On Sunday quizzers were first to get in line for fellowship meal because the quizzers had to prepare for a mock quiz match against the congregation. Before we had those mock quiz matches, we had to do a demonstration by quizzing against each other. The match was close, with few errors, which showed we knew our stuff. Then we had our mock matches. We quizzed against both Mike's parents and Chelsea's and Alyssa's dad, all parents of quizzers. They claimed they all studied, even though some didn't know about the footnotes :-P . I sat across from Steve the first match. I was kind enough to give him a bonus, but still ended up pwning him. Actually, in both matches (we had two, one of Dave questions, the other of Vicki questions) I quizzed out and we won victoriously. As a matter of fact, both of them we scored over 100 points, with team bonus, and the other side I think never got more than 40 points. Even the one match with Coach Dave in, he was unable to help them. We kept the set up on the sanctuary stage for practice, which was good practice for a real sanctuary match. We stumbled on a few questions, but we got most of them. I continued to quiz out. After making sandwiches for the road, we head off to our matches at LMH.
Since the coaches had to be there early for a coaches' meeting, Dave took us to the cafeteria to give questions to me, robert, chelsea, and alyssa. Tim and Mike weren't there for practice. Instead, they amused us much by walking back and forth, hiding themselves behind "moving plants." We did that until the worship time...well, the supposed worship time. It seems like they've done away with worship, and just play Christian music. Yes, much has changed since Zion has changed...especially now that they are no longer producing the quizzing video. It kinda makes me worried to see what different video we'll get. Just hope for the best. After a few anouncements and a joke, we off to quiz.
We were literally off to quiz because we had the first round match. It kind of made me uncomfortable. I didn't get to scout the team we were quizzing against or the quizmaster. All I knew was that Grace Point 1 had a few familiar faces from Paradise, and they had 2 quizzers one short of perfect. I took seat 1, across from one of them. The match was a slow one. Neither team could reach their average. I managed to quiz out, but it didn't happen until question 11. A highlight we did have is that Chelsea got her first points. And her family missed it! :-P. Tim got one right for our final score, a loss 55 to 75. While we lost, Grace Point 1 couldn't get to their average either.
After a one-round break, we had our second match against Weaverland 1. With Weaverland 1 lower than us, we were expecting ourselves to have the upper hand, but even we surprised ourselves. History was about to repeat itself. Last year when we were at the midpoint at LMH, we won a match 170-0 with me, Tim, Mike and Robert quizzing out, plus team bonus. It was about to happen again. I quizzed out, and Tim followed me the next question. Mike picked up the third quiz out of the match. Robert buzzed in to get us team bonus, but it didn't stop there! He must like the midway matches at LMH, for he got his first quizout of the year, second in his career (both at LMH halfway through)! Both Mike and Robert got to sit back in the seats and just watch. Robert was confused when the person across from him errored, and he got the bonus question. It allowed him to score extra points for the team. We won 170 to 10. This is the 2nd greatest match I've ever been in.
We hurried downstairs for our last match because it was a back-to-back match. We quizzed against Maple Grove 2. Both teams' top quizzer sat in seat 1. It wasn't as glorius as the last match, but it had to be the 6th best match my team has ever quizzed. Once again, Tim and I quizzed out early. This also means I would finish the first half the season perfect :) . With me out, the team needed someone else to answer the situation question. So when the situation question came up, Robert decided to take a whack at it. Good thing he did. After thinking about it, he got it right! Now all we need was Mike to get in for team bonus. But all he tried, he could not get in. After 12 questions, still no avail. Now, Chelsea was able to get another bonus, giving herself 20 points for the meet and the year, and we were all happy for her, but we still needed another buzz in for team bonus. With the last 3 questions being review, would we be able to do it? Well, we know Mike did. On the last 3, Mike got them all, buzzing in, not only getting team bonus, but also getting himself a quiz out. Of course, with all 3 of the questions, Mike had to babel his full 30 seconds. This was the first time Mike got 2 quiz outs in one meet. We won 145 to 35.
I stuck around for the last two matches, mostly for scouting reasons. Both matches were interesting. The first match was Blainsport vs. Bowmansville 2. Bowmansville 2 seemed to be struggling as they had 2 fouls. The second foul was very interesting. On the question, Jordan buzzed in. Seth, however, thought it was his light. So sure he knew the answers, he said it right away (it was the right answer, by the way). But then Seth realized it wasn't his, and let out a weak "oh." Jordan then went in with his audible word "ok," thought about it, and then said, the exact answer Seth did, the right answer. The quizmaster went into the ruling of the judges. When he came out, the quizmaster announced that Bowmansville 2 was right, but needed to be fouled again. A Blainsport quizzer contested that it wasn't fair that Seth could blurt out the answer when it wasn't him and Jordan could easily pick it up. The quizmaster went back to the judges. Together they decided that while Seth messed up and deserved to get the foul, Jordan still had the choice to decide whether or not Seth's answer was right (he did not know, nor was told, that answer was right), and also the choice to choose that answer or another answer. So they got the 10 points for Jordan answering right, but lost 5 for Seth's foul, resulting in a net 5 points. I thought it was a good call. I don't know the official ruling on that.
The last match I watched for the night was Slate Hill 1 vs. Ridgeview 3. Ridgeview 3 was able to sneak a few points in, but Slate Hill 1 owned the match. Mike Good had problems with the first situation question (who to whom and about whom. ouch.), but got the second one. One by one, I saw each one quiz out. Slate Hill 1 knew their stuff. Despite hearing "list the 6..." they knew it was "50, 45, 40, 30, 20, 10." They will be a worth adversay for next week.
So in 1 week, we raised our point average by 10. We were hoping it would raise our average 4 or 5 places, but if you see our standings, it only raised us one place. Apparently, we weren't the only ones who had a good week. And it seems like the top 4 is pushing farther away. Top 5 would be a good aim. As for the individual standings, it's good to see Tim is in the top 60 finally, even though I'd like to see him in the top 50. It's also good to see Chelsea on the paper, even though I'm not sure why she is 4 slots lower than her sister, who is on the same team and shares the same last name with her. But above all, and in all humbleness, it's great to see my name is slot 1. Yes, I know I'm tied for first, one among eight. But to see my name in that first slot is so sweet. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for your help.
This past fall semester, a very proud Pittsburg Steelers would always tell me how great his team is in all of history and how they haven't had a bad season and let him down. He couldn't understand why I would be an Eagles fan, when they can be a disappointment. So one time when he asked me, I simply replied, "But that's what exactly makes it so fun to watch. Nothing is guarenteed with the Eagles. It doesn't matter if they are the favorite team, they could either win or lose. They could be the underdog, and either win or lose. It can't be called. They can do as expected or completely suprised us. They can win or lose, by a lot or a little. It's always suprising and exciting."
I can't help but believe the same is true for Spring City quizzing. Ok, yes, last week we did lose to the the team above us, and won against the teams below us, but still, we're the same way. We began this season, guessing that we'd start near the top as we usually do. Instead, our average ended up being 67.5 We hoped and prayed that our average and placing would go up, but instead our average dropped to 65, and we fell to as low as 20th. Things looked hopeless, and it seemed like Spring City would be trampled on for the rest of the season. But didn't happen like that. The next week, when we had to quiz 3 teams tougher than us, including the team in 3rd place, and we won them all. We have our ups and downs. We have our wins and losses. We score lots, we score little. You can never tell. All the more reason to come and watch how Spring City does in a quiz match. It's exciting.
Let me explain the past few weeks. Some have you might have seen me wear apparel from back in my Ark Bible days. Do not get the wrong message. You might have taken it as showing rebellion against Spring City, missing and wishing to return to my Ark Bible days. This is the wrong picture because it is not true at all. I am very happy with my team. This is one of the best...no, this IS the best team I ever had. Let me explain properly. It's a two-part response. First of all, being my last year, I have made this a year of rememberance to reflect on how the Lord has used me in quizzing. But the second reason might more of the reason.
Some you may know this, and for those of you who don't, this might be a confession for you. I did not voluntarily leave Ark Bible. I had to leave because Ark Bible did not have a team. Why did they not have a team? The reasons are too complicated to explain in a short time, but I will say that is was not on a happy premesis. I left that team broken, angry, depressed, not trusting nor wanting any peer fellowship. I was so upset that I didn't want anything to do with anybody from Ark. I was unforgiving and prideful. I thought i was better than all of them. But during the rest of my quizzing years, the Lord started to move me and change all that. This is also too long to explain, too. Let me just say part of it was the mentoring of the Deitricks, another part was having Tim Moss back on the team with me, along with a few other smaller pieces. But let me say that those feelings are all past and gone. I have forgiven Ark of any wrongs against me, whether they are sorry or not. The hard feelings are gone. The Lord had to move me to continue my spiritual growth, and I realize that is is now good that I am on Spring City. But I forgive Ark Bible and all their quizzers, holding nothing against them. They are reconciled with me. That is why I dedicated my matches last week to them. I will never forget them and how they have impacted my life. God bless Ark Bible and its quizzers from the 2004 team.
The most literal reading of the Bible is to understand the Bible in its original context: historical context, geographical context, cultural context and literary context.
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