft pretzels and pizza rolls. We debriefed about what happen this day. We didn't play Risk, but had a small, short game of scum, and some more Wii. Alyssa really got into the Wii Boxing. We thought she was going to take out the TV! We all went to bed by 1 a.m., tired out by the days events. We made sure we all set our clocks :)
As the last day of quizzing came, we got up in enough time, got ready, had breakfast and left on time. On the way there, Tim and Mike caught up on lost sleep. It was very quiet. With the rest of people still up, I played my game of "horse and punch buggy, no punch backs". Since it was a Sunday moring, all the Amish were out, and so there was a lot of punching. Since Chelsea and Alyssa were in front of me, they got the most hits. I hope they didn't have too many bruises!
This time we arrived right on time for the start. We eventually found seats in the back. They did something different this year. Fred wanted to show how our quizzing is an act of worship, so he had us doing praise and worship mixed in with the final quizmatches. I liked it, very much because I agree with Fred's thinking. Quizzing is an act of worship and should be treated that way. It gives a new attitude to your heart when quizzing. So the first match was the match to figure out who would take on the undeafted Sand Ridge from Northwest Ohio. This match was Petra 1 (ACC) vs. Crossway 2 (West Liberty). This would be a deciding match, for if the winner wanted to be the champions, they would need to win 3 matches in one morning. These teams seemed evenly paired up, as they began the match with either a tie score or a near to tie score. But Petra 1 started taking a lead, and before Crossway 2 knew it, that lead was too far ahead to stop Petra 1. Petra 1 was the winner and was going on to the final match.
After more praise and worship, the final match was on. The last two teams standing were Sand Ridge (Northwest) and Petra 1 (ACC). What I saw, I'm not sure how many people were expecting that, but I wasn't expecting it, and neither was Sand Ridge! Maybe it was after having last year's Invitational championship handed to them through 10 bonuses, they thought the same would happen again. Not ture. Petra 1 quizzed wisely. As for what happened last year, almost the opposite happened as Petra 1 had no errors, while Sand Ridge gave up 6, all which Petra 1 used. That also means that Sand Ridge lost 10 points. They could've had 30 points, but they lost 10, thus only scoring 20. By question 13, Sand Ridge had clearly lost, but they still called a timeout afterward! Mrs. Detirick was wondering why the would call timeout after question 13. I joked around and say, "Threats. The coaches wanted to threaten their grades. The coach threatened with chains and ropes." (lol, that is definitely an inside joke.) Petra 1 won the match 155-20.
Since Sand Ridge only had 1 lost, and 2 losses are needed to be eliminated from the tournament, the same matchup had to faced off once again. The only difference in the setup was the team switched sides. So after a few more praise songs, both teams marched back onto the stage at different sides. Sand Ridge was looking for a win right after a loss, Petra 1 was looking for their 3rd consecutive win of the day. This match was closer than the last one. Even the errors were closer. Sand Ridge only managed to error 3 times, while Petra 1 errored 4 times, one away form losing points. But alas, the match went to Sand Ridge, winning 80-60. So this is the final results:
2008 Invitational
1st place: Sand Ridge (Northwest Ohio)
2nd place: Petra 1 (ACC)
3rd place: Crossway 2 (West Liberty)
4th place: Calvary (West Liberty)
There are many things you can point out as special for these top 4. The obvious is Sand Ridge is the Inviational Champions for the third consecutive year. Petra 1 is the first ACC team since 2004 to make the final match and place in the top 2 teams. According to our fun match on Saturday, the best team should've been from West Liberty. A West Liberty quiz team wasn't the best quiz team, but West Liberty did manage to have 2 of its teams finished in the top 4, the 2 seeded in the tournament. Furthermore, by Crossway 2 taking 3rd place, it is the first time a West Liberty team has been part of the top 3 since 2004. Between the 2 West Liberty teams, there was a split of brothers and sisters. It was great to see them both bring something home this year.
So that was it for matches.....for the year. The day closed off nicely. Merv gave a sermon on the material. It talked about Acts in our lives today. He seemed to mention everything, but he left out the revival fire seen in Acts, as Dave always tries to point out to us. After the message came a closing word with the word all next year's quizzers had been waiting for: next year's material. As the cordinator for Northwest Ohio walked up, it became obvious to what conference was hosting the tournament next year. Dave and I had figured this since they hadn't hosted since 2004. In 2009, we were going back to Northwest Ohio. I had only been there once before, and it was at Pettisville High School. This time, it was going to be at Archibold High School. The cordinator announced, "For next year's material, it made sense to us that we should go back to the beginning...we will be studying on the first part of Genesis." So the quizzing material will be the opening of Genesis. It was ironic because Tim said no more than 12 hours before that annoucement, "Wouldn't it be great to quiz on Genesis?" Tim insisted afterwards that he was right, while I his "guess" wasn't valid. Which chapters in Genesis they didn't specify. Anyway, I got started on the Tuesday after this anouncement.
So the rest of the day was peaceful. We all said goodbye to our quizzing friends, both the Ohio and Pennsylvania ones, not knowing if we will see them again until next year. I reminded some of them, including my own teammates, that I do exist outside the 3 months of quizzing :-). As these people were leaving, I got them to sign my orange shirt, the one with all the quizzers' names on it. Once our coaches gathered our quiz team together, they took us out to Friendly's to congratulate us for a year well done. There we ran into some ACC Quizzing staff. After full from a meal, we went back to the Deitricks. On the long ride back, most people slept, exhausted from the weekend and possibly the whole quizzing year. I decided to have last minute fun in the van, as I sat in the middle and played jello with Chelsea and Bobby on both sides. When we got back to the Deitrick's abode, we stayed there until picked up by our parents. All incoming parents congratulated the team for a good year.
So to briefly say what happened the next two days following. I was on Spring break. So I really had nothing to do. Monday was transition day, officially ending one year and beginning another year. I sorted through all my quizzing stuff, reflecting on the year. Maybe I'll tell you about those reflections sometime. Tuesday was the first day of the offseason. I opened my Bible, turned to Genesis 1:1, and wrote on a notebook, "Question number 1, question. When did God create the heavens and the earth? In the beginning Genesis 1:1". Look at quizzing 2009, here Graham comes!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Quizzing March Madness Part 1: ACC Tournament
Sorry I haven't wrote the results in a while. I had a lot of work to do for college. And I thought I should study quizzing for the tournament coming up (more about that later). Besides, this has given me time to think about what happened last Sunday.
Last week was the ACC Tournament. We practiced friday night, we practiced Saturday night, we practiced Sunday morning during Sunday school. We were determined in our practice. Yet we have some fun. The Spring City boiz stayed overnight, and played some Wii. And believe it or not, we went to bed at a decent time...1 in the morning. At church, we practiced, then we worshipped...well, most of us. Tim and Mike bought a pizza for Joelle so they could get Rit's Water Ice from her. Well, we were ready to leave to leave, and they weren't there yet. Mrs. Deitrick was about to kill both of them! So when they got back, Mrs. Detrick had and had a "talk" with them. And while she was having the talk with them, Chelsea, Alyssa, Bobby and I watched ironically as the pizza blew off the car top, came out of the box, and fell face down on the concrete. Well, Mike and Tim did what 2 smooth guys would do: dust it off and put it back in the box. It was a good laugh afterward. We arrived at Lancaster Bible College at noon. Being a student there, I bought my teammates and coaches lunch (and later on dinner). After eating a little studying, we went right to our 1:00 match.
Our first match was the first of the day at 1:00. We quizzed against Byerland. It was ironic that we were opening our ACC Tournament the same way we opened out season: quizzing against Byerland. there were a lot of things that happened the same in both matches. Charise Garber quizzed out early. After that, not much happened on Byerland's side. Then a lot of this happened different, and it was all on our side. We got a lot of errors, so many we lost points. Tim errored out. The suprising thing was Byerland was not picking up the bonuses we were giving them. If they did, they would have taken a clear lead and won. It was close. It came down to the last question. We were losing 45-55. Any Spring City quizzer getting it right and tie the match up, but if I could quiz out, we would win. The 15th question started, "Whose court..." and I buzzed in. I paused to think about it, and went with the first thing that came to my mind that seemed the most reasonable: "Caesar's court." I was right! We barely won against Byerland 60-55. Sloppy. Spirng City was up 1-0.
Our second match was 2:15 vs. Timberline. A rookie team who finished low in the ACC Tournament, we thought this match should be easy. With Fred as quizmaster, it wasn't as easy as we were hoping. I did the worst thing I could ever do: error out. I failed my team by killing a seat and not quizzing out. I'm embarrassed that I have to tell you this. I'm better than this. My team expects more out of me. I am the one who is suppose to set an example. That was a bad example. Luckily, my team was able to turn around my mistake and win 100-45. Another sloppy match. Spring City was up 2-0.
We had a back-to-back match. We quickly hurried to Sebastian to have a match against Petra 3. Coached by Jim Good, all the Petras give us a run. Petra 3 did. I was able to quiz out this on, including a question where I had to babble for the whole 30 seconds about Eutychus. But we went back to Tim erroring out. Our errors added up and we started losing points. Petra 3 was catching up, and they did good catching up, but they didn't catch up fully and at the end of the 15 regulations questions, we tied at 90 points. We had a timeout and we reminded our quizzers they couldn't error because we'd lose points. With myself quizzed out, and Tim errored out, we had to trust in the other quizzers because the top 2 were out. Question 16 Mike gets right and takes a 15 point lead 105-90. Question 17 Petra 3 gets right for ten points, keeping our lead to 5: 105-100. Question 18 the question was "Where was Mnasion from?" The whole question got out and since nobody else buzzed in, Chelsea buzzed in and tried. She picked the wrong place and errored, losing up 5 points. The bonus went to Petra 3. If they got it right, they would win. that was the longest 30 seconds I have felt in my life, but no answer came out. The scored was tied at 100, and we were going into a sudden death question. Question 19, question. "Who were rounded up.." Bobby buzzed. He answered, "Some bad characters." He was right! Bobby quizzed out and won the match for us! We were so happy for Bobby. We hoped that it would never come down to that close again. Spring City was up 3-0, and first place in our group.
We had a rest period and then went to our 4th match at 3:15 vs. Paradise 2. We lost to them in the season, and I thought this would be one of our hardest matches. In fact, this match was one of our best. We errored a lot as usual, but we scored 110 points, the most we scored all day in a regulation length match. We won 110-35. Spring City was still an undefeated 4-0. We couldn't stay too long. Our 5th match was at 3:35, another back-to-back match. It was against Bowmansville 1. We faced a Bowmansville last year in the ACC Tournament and won. I didn't do to well this match either. There was 2 situation questions. The first one I was beaten on because the Bowmansville quizzer buzzed in on "Who said this and..." and I wasn't lined up for the bonus. The second situation I did get in on, and I had a good buzz, but I suffered from a brain fart and couldn't bring up a right answer. The bonus was easily picked up. I also got a second question wrong that I was pretty sure I was right. Then this one question began "How many days..." Of course there are many days in the text. Since my roommate Eric was there, I decided to answer him. From the Strong Bad e-mail #186 called "Environment", I answered in my best Strong Sad voice, "3 days." Suprisingly, I got it right. and I did quiz out. We won 90-65. We had taken a 5-0 lead for first place. With our upcoming opponent Akron 4 being 0-5, and all the other teams having lost 1 to us, we had clinched 1st place in Group H. We were going to the playoffs. We still did do our best against Akron 1. It was sloppy, and almost as bad as we did against them in the season, but we won 80-30. Spring City went undefeated in Group H 6-0. Sadly, we had errored 30 times in 6 matches.
The afternoon round robin and evening playoffs were separated by dinner. We had dinner in the cafeteria, bought by me. We tried to study, but we were too distracted by other things and the excitement of making the playoffs. Before the playoffs were to begin, everyone met in the chapel for what we had been waiting for: the quizzing video and the announcement of the Top 60 Bible Quizzers List. The movie was awesome. Click on this sentence to see it. I made a few appearances in it. Just look for the orange, and it's me :). The best one was at the end, where you can see my going "BYAH!" at the end, even though you can't hear it. Then they started with the Top 60 Bible Quizzers List. As they started, they started with low points, and I felt good that I was going to finish high, and my hopes that I would be in the top5 rose. But as we got closer to my position, I realized Iwasn't going to finish that high. Tim finished in 29th place with 530 points. I finished 8th place with 600 points. It wasn't the top 5, but I set personal high records. This was the highest number of points, highest number of quizouts, and highest placing ever. But it didn't feel too special. I was 1 of 6 to finish 8th place. When 6 people are 8th place, 8th place isn't that big. Spring City had 2 top 60 quizzers (later stats would show Michael Schwager finished 85th place with 350 points, meaning Spring City has 3 Top 100 quizzers). The year ended with 3 perfect quizzers, one of them being Andrew Weiler, who is perfect for his third year in a row, and he's only quizzed for 3 years!
Then we were off to playoffs. We had to wait a match before we got to ours, so the match we watched was Petra 1 vs. Gehman. Since Petra 1 won the season, it looked like a shoe-in for them. Man, was I wrong. Gehman looked like they were the season champions the way they quizzed. The one quizzer looked like he was an Ohio quizzer. Gehman won and was moving on to the next round. Now was our match against Rivercorner. It was a close one, but midway through the match we came from behind and took the lead. The lead was so far ahead that we had despite them scoring on the last question, we still won 65-55.
The next playoff match was Spring City vs. Petra 2. Last time we quizzed them, we won 120-70. Petra 2 took the lead early in the match. We tried to catch up but when we did, they would just take the lead again. I got one situation right, but the second one I didn't because I said "apostles" when it should have been "elders". Petra 2 quizzer Dave Jenson said the same thing, and even contested he was right, and I rebuddled that I was right, but nothing happened, nobody got the points. At the end of question 13, we called timeout. I had 1 buzz in right and 2 errors. Tim had 2 right. We were one away from team bonus and Tim was one away from a quiz out. We needed both the team bonus and a quiz out. I shoulda been pulled, but I didn't think of it. Question 14 went to Petra 2 and they got it right. It was too late. We lost. Question 15 Tim buzzed in and got it right, and quizzed out, but it was no use. We were out.
Upset about being 1 match away from winning, I barely watched the semifinal match between New Danville and Petra 5. All I know was Petra 5 won. So the final match was Petra 5 vs. Petra 2 because Petra 2 beat Slate Hill 1 in their semifinal. Petra 5 took off and left their counterpart Petra 2 in the dust. Petra 5 beat Petra 2 115-55. Congrations to Petra 5 for the championship, congratualtions to Petra 2 for 2nd place, and congratulations for Slate Hill 1 and New Danville for the semifinals. Also, congratulations to the top 60 bible quizzers!
Last week was the ACC Tournament. We practiced friday night, we practiced Saturday night, we practiced Sunday morning during Sunday school. We were determined in our practice. Yet we have some fun. The Spring City boiz stayed overnight, and played some Wii. And believe it or not, we went to bed at a decent time...1 in the morning. At church, we practiced, then we worshipped...well, most of us. Tim and Mike bought a pizza for Joelle so they could get Rit's Water Ice from her. Well, we were ready to leave to leave, and they weren't there yet. Mrs. Deitrick was about to kill both of them! So when they got back, Mrs. Detrick had and had a "talk" with them. And while she was having the talk with them, Chelsea, Alyssa, Bobby and I watched ironically as the pizza blew off the car top, came out of the box, and fell face down on the concrete. Well, Mike and Tim did what 2 smooth guys would do: dust it off and put it back in the box. It was a good laugh afterward. We arrived at Lancaster Bible College at noon. Being a student there, I bought my teammates and coaches lunch (and later on dinner). After eating a little studying, we went right to our 1:00 match.
Our first match was the first of the day at 1:00. We quizzed against Byerland. It was ironic that we were opening our ACC Tournament the same way we opened out season: quizzing against Byerland. there were a lot of things that happened the same in both matches. Charise Garber quizzed out early. After that, not much happened on Byerland's side. Then a lot of this happened different, and it was all on our side. We got a lot of errors, so many we lost points. Tim errored out. The suprising thing was Byerland was not picking up the bonuses we were giving them. If they did, they would have taken a clear lead and won. It was close. It came down to the last question. We were losing 45-55. Any Spring City quizzer getting it right and tie the match up, but if I could quiz out, we would win. The 15th question started, "Whose court..." and I buzzed in. I paused to think about it, and went with the first thing that came to my mind that seemed the most reasonable: "Caesar's court." I was right! We barely won against Byerland 60-55. Sloppy. Spirng City was up 1-0.
Our second match was 2:15 vs. Timberline. A rookie team who finished low in the ACC Tournament, we thought this match should be easy. With Fred as quizmaster, it wasn't as easy as we were hoping. I did the worst thing I could ever do: error out. I failed my team by killing a seat and not quizzing out. I'm embarrassed that I have to tell you this. I'm better than this. My team expects more out of me. I am the one who is suppose to set an example. That was a bad example. Luckily, my team was able to turn around my mistake and win 100-45. Another sloppy match. Spring City was up 2-0.
We had a back-to-back match. We quickly hurried to Sebastian to have a match against Petra 3. Coached by Jim Good, all the Petras give us a run. Petra 3 did. I was able to quiz out this on, including a question where I had to babble for the whole 30 seconds about Eutychus. But we went back to Tim erroring out. Our errors added up and we started losing points. Petra 3 was catching up, and they did good catching up, but they didn't catch up fully and at the end of the 15 regulations questions, we tied at 90 points. We had a timeout and we reminded our quizzers they couldn't error because we'd lose points. With myself quizzed out, and Tim errored out, we had to trust in the other quizzers because the top 2 were out. Question 16 Mike gets right and takes a 15 point lead 105-90. Question 17 Petra 3 gets right for ten points, keeping our lead to 5: 105-100. Question 18 the question was "Where was Mnasion from?" The whole question got out and since nobody else buzzed in, Chelsea buzzed in and tried. She picked the wrong place and errored, losing up 5 points. The bonus went to Petra 3. If they got it right, they would win. that was the longest 30 seconds I have felt in my life, but no answer came out. The scored was tied at 100, and we were going into a sudden death question. Question 19, question. "Who were rounded up.." Bobby buzzed. He answered, "Some bad characters." He was right! Bobby quizzed out and won the match for us! We were so happy for Bobby. We hoped that it would never come down to that close again. Spring City was up 3-0, and first place in our group.
We had a rest period and then went to our 4th match at 3:15 vs. Paradise 2. We lost to them in the season, and I thought this would be one of our hardest matches. In fact, this match was one of our best. We errored a lot as usual, but we scored 110 points, the most we scored all day in a regulation length match. We won 110-35. Spring City was still an undefeated 4-0. We couldn't stay too long. Our 5th match was at 3:35, another back-to-back match. It was against Bowmansville 1. We faced a Bowmansville last year in the ACC Tournament and won. I didn't do to well this match either. There was 2 situation questions. The first one I was beaten on because the Bowmansville quizzer buzzed in on "Who said this and..." and I wasn't lined up for the bonus. The second situation I did get in on, and I had a good buzz, but I suffered from a brain fart and couldn't bring up a right answer. The bonus was easily picked up. I also got a second question wrong that I was pretty sure I was right. Then this one question began "How many days..." Of course there are many days in the text. Since my roommate Eric was there, I decided to answer him. From the Strong Bad e-mail #186 called "Environment", I answered in my best Strong Sad voice, "3 days." Suprisingly, I got it right. and I did quiz out. We won 90-65. We had taken a 5-0 lead for first place. With our upcoming opponent Akron 4 being 0-5, and all the other teams having lost 1 to us, we had clinched 1st place in Group H. We were going to the playoffs. We still did do our best against Akron 1. It was sloppy, and almost as bad as we did against them in the season, but we won 80-30. Spring City went undefeated in Group H 6-0. Sadly, we had errored 30 times in 6 matches.
The afternoon round robin and evening playoffs were separated by dinner. We had dinner in the cafeteria, bought by me. We tried to study, but we were too distracted by other things and the excitement of making the playoffs. Before the playoffs were to begin, everyone met in the chapel for what we had been waiting for: the quizzing video and the announcement of the Top 60 Bible Quizzers List. The movie was awesome. Click on this sentence to see it. I made a few appearances in it. Just look for the orange, and it's me :). The best one was at the end, where you can see my going "BYAH!" at the end, even though you can't hear it. Then they started with the Top 60 Bible Quizzers List. As they started, they started with low points, and I felt good that I was going to finish high, and my hopes that I would be in the top5 rose. But as we got closer to my position, I realized Iwasn't going to finish that high. Tim finished in 29th place with 530 points. I finished 8th place with 600 points. It wasn't the top 5, but I set personal high records. This was the highest number of points, highest number of quizouts, and highest placing ever. But it didn't feel too special. I was 1 of 6 to finish 8th place. When 6 people are 8th place, 8th place isn't that big. Spring City had 2 top 60 quizzers (later stats would show Michael Schwager finished 85th place with 350 points, meaning Spring City has 3 Top 100 quizzers). The year ended with 3 perfect quizzers, one of them being Andrew Weiler, who is perfect for his third year in a row, and he's only quizzed for 3 years!
Then we were off to playoffs. We had to wait a match before we got to ours, so the match we watched was Petra 1 vs. Gehman. Since Petra 1 won the season, it looked like a shoe-in for them. Man, was I wrong. Gehman looked like they were the season champions the way they quizzed. The one quizzer looked like he was an Ohio quizzer. Gehman won and was moving on to the next round. Now was our match against Rivercorner. It was a close one, but midway through the match we came from behind and took the lead. The lead was so far ahead that we had despite them scoring on the last question, we still won 65-55.
The next playoff match was Spring City vs. Petra 2. Last time we quizzed them, we won 120-70. Petra 2 took the lead early in the match. We tried to catch up but when we did, they would just take the lead again. I got one situation right, but the second one I didn't because I said "apostles" when it should have been "elders". Petra 2 quizzer Dave Jenson said the same thing, and even contested he was right, and I rebuddled that I was right, but nothing happened, nobody got the points. At the end of question 13, we called timeout. I had 1 buzz in right and 2 errors. Tim had 2 right. We were one away from team bonus and Tim was one away from a quiz out. We needed both the team bonus and a quiz out. I shoulda been pulled, but I didn't think of it. Question 14 went to Petra 2 and they got it right. It was too late. We lost. Question 15 Tim buzzed in and got it right, and quizzed out, but it was no use. We were out.
Upset about being 1 match away from winning, I barely watched the semifinal match between New Danville and Petra 5. All I know was Petra 5 won. So the final match was Petra 5 vs. Petra 2 because Petra 2 beat Slate Hill 1 in their semifinal. Petra 5 took off and left their counterpart Petra 2 in the dust. Petra 5 beat Petra 2 115-55. Congrations to Petra 5 for the championship, congratualtions to Petra 2 for 2nd place, and congratulations for Slate Hill 1 and New Danville for the semifinals. Also, congratulations to the top 60 bible quizzers!
Saturday, March 08, 2008
March Madness Quizzing style
The season is over, but quizzing is far from over! We got 2-weeks of fun-filled, full-packed tournaments. We have both the ACC Tournament with 55 ACC Quizzing teams and the Invitational with about 90 teams from 3 Ohio confrences, 1 Pennsylvania conferences, and 1 Virginia Conference. Let's go back to the first one, the closer one, the ACC Tournament. For those who don't know, here's how it rolls: The 55 teams are placed in 8 groups, A to H, with 6 to 7 quizteams. Each team plays everyone in their group, quizzing 5 to 6 matches. Standing are measured in win-loss, and the top 2 teams in each group enter a single elimination playoff to find the ACC Tournament champion.
So now to get more specific on Spring City. Spring City is 1 of 7 teams in Group H. The other teams are Byerland, Timberline, Akron 1, Bowmansville 1, Paradise 2, and Petra 3. Because we finished 4th place in the season, we got the seeding that makes us the highest in the group. That doesn't always mean anything because teams that weren't able to good on a weekly breakdown of 2 to 3 chapters can be outstanding when it come to 19 chapters of review. Just like real March Madness (the basketball), look out for upsets. There can be cinderella stories. You are definitely going to want to come and see this. Come to Lancaster Bible College to watch this great tournament go down. Come watch Spring City! we're trying to build huge fan base and it wouldn't be the same without you there. Here's our schedule
Time Room Match
1:00 p.m. GSC-201 Spring City vs. Byerland
2:15 p.m. GSC-203 Spring City vs. Timberline
2:35 p.m. SAC-107 Spring City vs. Petra 3
3:15 p.m. SAC-107 Spring City vs. Paradise 2
3:35 p.m. SAC-111 Spring City vs. Bowmansville 1
4:15 p.m. SAC-104 Spring City vs. Akron 1
And if we make to the playoffs, there will be at least one more match, hopefully 4 :). Oh, there is another event happening today. At 6:15 is the quizzing video and the announcement of the Top 60 Bible Quizzers List. Everyone should come out for that because Tim and I are in both! Come and watch! It's an all-day event, so come when you can, leave when you have to!
Now as the real March Madness comes along, everyone is starting to already fill out brackets, trying to predict who will win and go on to the next round. Well, since 2006 I have been attempting to do the same thing with the ACC Tournament, trying to predict the winner. Now there is a certain weight of favoritism for certain teams (lol), but for the most part, it is a good logical hypothesis, with the occasional yet expected upsest. So here is who I think the first and second teams will be in each group, respectivevly:
Group A: New Danville, Forest Hills
Group B: Petra 5, Emmanuel 1
Group C: Paradise 4, Hinkletown 1
Group D: Petra 2, Weaverland 1
Group E: Rockville 1, Zion 1
Group F: Petra 1, Rivercorner
Group G: Slate Hill 1, Petra 4
Group H: Spring City, Paradise 2
Yes, if you haven't noticed, I believe that 4 of the 6 Petra teams will go to the playoffs and 2 of 4 Paradise teams will go to the playoffs. Now that you see my prediction for who will be in the playoffs, let's see how I think the playoffs will go down.

So that would make the two semifinalist teams Petra 1 and Paradise 4 (who the finalists in the season final), the 2nd place team Rockville 1 (the 2007 ACC Tournament Champions) and 1st place Spring City (the 2005 ACC Tournament Champions). Hey, if it was your team, you be predicting it to go all the way too! What would be the point of competing if you didn't think your team could make it all the way?! But I give best wishes to everyone. Let's see who can go the farthest!
So now to get more specific on Spring City. Spring City is 1 of 7 teams in Group H. The other teams are Byerland, Timberline, Akron 1, Bowmansville 1, Paradise 2, and Petra 3. Because we finished 4th place in the season, we got the seeding that makes us the highest in the group. That doesn't always mean anything because teams that weren't able to good on a weekly breakdown of 2 to 3 chapters can be outstanding when it come to 19 chapters of review. Just like real March Madness (the basketball), look out for upsets. There can be cinderella stories. You are definitely going to want to come and see this. Come to Lancaster Bible College to watch this great tournament go down. Come watch Spring City! we're trying to build huge fan base and it wouldn't be the same without you there. Here's our schedule
Time Room Match
1:00 p.m. GSC-201 Spring City vs. Byerland
2:15 p.m. GSC-203 Spring City vs. Timberline
2:35 p.m. SAC-107 Spring City vs. Petra 3
3:15 p.m. SAC-107 Spring City vs. Paradise 2
3:35 p.m. SAC-111 Spring City vs. Bowmansville 1
4:15 p.m. SAC-104 Spring City vs. Akron 1
And if we make to the playoffs, there will be at least one more match, hopefully 4 :). Oh, there is another event happening today. At 6:15 is the quizzing video and the announcement of the Top 60 Bible Quizzers List. Everyone should come out for that because Tim and I are in both! Come and watch! It's an all-day event, so come when you can, leave when you have to!
Now as the real March Madness comes along, everyone is starting to already fill out brackets, trying to predict who will win and go on to the next round. Well, since 2006 I have been attempting to do the same thing with the ACC Tournament, trying to predict the winner. Now there is a certain weight of favoritism for certain teams (lol), but for the most part, it is a good logical hypothesis, with the occasional yet expected upsest. So here is who I think the first and second teams will be in each group, respectivevly:
Group A: New Danville, Forest Hills
Group B: Petra 5, Emmanuel 1
Group C: Paradise 4, Hinkletown 1
Group D: Petra 2, Weaverland 1
Group E: Rockville 1, Zion 1
Group F: Petra 1, Rivercorner
Group G: Slate Hill 1, Petra 4
Group H: Spring City, Paradise 2
Yes, if you haven't noticed, I believe that 4 of the 6 Petra teams will go to the playoffs and 2 of 4 Paradise teams will go to the playoffs. Now that you see my prediction for who will be in the playoffs, let's see how I think the playoffs will go down.
So that would make the two semifinalist teams Petra 1 and Paradise 4 (who the finalists in the season final), the 2nd place team Rockville 1 (the 2007 ACC Tournament Champions) and 1st place Spring City (the 2005 ACC Tournament Champions). Hey, if it was your team, you be predicting it to go all the way too! What would be the point of competing if you didn't think your team could make it all the way?! But I give best wishes to everyone. Let's see who can go the farthest!
Friday, March 07, 2008
Closing the quizzing season at LMH
My apologies on it being so long for me to tell you what happened at quizzing. I've been so busy with other homework assignments that I haven't had the time. It is good that I waited as well because we didn't get the standings immeadiately so I couldn't tell you how I finished. Now I can.
I went to church at Spring City. Lunch quickly followed. I had many various things, from soup to bagel to pizza. After lunch, we had quizzing practice. I was feeling pretty good when I was studying. In practice, I seemed to be not studying. I couldn't buzz in on the ones I knew, and when I did buzz in, I didn't know the answer. I was also suffering from a lot of "brain farts", that is, not being able to recall what I knew. I always say there are 2 1/2 functures the brain does in quizzing. The first is to know when to buzz in. The second is to have the right answer. The half is to connect the two. My half wasn't working. So I could do was go over my notes again.
We arrived at LMH, me all decked out in orange, including orange hat, scarf and mittens. My orange quizzing buddy was tigger, but when Bobby gave me an actual orange and Chelsea drew a face on it, Otto the Orange became the new quizzing buddy. We went into the auditorium for praise and worship. A lot announcements followed, including one fun match with 20 quizzers. Sounded interesting. Then we were off to our matches. I was two quiz outs away from breaking a point record and a quizout record, so I wanted the quiz outs bad. I didn't get to see a first match. I wanted to watch Rockville 1, but when we got there, the buzzers weren't set up and the staff wasn't there. So I quickly rushed to go watch Slate Hill 1. I got to watch the middle part. Slate Hill 1 was losing and couldn't seem to get it together. This match was going to slow, and I had to go to my match.
Spring City's match was against Good Shepherd. I sat in seat 1 against the perfect quizzer Kim Weaver. She did good. She quizzed out yet again. I even helped her by giving her a bonus. So she was replaced by a substitute. The sub gave me a bonus, and I dropped it! Totally unacceptable. I couldn't get the situation either. I did quiz out eventually, on all buzzes. One down, one to go. Tim also quizzed out. Mike for the third consecutive match got 20, but couldn't quiz out. We won 90 to 45.
We had one match until our next match. So the guys watched Petra 4 vs. Rivercorner. Why? Petra 4 was in 4th place and we were in 5th place. We needed to score more than 20 points then Petra 4 to take the 4th place. 4th place was essential because we needed it to get a good seeding in the ACC Tournament. We must have made the match a bit ackward for RiverCorner. First, Rivercorner is an all-girls team, and only the guys for Spring City were there cheering. On top of that, we were the loudest ones there. I wonder if it effected Petra 4 that they knew we were cheering for their opponents. Whatever the case may be, 6th place Rivercorner beat 4th place Petra 4. Petra could only score 50 points. We were ahead by 40 points on the night. We just needed to keep it.
Our match was a long awaited match. It was against Zion 1. After much trashtalk and strategizing, both teams were ready for the head-on. I saw Jeremiah in seat 1 and wanted to sit across from him, so I sat in seat 1. At the last minute, they made a seat change and I ended up sitting across from Hannah. Fine. I was up to challenge. Or so I thought. Well, one again they stole our situation questions. Hannah quizzed out first and was replaced by a sub. I had to earn this on my own. I did it. Their loud cheering couldn't throw me off. I quizzed out on question 10 with one last loud BYAH! Zion 1 put up a good fight, but we won 90-80 by the same thing happening as last match. In the last 4 matches, I quizzed out, Tim quizzed out, and Mike was 1 right question short of quizzing out. We scored 180 points that night. As long as Petra 4 didn't score more than 120 points in their last match.
I quickly searched for anyone from Slate Hill 2 to find out how their match went. They didn't win, but they didn't lose either. They tied at 75 points! I was so happy that I went BYAH! down the halls. Spring City had finished their season in 4th place. This has been the highest I have ever finished with a team, either the 4 years with Spring City or 3 years elsewhere. Despite our average going down 1 point, we made it. Go Spring City!
So while they were trying to figure out what teams were in the playoffs, they had a fun match. 20 quiz coaches were randomly choosen to go up there. Dave was chosen as one of the coaches. I saw a lot of other familiar faces. Betty Esch was suppose to go up, but Rich went up in her place. So the quizmaster referred to him as Betty from that point on. Mark Graybill said, "If I get called up, you can call me Bob." He got called up. So if anyone sees him in the tourament, call him Bob. The match was intereting. Some showed they were good coaches by showing they knew the material. Dave showed the typical Spring City performance. He got one buzz in for team bonus, and then errored. His quizzers enjoyed cheering for him like a coach. At the end of 18, 2 of the 5 teams tied for the win. Dave's team was not that team. Now it was time for playoffs. League A 1st Petra 1 was playing League B 2nd New Danville, and League B 1st Paradise 4 was quizzing Slate Hill 1, who was 2nd in League A.
I went to see Petra 1 vs. New Danville. Let me tell you, from the beginning Petra 1 owned that match. New Danville only got one buzz in right, and two bonuses right, for 30 points. Petra 1 had the rest. They got 3 quiz outs and a team bonus, giving them a score of 135. You could tell Petra 1 had this match won since question 10. Petra 1 was victorious and moving on to the final match. I quickly hurried up to the door of the auditorium to see what was happening. The teams were lining up to shake hands. To my surprise, Paradise 4 had beaten Slate Hill 1 95 to 70. Slate Hill was not going to have consecutive championships.
The final match was Petra 1 vs. Paradise 4. Petra 1 had been in this position before. Would they repeat of overcome it? In the beginning, it was neck and neck. Andrew did his quizzing out thing. At the end of the match, it was tied at 75! Playoff matches can't end in ties, so they were going into 3 overtime questions. First question a quizout from Paradise 4. They take the lead 90-75. Second question is an error and missed bonus. On the third question, Deb Henson buzzed in and got it right. What was so special about this was she got team bonus and a quizout all on the same question! Despite all Petra 1's errors in the final match, they won it 105-90. Petra 1 takes home the season championship for the first time since 2003. Congratulations Petra 1!
Now we look forward to tournaments. More on that Saturday!
I went to church at Spring City. Lunch quickly followed. I had many various things, from soup to bagel to pizza. After lunch, we had quizzing practice. I was feeling pretty good when I was studying. In practice, I seemed to be not studying. I couldn't buzz in on the ones I knew, and when I did buzz in, I didn't know the answer. I was also suffering from a lot of "brain farts", that is, not being able to recall what I knew. I always say there are 2 1/2 functures the brain does in quizzing. The first is to know when to buzz in. The second is to have the right answer. The half is to connect the two. My half wasn't working. So I could do was go over my notes again.
We arrived at LMH, me all decked out in orange, including orange hat, scarf and mittens. My orange quizzing buddy was tigger, but when Bobby gave me an actual orange and Chelsea drew a face on it, Otto the Orange became the new quizzing buddy. We went into the auditorium for praise and worship. A lot announcements followed, including one fun match with 20 quizzers. Sounded interesting. Then we were off to our matches. I was two quiz outs away from breaking a point record and a quizout record, so I wanted the quiz outs bad. I didn't get to see a first match. I wanted to watch Rockville 1, but when we got there, the buzzers weren't set up and the staff wasn't there. So I quickly rushed to go watch Slate Hill 1. I got to watch the middle part. Slate Hill 1 was losing and couldn't seem to get it together. This match was going to slow, and I had to go to my match.
Spring City's match was against Good Shepherd. I sat in seat 1 against the perfect quizzer Kim Weaver. She did good. She quizzed out yet again. I even helped her by giving her a bonus. So she was replaced by a substitute. The sub gave me a bonus, and I dropped it! Totally unacceptable. I couldn't get the situation either. I did quiz out eventually, on all buzzes. One down, one to go. Tim also quizzed out. Mike for the third consecutive match got 20, but couldn't quiz out. We won 90 to 45.
We had one match until our next match. So the guys watched Petra 4 vs. Rivercorner. Why? Petra 4 was in 4th place and we were in 5th place. We needed to score more than 20 points then Petra 4 to take the 4th place. 4th place was essential because we needed it to get a good seeding in the ACC Tournament. We must have made the match a bit ackward for RiverCorner. First, Rivercorner is an all-girls team, and only the guys for Spring City were there cheering. On top of that, we were the loudest ones there. I wonder if it effected Petra 4 that they knew we were cheering for their opponents. Whatever the case may be, 6th place Rivercorner beat 4th place Petra 4. Petra could only score 50 points. We were ahead by 40 points on the night. We just needed to keep it.
Our match was a long awaited match. It was against Zion 1. After much trashtalk and strategizing, both teams were ready for the head-on. I saw Jeremiah in seat 1 and wanted to sit across from him, so I sat in seat 1. At the last minute, they made a seat change and I ended up sitting across from Hannah. Fine. I was up to challenge. Or so I thought. Well, one again they stole our situation questions. Hannah quizzed out first and was replaced by a sub. I had to earn this on my own. I did it. Their loud cheering couldn't throw me off. I quizzed out on question 10 with one last loud BYAH! Zion 1 put up a good fight, but we won 90-80 by the same thing happening as last match. In the last 4 matches, I quizzed out, Tim quizzed out, and Mike was 1 right question short of quizzing out. We scored 180 points that night. As long as Petra 4 didn't score more than 120 points in their last match.
I quickly searched for anyone from Slate Hill 2 to find out how their match went. They didn't win, but they didn't lose either. They tied at 75 points! I was so happy that I went BYAH! down the halls. Spring City had finished their season in 4th place. This has been the highest I have ever finished with a team, either the 4 years with Spring City or 3 years elsewhere. Despite our average going down 1 point, we made it. Go Spring City!
So while they were trying to figure out what teams were in the playoffs, they had a fun match. 20 quiz coaches were randomly choosen to go up there. Dave was chosen as one of the coaches. I saw a lot of other familiar faces. Betty Esch was suppose to go up, but Rich went up in her place. So the quizmaster referred to him as Betty from that point on. Mark Graybill said, "If I get called up, you can call me Bob." He got called up. So if anyone sees him in the tourament, call him Bob. The match was intereting. Some showed they were good coaches by showing they knew the material. Dave showed the typical Spring City performance. He got one buzz in for team bonus, and then errored. His quizzers enjoyed cheering for him like a coach. At the end of 18, 2 of the 5 teams tied for the win. Dave's team was not that team. Now it was time for playoffs. League A 1st Petra 1 was playing League B 2nd New Danville, and League B 1st Paradise 4 was quizzing Slate Hill 1, who was 2nd in League A.
I went to see Petra 1 vs. New Danville. Let me tell you, from the beginning Petra 1 owned that match. New Danville only got one buzz in right, and two bonuses right, for 30 points. Petra 1 had the rest. They got 3 quiz outs and a team bonus, giving them a score of 135. You could tell Petra 1 had this match won since question 10. Petra 1 was victorious and moving on to the final match. I quickly hurried up to the door of the auditorium to see what was happening. The teams were lining up to shake hands. To my surprise, Paradise 4 had beaten Slate Hill 1 95 to 70. Slate Hill was not going to have consecutive championships.
The final match was Petra 1 vs. Paradise 4. Petra 1 had been in this position before. Would they repeat of overcome it? In the beginning, it was neck and neck. Andrew did his quizzing out thing. At the end of the match, it was tied at 75! Playoff matches can't end in ties, so they were going into 3 overtime questions. First question a quizout from Paradise 4. They take the lead 90-75. Second question is an error and missed bonus. On the third question, Deb Henson buzzed in and got it right. What was so special about this was she got team bonus and a quizout all on the same question! Despite all Petra 1's errors in the final match, they won it 105-90. Petra 1 takes home the season championship for the first time since 2003. Congratulations Petra 1!
Now we look forward to tournaments. More on that Saturday!
Monday, February 25, 2008
P-e-t-r-a Petra!
By a matter of 10 points, Spring City dropped from 4th to 5th. We needed to get back up to 4th for a good seeding in the ACC Tournament. Practice did not look too promising. Just like the last Thursday practice, I only quizzed out half my matches. I even errored out one. I didn't have a lot of time to practice before then considering I had 2 exams and I quiz I needed to study for in college. So I made up for the lost studying on Friday and Saturday.
I went to church with Spring City on Sunday. No crazy appearal this Sunday. Mike, Tim and I intentionally (and Dave unitentially) wore our Spring City 2007 shirts as I reminder to ourselves and our opponents that this 2008 team is just as powerful as the 2007 team. The only craziness is the quizzing buddy. I brought Stitch, the Stitch made famous by Bekah in 2006 when she tried endlessly to get its affection. I also got my secret sponser. Thank you secret sponser for the Garfield quizzing buddy, almond joys and the highlighters. They will be enjoyed. After church we got to have the lunch we were looking forward to all year: lunch at the Walleighs. It was the typical tacos, but they were good at always. Accompanying the quiz team was Bethany and her huband Steve, Seth and his adorable daughter Madison. Fun was had by all, but we had to get back to the church to get back to studying.
I was feeling more confident about myself after much studying Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning. That was about to end in practice. Quizzing out for me became a struggle. I was having brain farts. Things I knew were leaving my mind. I couldn't recall anything. It was frustrating. I wanted to give up, but I knew giving up wouldn't help. So I just studied harder. Dinner was treated as a lunch as I warmed up my soup. We all ate in the kitchen. When we were done, we left for Petra.
When we arrived at Petra, I thought it looked bigger. Apparently they were just remodeling. Mike and Tim went off as usual to unknown locations, most likely the bathroom. Chelsea and Alyssa were roaming around the sanctuary and looking at it. Bobby and I went over keywords. We all got back together for praise and worship. Mike needed to be tuned for his singing. Annoucements told us where the rooms were, but didn't tell us any of the individual standings. Not even the perfect quizzers. I really think that's unnecesary. Shortly after Merv's joke, the quizzing was underway.
Just like last week, we had the last two matches. So we spent the rest of the time watching other matches, mainly future opponents. The first match I watched was Petra 6 vs. Maple Grove. I got to scorekeep. For the first 6 questions scorekeeping was boring because after 6 questions, the score was a tie at 10. Petra 6 was able to score 20 more points, but it lost 10 due to 6 errors. Maple Grove got 2 errors, both in review. Maple Grove won 55-20.
The next match I saw with Petra 2 vs. Conestoga 2. Conestoga was down to 3 quizzers. That meant when we would have a quizzer who would not get bonuses. It helped Petra 2. Petra 2 had quizzers buzzing in and quizzing out. They did get team bonus. One of the most imperssive questions was "With what did...." and Dave Jenson buzzing in, answering "Great pomp" and being correct. Petra 2 won with 120 points. I stayed in that same room to watch Petra 6 vs. Hinkletown 1, which Hinkletown 1 won. After that match, Dave drew the team together for some last-minute questions. We finished up, and watched the end of the match between Petra 4 vs. Weaverland 1 in the sanctuary. Weaverland 1 was the winner. We were now up.
In the second to last round, Spring City was taking on Petra 6 in the sanctuary with Jaime Detweiler as quizmaster. I sat in seat 2. I did not start the match as I wanted to. When I am in a quizmatch, the quizzeranium (the quizzing part of my brain) has 3 functions: first to know the right place to buzz in, second to come up with the right answer, and third is to connect the first two part. At my first buzz in, I had the good buzz. "What was Felix well acq..." but my brain farted and couldn't not come up with the right answer. When I made the second buzz in, and at seemed like the same thing was happening. My brain was farting and I was coming up blank with good buzzes. But the Holy Spirit came in and helped me. He did the connecting part and gave me the right answer scoring my first points. It was easier from there on. With two more questions, one being a situation question, I quizzed out. Tim also quizzed out. We came up short for team bonus. We did win 90-40 but we got a lot of errors. If I'm not mistaken, their points were all off of bonuses we gave them, but I could be wrong (Mrs. Deitrick, if you're reading this, my stats are off a bit. Please tell me what questions Tim and I quizzed out on for both matches.)
We had to hurry to our next match against Conestoga 2. The quizmaster was Bill Blank, which made me uneasy. He's a tougher On the first two questions Mike buzzed in and got both right. Unfortuneatly that the last we heard from him. I quizzed out, and so did Tim. Bobby also buzzed in and got it correct for team bonus! Bobby has now scored over 100 points! Welcome to the triple digits club, Bobby! Alyssa tried another buzz in on review, but this time her "tree" was going to help her. Spring City won 120-55.
So now I have 530 points, and I have now clinched a spot on the top 50 quizzers list. If I continue quizzing out, I will finish with 600 points, the highest yet. Spring City as a team has now scored a total of 1565 points this season, averaging 97.8125, rounded to 98. Our average went up 1 point! Let's see if it propels us back into 4th place.
I went to church with Spring City on Sunday. No crazy appearal this Sunday. Mike, Tim and I intentionally (and Dave unitentially) wore our Spring City 2007 shirts as I reminder to ourselves and our opponents that this 2008 team is just as powerful as the 2007 team. The only craziness is the quizzing buddy. I brought Stitch, the Stitch made famous by Bekah in 2006 when she tried endlessly to get its affection. I also got my secret sponser. Thank you secret sponser for the Garfield quizzing buddy, almond joys and the highlighters. They will be enjoyed. After church we got to have the lunch we were looking forward to all year: lunch at the Walleighs. It was the typical tacos, but they were good at always. Accompanying the quiz team was Bethany and her huband Steve, Seth and his adorable daughter Madison. Fun was had by all, but we had to get back to the church to get back to studying.
I was feeling more confident about myself after much studying Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning. That was about to end in practice. Quizzing out for me became a struggle. I was having brain farts. Things I knew were leaving my mind. I couldn't recall anything. It was frustrating. I wanted to give up, but I knew giving up wouldn't help. So I just studied harder. Dinner was treated as a lunch as I warmed up my soup. We all ate in the kitchen. When we were done, we left for Petra.
When we arrived at Petra, I thought it looked bigger. Apparently they were just remodeling. Mike and Tim went off as usual to unknown locations, most likely the bathroom. Chelsea and Alyssa were roaming around the sanctuary and looking at it. Bobby and I went over keywords. We all got back together for praise and worship. Mike needed to be tuned for his singing. Annoucements told us where the rooms were, but didn't tell us any of the individual standings. Not even the perfect quizzers. I really think that's unnecesary. Shortly after Merv's joke, the quizzing was underway.
Just like last week, we had the last two matches. So we spent the rest of the time watching other matches, mainly future opponents. The first match I watched was Petra 6 vs. Maple Grove. I got to scorekeep. For the first 6 questions scorekeeping was boring because after 6 questions, the score was a tie at 10. Petra 6 was able to score 20 more points, but it lost 10 due to 6 errors. Maple Grove got 2 errors, both in review. Maple Grove won 55-20.
The next match I saw with Petra 2 vs. Conestoga 2. Conestoga was down to 3 quizzers. That meant when we would have a quizzer who would not get bonuses. It helped Petra 2. Petra 2 had quizzers buzzing in and quizzing out. They did get team bonus. One of the most imperssive questions was "With what did...." and Dave Jenson buzzing in, answering "Great pomp" and being correct. Petra 2 won with 120 points. I stayed in that same room to watch Petra 6 vs. Hinkletown 1, which Hinkletown 1 won. After that match, Dave drew the team together for some last-minute questions. We finished up, and watched the end of the match between Petra 4 vs. Weaverland 1 in the sanctuary. Weaverland 1 was the winner. We were now up.
In the second to last round, Spring City was taking on Petra 6 in the sanctuary with Jaime Detweiler as quizmaster. I sat in seat 2. I did not start the match as I wanted to. When I am in a quizmatch, the quizzeranium (the quizzing part of my brain) has 3 functions: first to know the right place to buzz in, second to come up with the right answer, and third is to connect the first two part. At my first buzz in, I had the good buzz. "What was Felix well acq..." but my brain farted and couldn't not come up with the right answer. When I made the second buzz in, and at seemed like the same thing was happening. My brain was farting and I was coming up blank with good buzzes. But the Holy Spirit came in and helped me. He did the connecting part and gave me the right answer scoring my first points. It was easier from there on. With two more questions, one being a situation question, I quizzed out. Tim also quizzed out. We came up short for team bonus. We did win 90-40 but we got a lot of errors. If I'm not mistaken, their points were all off of bonuses we gave them, but I could be wrong (Mrs. Deitrick, if you're reading this, my stats are off a bit. Please tell me what questions Tim and I quizzed out on for both matches.)
We had to hurry to our next match against Conestoga 2. The quizmaster was Bill Blank, which made me uneasy. He's a tougher On the first two questions Mike buzzed in and got both right. Unfortuneatly that the last we heard from him. I quizzed out, and so did Tim. Bobby also buzzed in and got it correct for team bonus! Bobby has now scored over 100 points! Welcome to the triple digits club, Bobby! Alyssa tried another buzz in on review, but this time her "tree" was going to help her. Spring City won 120-55.
So now I have 530 points, and I have now clinched a spot on the top 50 quizzers list. If I continue quizzing out, I will finish with 600 points, the highest yet. Spring City as a team has now scored a total of 1565 points this season, averaging 97.8125, rounded to 98. Our average went up 1 point! Let's see if it propels us back into 4th place.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Neffsville. Nuff said.
As Dave told us on Thursday's practice, 4th place with a gift from God. Our average dropped 40 points, and we were as low as 11th place. God saw that we were deserving to be lifted us to a higher place, and we were. Now the key was to try to stare there. Could we? At practice on Thursday night, for the first time I did not quiz out on practice. Twice I couldn't get higher than 20 points. I obviously needed more studying.
I came to church on Sunday. My strategy beyond hard studying was the intimidate the oppenent by looking insane. So I dressed crazy. My pants were blue and orange. My shirt was green. All 3 clashed, like I couldn't dress myself. To add to that, I had one black sock and one white sock, one white shoe and one black/orange shoe. I wore Mardi Gras beads and to top it all off, I had a inflatable hat with a brain on it. My quizzing buddy was green cow with orange and purple spots that didn't want to be tickled. I looked crazy, but by practice time, I was ready.
Practice was frustrating. Depending on whose questions I got was how I did. When I got Dave questions, I knew them, but I couldn't get in. When I got Vicki questions, I got in, but I couldn't answer them. In fact, I errored out on one of her sets. She was grateful enough to let me until another another error, but instead I quizzed out. I needed more studying. We couldn't do much during free time because there was a baby shower at the church, so I took the time to stay in the room and study. Then came the ackward moment of the year. Apparently, the shower was for someone related to Chelsea in Alyssa Mullins. So here I am, dressed like an insane man, studying aloud (I study vocally because it sticks better), asking myself questions and answers. Suddenly Chelsea and Alyssa come in with some girl (whose age I'm still trying to guess) from the shower. Alyssa says, "This is Graham, the duct tape guy, but today he's just crazy." What are you suppose to say/do in that situation? All I could do was say hi and be nice. Luckily it didn't last too long, so I could feel less ackward and practice more. Since we couldn't have a normal dinner like usual because of the shower, we had pizza in our practice room. Then we went to Neffsville.
Neffsville is only about 3 miles away from my college, so we had a pretty good distance to go up. We got our usual rounds of questions. Even when we got there, we went through more questions. Again we switched name tags. I received Tim's. Tim and Mike decided to have fun and sit in the wheelchairs....after much arguing with Vicki. Our time was cut short as we ran into friends from Slate Hill 2. We went to worship and then went to go watch matches because we had the last two matches of the night.
The first match I watched was Neffsville 2 vs. Akron 1. The match was slow because a lot of the questions would get out. Neffsville did well and got team bonus, leading them for the win. That looked good for our team. The next match I watched was Petra 3 vs. Petra 5. I like a good in-church rivalry. Petra 5 was the favorite in 4th, and Petra 3 was in 12th. Petra 5 showed that they were higher as they brought forth a win. Next was E-Town 2 vs. Petra 2, so I could scout out Petra 2. They struggled in the beginning, yet by the end, Petra 2 won 85-50. Still, it wasn't up to their aveage. Coach Dave thought we needed more practice so he had us meet in the hall for more questions. After those questions, I realized I needed more questions myself. So for one more round, I went off to study myself. After going over questions one more time, I was ready.
We started the match against Akron 1 with me in seat 1. Spring City finally had a match with favorite quizmaster Jaime Detweiler. I quizzed out on question 5. Tim followed by quizzing out later, after getting 2 errors. In the process of trying to score points, Mike errored twice, yet he scored for us 20 points. By the end of question 14, we had 3 quizzers who could get team bonus and one who could quiz out. Yet instead we got a fifth error, causing us to lose 5 points. We won 85 to 55. It was a win, but it wasn't as strong as we wanted. In a points where the standings are measured by points, we needed points.
The back to back match that followed was against Petra 3. A 3rd place team vs. a 4th place team. It wasn't what we expected. We got the early jump in. I quizzed out by question 6, and Tim followed up the next question. Mike and Bobby got us team bonus! Then came review. One question started, "On what was Jesus..." and BZZT came from....Alyssa? Well, Alyssa thought, and so did everyone else on the team, including coaches. No one could come up with an answer. Then Alyssa questionally said "A tree?" out of no where. A pause. Quizmaster Jon Howe smiles and saind, "He did!" Well, you can just imagine how frantic everyone was shouting. We were so happy over 10 points that we confused all the Petra fans. We had to explain it was Alyssa's first points. Good job Alyssa! Way to go! Once again, we had 5 of our 6 quizzers buzz in for a correct answer. We beat the 3rd place team 120-70. After Petra 2 knocked us out of the Invitational, I think we are now even!
We won't home happy. All 6 of our quizzers have points. Bobby is 5 away from reaching 100 (and in his rookie year too!). I have scored 460 points, and am 10 away from clinching the top 50 Quizzers List. Unfortuneatly they stopped posting individual standings, so we can't show you this. They still post team standings. Our team average went up 1 average point. That 1 point, however, was not enough. Petra 4 had a good night and passed us by a matter of half an average point. So we fell back to 5th place. Still, we are rearing to go another week to get back into the top 4, and if we do extremely well, the top 2! Pray for us!
I came to church on Sunday. My strategy beyond hard studying was the intimidate the oppenent by looking insane. So I dressed crazy. My pants were blue and orange. My shirt was green. All 3 clashed, like I couldn't dress myself. To add to that, I had one black sock and one white sock, one white shoe and one black/orange shoe. I wore Mardi Gras beads and to top it all off, I had a inflatable hat with a brain on it. My quizzing buddy was green cow with orange and purple spots that didn't want to be tickled. I looked crazy, but by practice time, I was ready.
Practice was frustrating. Depending on whose questions I got was how I did. When I got Dave questions, I knew them, but I couldn't get in. When I got Vicki questions, I got in, but I couldn't answer them. In fact, I errored out on one of her sets. She was grateful enough to let me until another another error, but instead I quizzed out. I needed more studying. We couldn't do much during free time because there was a baby shower at the church, so I took the time to stay in the room and study. Then came the ackward moment of the year. Apparently, the shower was for someone related to Chelsea in Alyssa Mullins. So here I am, dressed like an insane man, studying aloud (I study vocally because it sticks better), asking myself questions and answers. Suddenly Chelsea and Alyssa come in with some girl (whose age I'm still trying to guess) from the shower. Alyssa says, "This is Graham, the duct tape guy, but today he's just crazy." What are you suppose to say/do in that situation? All I could do was say hi and be nice. Luckily it didn't last too long, so I could feel less ackward and practice more. Since we couldn't have a normal dinner like usual because of the shower, we had pizza in our practice room. Then we went to Neffsville.
Neffsville is only about 3 miles away from my college, so we had a pretty good distance to go up. We got our usual rounds of questions. Even when we got there, we went through more questions. Again we switched name tags. I received Tim's. Tim and Mike decided to have fun and sit in the wheelchairs....after much arguing with Vicki. Our time was cut short as we ran into friends from Slate Hill 2. We went to worship and then went to go watch matches because we had the last two matches of the night.
The first match I watched was Neffsville 2 vs. Akron 1. The match was slow because a lot of the questions would get out. Neffsville did well and got team bonus, leading them for the win. That looked good for our team. The next match I watched was Petra 3 vs. Petra 5. I like a good in-church rivalry. Petra 5 was the favorite in 4th, and Petra 3 was in 12th. Petra 5 showed that they were higher as they brought forth a win. Next was E-Town 2 vs. Petra 2, so I could scout out Petra 2. They struggled in the beginning, yet by the end, Petra 2 won 85-50. Still, it wasn't up to their aveage. Coach Dave thought we needed more practice so he had us meet in the hall for more questions. After those questions, I realized I needed more questions myself. So for one more round, I went off to study myself. After going over questions one more time, I was ready.
We started the match against Akron 1 with me in seat 1. Spring City finally had a match with favorite quizmaster Jaime Detweiler. I quizzed out on question 5. Tim followed by quizzing out later, after getting 2 errors. In the process of trying to score points, Mike errored twice, yet he scored for us 20 points. By the end of question 14, we had 3 quizzers who could get team bonus and one who could quiz out. Yet instead we got a fifth error, causing us to lose 5 points. We won 85 to 55. It was a win, but it wasn't as strong as we wanted. In a points where the standings are measured by points, we needed points.
The back to back match that followed was against Petra 3. A 3rd place team vs. a 4th place team. It wasn't what we expected. We got the early jump in. I quizzed out by question 6, and Tim followed up the next question. Mike and Bobby got us team bonus! Then came review. One question started, "On what was Jesus..." and BZZT came from....Alyssa? Well, Alyssa thought, and so did everyone else on the team, including coaches. No one could come up with an answer. Then Alyssa questionally said "A tree?" out of no where. A pause. Quizmaster Jon Howe smiles and saind, "He did!" Well, you can just imagine how frantic everyone was shouting. We were so happy over 10 points that we confused all the Petra fans. We had to explain it was Alyssa's first points. Good job Alyssa! Way to go! Once again, we had 5 of our 6 quizzers buzz in for a correct answer. We beat the 3rd place team 120-70. After Petra 2 knocked us out of the Invitational, I think we are now even!
We won't home happy. All 6 of our quizzers have points. Bobby is 5 away from reaching 100 (and in his rookie year too!). I have scored 460 points, and am 10 away from clinching the top 50 Quizzers List. Unfortuneatly they stopped posting individual standings, so we can't show you this. They still post team standings. Our team average went up 1 average point. That 1 point, however, was not enough. Petra 4 had a good night and passed us by a matter of half an average point. So we fell back to 5th place. Still, we are rearing to go another week to get back into the top 4, and if we do extremely well, the top 2! Pray for us!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Valentine's Day Reflections
You're probably reading the title and thinking, "This is a little late." Well, I didn't post it on Valentine's Day because I reflected on it on Valentine's Day. I have no intention of making this a rant. I want to be open and honest with you about my thoughts and feelings. So stick with me, and I'm sorry this goes off into a rant by any chance. But if it does, I've only ranted on the holiday once before, so I've been good
First of all, let me establish my relationship history: I am currently single. I have had 2 girlfriends in the past. I don't mean to be blunt, but if I do not say this up front, none of the rest will make to sense to you. This is where the "stick with me" part comes in. And while I'm at it, and I'll establish the fact that Feb. 15 is not Singles Day. Singles get a whole week, and it's the week Sept. 14 is in, 6 months after Valentine's Day.
I'm friends with a guy at college named Brady. Brady and I look so alike we've been mistaken for twins, but that's off topic. What annoys me the most about Brady is also what I like the most about Brady. When Brady has a problem in his life, he will randomly talk over it out loud, and anyone near him can hear it. Maybe Brady looking like me is not coincidence because if he is suffering from a problem I have just like him, it's almost like looking at myself talking over my problems (no joke intended, I am serious). So on February 12, just 2 days before Valentine's Day, Brady mentioned himself being single (as well as dealing with being single), and his struggle to not be able to get a girl. And I saw that mirror reflection of me.
Valentine's Day AKA "Singles Awareness Day [S.A.D.]" Why is it Singles Awareness Day, or S.A.D.? Because on Valentine's Day, the ones that are SAD are the singles. Why? This is a holiday which is spent a lot (although not the entire thing) on boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife. And it's public. So public some people, like the Sad Singles, don't want to leave their house (or in the college student's case, the dorm). I had experienced like feelings in high school. The Public Displays of Affection were at their height on this day, so greatly I didn't want to go to school. I started thinking this same thought for college. Do I really want to leave my dorm, a safe haven of guys only and no couples? I dare not go to Lower Level Peterson! I tried to get an idea of what Valentine's Day was like on a Bible College campus. Some said it's bad, others said it was not bad at all. Some said it's not as bad as high school, others said it's fine as long as you have tunnel vision (don't go looking for the couples on purpose, and avoiding it all costs). So since I was leaving at 4, I decided it was safe to venture, but just to classes, the cafeteria for food, and then the rest of the time my dorm.
Ah, I love my dorm. And that's one of the reasons why. It's just guys. Yes, I enjoy the fact that the dorms are not co-ed, and there a place I can go to get away to just guys. Not from girls, but from couples. There not anywhere in sight. Out of sight, out of mind. And they are out of mind because it's not brought up in my quad. Out of the 8 guys in my quad (I'm including the regular visitor Brady), 6 of them are single. And from the 2 that have girlfriends (actually, for one, it's finance), I don't hear about it on a regular basis. Sure they mention them when applicable, but it's not like they are announcing it on a daily. And I am very grateful for that. Thank you guys. Thank you for not making me a part in your relationship, the audience. But back to the cool singles guys. They are awesome. With the exception of Brady (there is nothing wrong with this, and I'll get to that later), none of them complain about not having a girlfriend. Sure, I bet they have girls they like, but I'm not hearing them obsess about it, or depressed because they are not dating. They are content with being single. One guy from my section actually verified this just last night, and I know others has told me this. One even told me that he was putting off any relationship for a long time on purpose. And it's starting to change me.
These guys influenced me all fall semister. And for the first time I can officially say that I'm content with being single. It's been a big help being around these guys. It helped me realize something. I now realize the reasons I wanted to have a girlfriend, and they might be the wrong reason. It goes all the way back to high school. I was in a school of show-off couples, which treated singleness as a curse. I was incomplete, and a girlfriend would complete me. I had no close friends and thought a girlfriend would be a good one. It seemed like I couldn't find anyone who liked me, and I was desperate to find one. Being single made me feel left out, unpopular and unliked. But then coming to LBC and meeting the guys in Peterson Hall 107 changed that. They were good friends, who liked me for who I was. All the past changed. Being able to go to these guys, where I could get away without really hearing about it, I didn't think about it. I had friends. And with these good friends who wanted to hang out with me, the strong feeling of needing a girlfriend just became a weak feeling of wanting a girlfriend. It wasn't necesary in my life. Through both words and actions, I saw that they felt the same way too. And even in the worse times, I could go to my Life Connect person Louis, and he's also helped get me out of the deepest funks of being single to the greatest contentment of being single. And some of my favorite moments with him is either doing Bible studies or playing video games - it takes my mind away from girls, couples, and being single.
And ironically, all my ex-girlfriends have taught me this lesson. This goes back to Brady speaking what's on his mind. On that Tuesday the 12th, Brady was talking about the "girls who got away." In his case it was just good female friends who he could have taken it up to the next stage, but in my case, thinking about the girls who got away from me were my 2 ex-girlfriends. I don't care how pathetic this sounds, it's true: both times I have been dumped by the girl. They left me. So to me, they got away. For the most part, I have gotten over them, but there is still a teeny tiny bit that wishes one of them would come back (let's say I'm 95% over them, 5% wishes one would come back). Thinking about both of them, I realized both had something in common. Both of them, when I started dating them, could be described as "desperately single" and both of them broke up with me after realizing they were happy when they were single. Now I don't believe that to be the full truth, but I think there is truth in that. And I look back at myself, I think when I started out going with those girls, I was a little desperate. Every time we've broken up, I've not wanted to, but I'd allowed it. A girl, who I liked and turned me down once said, "You're not ready to marry until you're ready to be single." I say the same is true for dating. You're not ready to date until you are ready to be single.
So was I ready to be dating? What I mean by that, was I ready to be single? I'm not sure. I can't say I compromised any beliefs or feelings. I was still behaving like a Christian. And they were Christian. They liked me, and I liked them. They met all my requirements. My second girlfriend I didn't go out with until 15 months after dating my first girlfriend, not really liking any girl. Does that say something? So am I ready to be single again? I don't know. I'd like to say I am. I'm not too concentrated on girls. Right now, there is no single girl that I have a major crush on. Yet I find myself having minor crushes on a bunch of girls. Is it a sign of being desperate, or is it keeping me in check for liking one girl too much? I also have found myself liking girls near my sister's age, which is roughly about 4 years younger than me. Now it's nothing sexual...or maybe a better term is nothing physical. I just like them for their personality, for who they are. Is this wrong? Am I getting so desperate that I am looking at younger girls? Or is that I'm just being too influence by Mike? :-P That's a scary thought.
Here's another thing that divides me on whether I am fully content with singleness . May it be a confession to all of you. I confess that I have been using dating applications on Facebook to meet girls. I "poke" them, message them, and add a few to my friends. I've met a lot of girls this way. It mostly is online, and even more stays to just Facebook. But a few I've gotten IM screenames from. And truthfully, my last girlfriend I did not know until I met her on Facebook. It just so happened that we had a common friend who went to a common church. So yes, we met through Facebook. Now I know a lot of people are against, mostly because it's unconventional, but also the fact these people on another computer are strangers. If you're not comfortable, let me tell you this. 6 girls I asked out before I had a girlfriend. All of them I knew face-to-face and had a friendship with. All 6 turned me down. After those 6, I had my 2 girlfriends. Both met me online. Sure the shortest one only lasted 10 days, but that's 10 more days then those 6 other girls gave me.But So I'm not really against it. I can see profiles of girls, with both pictures and info, and from that choose someone who matches me or I think will be good with. Sure they can lie, but I haven't really met that problem before, and if so, I can usually tell by exchanging messages. And it helps get rid of that ackward exchange of basic information on the first date because it's all there online. Same is true for the girl. Girls can see all my information and know who I am before making a move. That leads me to a topic I said I would get back to.
As I said above, Brady does sometimes struggle with being single, and will express it out loud. On that Tuesday the 12th he mentioned looking at himself, and what could attract girls, only to draw up a blank. I drew up that same blank. You ladies reading might be a girl who received an IM in September asking you "Why would you marry me". I had gotten a dating survey for college success that asked why some woman would want to marry me. Truthfully, I didn't know why. I myself did not know why I was worth marrying. This question that took a lot of thought. It got me stumped a couple of times. I had to get help from female friends. And still thinking about it, I can't see a reason why a girl would like me. I will outwardly tell you, I am not attractive to the eyes, not athletic or fit, not musical in any sense, nor artistic in any sense. I’m not really a genius. I’m not too rich either. My sense of humor is dry slap-stick (although my last ex always thought I was funny, and still does). There is nothing I got. Of course on the survey I put "I'm a good Christian." Yeah, that is good for a Christian girl, but seriously, that's a broad category. There are a lot of guys who are Christian. So after he's Christian, the next thing is...well, it's one of the above that I don't have. So pretty much, I'm screwed. It's hard to convince a girl to like you if you have low self-esteem. Now don't get me wrong, I like me for who I am. I realize God created me the way I was because he wanted me that way, and I am satisfied with the way I am created. It's just trying to get the girl to see the same thing, and like me enough to date me. But they're not always interested in that. As Napoleon Dynamite states, they want skills. What girl is attracted to a Bible Quizzer? Let me tell you not even the Bible Quizzing girls are attracted to that. Only I am (and it's kinda made me quizzing shallow, only liking girl quizzers with high scores). Like I said: screwed. So what's a guy to do? Nothing, absolutely nothing. I have come to the point where I say to ladies, "This is me. Take it or leave it." Don't change for someone else, you'll be living a lie. Tell them to take it or leave it. And remember, God made you, so He takes it, and leaves the sin behind.
So what's this got to do with Valentine's? This is what I was thinking during Valentine's, and it all draws to some good conclusions about Valentine's. The holiday can impact you no matter what your relationship status. So what are going to take from it? Couples, are you going to flaunt your love for each other? Careful, it may hurt your single friends. Singles, are you going to complain about how much this holiday sucks? Careful, it may hurt your dating friends. Let's compromise: if dating people promise to keep their displays of affections to themselves, then single people will keep their complaining among themsleves. Deal? Deal. Couples, go off alone and enjoy the time you have for the special someone. For you single people, hang out with a large group of people from the same gender. Guys, hang out with a large bunch of guys. Girls, hang out with a large group of girls. Do what you like doing the best, fellowship and get caught up with each other. And promise that talk about the opposite sex, couples, crushes, or dating will not come up. The idea is to take your mind of those things and focus it on something you enjoy. I know some people get together a co-ed group of single people to hang out, but I think this is going the wrong way at it. At these things, people just end up pairing up for the day, and it's pretty much conforming to be like couples so you don't feel left out. It's missing the point.
So in closing I want to remind you all that everyone will be eventually married...it is stated in Revelations, it's our marriage as the church to Christ. So if you're a couple, dating or married, it doesn't matter because at the end, the marriage is null-and-void. And for you single people, don't worry if you're not married, or not dating. Give God the time. In the mean time, take that love you usually give to the significant other and share it among your friends, family, and most importantly, God. And even if you're still single by the end of your life, know that God still loves you the same. He has given His love to you, more than any spouse can. In my singleness, I've been praying to God and talking through this to Him. And I feel like he's telling me, "Graham, if you do get a wife, you will have to make some compromises. But if you stay single, I promise I will open many doors for you to procede to do My Will and what you please. And I will give you more friends so you can give that love to them." God has not abandoned the single people. He does not choose His servants based on their relationship status. Christians, let us do the same as the Lord does to us. Let us not judge people on their relationship status.
I am single, but I am also taken by the Lord because I am in a relationship with Him.
First of all, let me establish my relationship history: I am currently single. I have had 2 girlfriends in the past. I don't mean to be blunt, but if I do not say this up front, none of the rest will make to sense to you. This is where the "stick with me" part comes in. And while I'm at it, and I'll establish the fact that Feb. 15 is not Singles Day. Singles get a whole week, and it's the week Sept. 14 is in, 6 months after Valentine's Day.
I'm friends with a guy at college named Brady. Brady and I look so alike we've been mistaken for twins, but that's off topic. What annoys me the most about Brady is also what I like the most about Brady. When Brady has a problem in his life, he will randomly talk over it out loud, and anyone near him can hear it. Maybe Brady looking like me is not coincidence because if he is suffering from a problem I have just like him, it's almost like looking at myself talking over my problems (no joke intended, I am serious). So on February 12, just 2 days before Valentine's Day, Brady mentioned himself being single (as well as dealing with being single), and his struggle to not be able to get a girl. And I saw that mirror reflection of me.
Valentine's Day AKA "Singles Awareness Day [S.A.D.]" Why is it Singles Awareness Day, or S.A.D.? Because on Valentine's Day, the ones that are SAD are the singles. Why? This is a holiday which is spent a lot (although not the entire thing) on boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife. And it's public. So public some people, like the Sad Singles, don't want to leave their house (or in the college student's case, the dorm). I had experienced like feelings in high school. The Public Displays of Affection were at their height on this day, so greatly I didn't want to go to school. I started thinking this same thought for college. Do I really want to leave my dorm, a safe haven of guys only and no couples? I dare not go to Lower Level Peterson! I tried to get an idea of what Valentine's Day was like on a Bible College campus. Some said it's bad, others said it was not bad at all. Some said it's not as bad as high school, others said it's fine as long as you have tunnel vision (don't go looking for the couples on purpose, and avoiding it all costs). So since I was leaving at 4, I decided it was safe to venture, but just to classes, the cafeteria for food, and then the rest of the time my dorm.
Ah, I love my dorm. And that's one of the reasons why. It's just guys. Yes, I enjoy the fact that the dorms are not co-ed, and there a place I can go to get away to just guys. Not from girls, but from couples. There not anywhere in sight. Out of sight, out of mind. And they are out of mind because it's not brought up in my quad. Out of the 8 guys in my quad (I'm including the regular visitor Brady), 6 of them are single. And from the 2 that have girlfriends (actually, for one, it's finance), I don't hear about it on a regular basis. Sure they mention them when applicable, but it's not like they are announcing it on a daily. And I am very grateful for that. Thank you guys. Thank you for not making me a part in your relationship, the audience. But back to the cool singles guys. They are awesome. With the exception of Brady (there is nothing wrong with this, and I'll get to that later), none of them complain about not having a girlfriend. Sure, I bet they have girls they like, but I'm not hearing them obsess about it, or depressed because they are not dating. They are content with being single. One guy from my section actually verified this just last night, and I know others has told me this. One even told me that he was putting off any relationship for a long time on purpose. And it's starting to change me.
These guys influenced me all fall semister. And for the first time I can officially say that I'm content with being single. It's been a big help being around these guys. It helped me realize something. I now realize the reasons I wanted to have a girlfriend, and they might be the wrong reason. It goes all the way back to high school. I was in a school of show-off couples, which treated singleness as a curse. I was incomplete, and a girlfriend would complete me. I had no close friends and thought a girlfriend would be a good one. It seemed like I couldn't find anyone who liked me, and I was desperate to find one. Being single made me feel left out, unpopular and unliked. But then coming to LBC and meeting the guys in Peterson Hall 107 changed that. They were good friends, who liked me for who I was. All the past changed. Being able to go to these guys, where I could get away without really hearing about it, I didn't think about it. I had friends. And with these good friends who wanted to hang out with me, the strong feeling of needing a girlfriend just became a weak feeling of wanting a girlfriend. It wasn't necesary in my life. Through both words and actions, I saw that they felt the same way too. And even in the worse times, I could go to my Life Connect person Louis, and he's also helped get me out of the deepest funks of being single to the greatest contentment of being single. And some of my favorite moments with him is either doing Bible studies or playing video games - it takes my mind away from girls, couples, and being single.
And ironically, all my ex-girlfriends have taught me this lesson. This goes back to Brady speaking what's on his mind. On that Tuesday the 12th, Brady was talking about the "girls who got away." In his case it was just good female friends who he could have taken it up to the next stage, but in my case, thinking about the girls who got away from me were my 2 ex-girlfriends. I don't care how pathetic this sounds, it's true: both times I have been dumped by the girl. They left me. So to me, they got away. For the most part, I have gotten over them, but there is still a teeny tiny bit that wishes one of them would come back (let's say I'm 95% over them, 5% wishes one would come back). Thinking about both of them, I realized both had something in common. Both of them, when I started dating them, could be described as "desperately single" and both of them broke up with me after realizing they were happy when they were single. Now I don't believe that to be the full truth, but I think there is truth in that. And I look back at myself, I think when I started out going with those girls, I was a little desperate. Every time we've broken up, I've not wanted to, but I'd allowed it. A girl, who I liked and turned me down once said, "You're not ready to marry until you're ready to be single." I say the same is true for dating. You're not ready to date until you are ready to be single.
So was I ready to be dating? What I mean by that, was I ready to be single? I'm not sure. I can't say I compromised any beliefs or feelings. I was still behaving like a Christian. And they were Christian. They liked me, and I liked them. They met all my requirements. My second girlfriend I didn't go out with until 15 months after dating my first girlfriend, not really liking any girl. Does that say something? So am I ready to be single again? I don't know. I'd like to say I am. I'm not too concentrated on girls. Right now, there is no single girl that I have a major crush on. Yet I find myself having minor crushes on a bunch of girls. Is it a sign of being desperate, or is it keeping me in check for liking one girl too much? I also have found myself liking girls near my sister's age, which is roughly about 4 years younger than me. Now it's nothing sexual...or maybe a better term is nothing physical. I just like them for their personality, for who they are. Is this wrong? Am I getting so desperate that I am looking at younger girls? Or is that I'm just being too influence by Mike? :-P That's a scary thought.
Here's another thing that divides me on whether I am fully content with singleness . May it be a confession to all of you. I confess that I have been using dating applications on Facebook to meet girls. I "poke" them, message them, and add a few to my friends. I've met a lot of girls this way. It mostly is online, and even more stays to just Facebook. But a few I've gotten IM screenames from. And truthfully, my last girlfriend I did not know until I met her on Facebook. It just so happened that we had a common friend who went to a common church. So yes, we met through Facebook. Now I know a lot of people are against, mostly because it's unconventional, but also the fact these people on another computer are strangers. If you're not comfortable, let me tell you this. 6 girls I asked out before I had a girlfriend. All of them I knew face-to-face and had a friendship with. All 6 turned me down. After those 6, I had my 2 girlfriends. Both met me online. Sure the shortest one only lasted 10 days, but that's 10 more days then those 6 other girls gave me.But So I'm not really against it. I can see profiles of girls, with both pictures and info, and from that choose someone who matches me or I think will be good with. Sure they can lie, but I haven't really met that problem before, and if so, I can usually tell by exchanging messages. And it helps get rid of that ackward exchange of basic information on the first date because it's all there online. Same is true for the girl. Girls can see all my information and know who I am before making a move. That leads me to a topic I said I would get back to.
As I said above, Brady does sometimes struggle with being single, and will express it out loud. On that Tuesday the 12th he mentioned looking at himself, and what could attract girls, only to draw up a blank. I drew up that same blank. You ladies reading might be a girl who received an IM in September asking you "Why would you marry me". I had gotten a dating survey for college success that asked why some woman would want to marry me. Truthfully, I didn't know why. I myself did not know why I was worth marrying. This question that took a lot of thought. It got me stumped a couple of times. I had to get help from female friends. And still thinking about it, I can't see a reason why a girl would like me. I will outwardly tell you, I am not attractive to the eyes, not athletic or fit, not musical in any sense, nor artistic in any sense. I’m not really a genius. I’m not too rich either. My sense of humor is dry slap-stick (although my last ex always thought I was funny, and still does). There is nothing I got. Of course on the survey I put "I'm a good Christian." Yeah, that is good for a Christian girl, but seriously, that's a broad category. There are a lot of guys who are Christian. So after he's Christian, the next thing is...well, it's one of the above that I don't have. So pretty much, I'm screwed. It's hard to convince a girl to like you if you have low self-esteem. Now don't get me wrong, I like me for who I am. I realize God created me the way I was because he wanted me that way, and I am satisfied with the way I am created. It's just trying to get the girl to see the same thing, and like me enough to date me. But they're not always interested in that. As Napoleon Dynamite states, they want skills. What girl is attracted to a Bible Quizzer? Let me tell you not even the Bible Quizzing girls are attracted to that. Only I am (and it's kinda made me quizzing shallow, only liking girl quizzers with high scores). Like I said: screwed. So what's a guy to do? Nothing, absolutely nothing. I have come to the point where I say to ladies, "This is me. Take it or leave it." Don't change for someone else, you'll be living a lie. Tell them to take it or leave it. And remember, God made you, so He takes it, and leaves the sin behind.
So what's this got to do with Valentine's? This is what I was thinking during Valentine's, and it all draws to some good conclusions about Valentine's. The holiday can impact you no matter what your relationship status. So what are going to take from it? Couples, are you going to flaunt your love for each other? Careful, it may hurt your single friends. Singles, are you going to complain about how much this holiday sucks? Careful, it may hurt your dating friends. Let's compromise: if dating people promise to keep their displays of affections to themselves, then single people will keep their complaining among themsleves. Deal? Deal. Couples, go off alone and enjoy the time you have for the special someone. For you single people, hang out with a large group of people from the same gender. Guys, hang out with a large bunch of guys. Girls, hang out with a large group of girls. Do what you like doing the best, fellowship and get caught up with each other. And promise that talk about the opposite sex, couples, crushes, or dating will not come up. The idea is to take your mind of those things and focus it on something you enjoy. I know some people get together a co-ed group of single people to hang out, but I think this is going the wrong way at it. At these things, people just end up pairing up for the day, and it's pretty much conforming to be like couples so you don't feel left out. It's missing the point.
So in closing I want to remind you all that everyone will be eventually married...it is stated in Revelations, it's our marriage as the church to Christ. So if you're a couple, dating or married, it doesn't matter because at the end, the marriage is null-and-void. And for you single people, don't worry if you're not married, or not dating. Give God the time. In the mean time, take that love you usually give to the significant other and share it among your friends, family, and most importantly, God. And even if you're still single by the end of your life, know that God still loves you the same. He has given His love to you, more than any spouse can. In my singleness, I've been praying to God and talking through this to Him. And I feel like he's telling me, "Graham, if you do get a wife, you will have to make some compromises. But if you stay single, I promise I will open many doors for you to procede to do My Will and what you please. And I will give you more friends so you can give that love to them." God has not abandoned the single people. He does not choose His servants based on their relationship status. Christians, let us do the same as the Lord does to us. Let us not judge people on their relationship status.
I am single, but I am also taken by the Lord because I am in a relationship with Him.
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