My apologies for not keeping the updates with the Conestoga quiz team. I had Spring break this week, and thus last week the professors at my college tried to jam as much work in beforehand as possible. I'm not going to go into every detail on what happening in the two Sundays, but I will inform you on the details for each match. Then I will go into details on how the season ended in the ACC as a whole.
On Sunday, March 7, Conestoga had 3 matches, and its first 2 matches were in the first 2 rounds of the quizmeet. This Sunday the quizzers had the brilliant idea of wearing wigs. I went down to the match while the quizzers put on their new pieces. It was quite the sight to see Justin with longer brown hair, Joy with punky black hair, Kristy gone to a short blonde hair, Meredith with Rageddy Ann red hair, Amanda with her bright blue hair looking like an anime character, and Denise with all those colors like a clown! Of course all the cameras came flying out. When the commotion settled down, Joy, Denise, Kristy and Justin sat down as the team's starters against Living Rock 1. Now Living Rock 1 at the time was only ranked 20th in our league, with an average of 45 points per match. Not a problem, right? Wrong. Conestoga errored 5 times, losing 5 points. Surprisingly, Living Rock 1 only got 1 of those bonuses right. What really separated us from them is when Living Rock 1 got team bonus and a quiz out. Nevertheless, Joy got 2 buzz ins correct and Kristy got a bonus. But still we lost to Living Rock 1, 20 to 110.
We had to quickly get our next match, and I had to quickly encourage the team to forget about last match and keep going into the next match. Our next match was against Hinkletown 3, who was ranked slightly higher than Living Rock 1, but after our Living Rock match, I wasn't so sure. But the team was about to give me good reason to reaffirm my faith in them. The team decided that the wigs didn't help, so they ditched the hair pieces. It might have worked. Denise, frustrated by getting only 2 errors the previous match, buzzed in the first 3 questions, got them all right, and quizzed out by question 3. It was only question 4 and our first substitute was already in. The team bonded together to get team bonus on question 9. Justin would be our second quiz out on question 11, and Joy would be the third quiz out on question 13. Conestoga won, 135 to 10. That was on 2nd best match this year. In fact, our 2 greatest matches were both against Hinkletown teams.
Then we had to wait 3 rounds until our last match of the night against E-Town 1. E-Town 1 was ranked higher than we were, and after that Living Rock match, it gave us fear entering this match. I was even more terrified when I watched E-Town 1 quiz agains Living Rock 1 and saw them win with a score of 160 points - 4 quiz outs and team bonus (and they only have 4 quizzers!). We didn't get much of a word in. Conestoga was only able to buzz in 3 times, and only one of them were right. All the rest was E-Town buzzing in. They did give Conestoga 4 bonuses, but even with the full question, our quizzers struggled. E-Town 1 got team bonus, and 3 of their 4 quizzers quizzed out. We lost, 10 to 135. It was sad to see us go from our second best match of the season to our worst match of the season. (In fact, if you notice, we lost to the same score we won with the previous match.
After that March 7 evening, we scored 165 points, increasing our total to 1495 points in the 20 matches so far, averaging 75 points per match. It put us 11th place in League B. Now Strasburg 4 was ahead of us by 145 points with only 1 match left, just like us. Underneath us was Bowmansville 2. Their average was 4 less than ours. Statistically, we were locked into 11th place. While possible, it would have taken a lot for Bowmansville 2 to pass us, and even though Strasburg 4 was our next opponent, we could only pass them with a blow out. I pointed this out to the quizzers, so I suggested to consider this last match as practice for the tournament, yet they should still give thier best.
When the Sunday came, Conestoga had their one match against Strasburg 4. Kristy was not there because she went to meet her first nephew enter the world, so Amanda got to start, and Meredith was the first sub. This would be good practice for the Ohio Tournament. Denise quizzed out by question 6. Justin and Joy would each get a buzz-in right, but we couldn't get the 4th correct buzz in for team bonus. Amanda did get 2 bonuses correct. In the end, Conestoga won 75 to 30. But once again, it would not effect standings. But it meant we maintained average.
Conestoga finished its season at exactly a .500 percentage: 10-10-1. Conestoga scored a total of 1570 points, averaging 75 points per match. This average placed us 11th place in our league. Our top quizzer was Denise. She had 575 points this season. Our 2nd best quizzer was Joy. She had 350 points this season. That is how Conestoga finished their season. Now here is how ACC Quizzing finished the season.
While the staff is trying to find out the final team standing to figure out who makes it to the playoffs and in which order, there is a fun match. This year there was going to be a 5-way match. Who was going to be in it? The top quizzer from every church. When I heard this, do you know what I was thinking? "Where was this when I was a quizzer? I would have made the all-star fun match 4 times." The match would be 18 questions longThere were to be no time-outs, limited contests, and only 2 bonuses. Quiz outs were 2 questions right and error outs were 2 questions wrong. There were only 2 subs, they the first team(s) to get quiz outs would get them. These are the teams
TEAM 1: Abbie - Maple Grove (1); Ethan - E-Town (2); Stephanie - Hope Community; Jon - Hinkletown (2)
TEAM 2: Megan - Rivercorner; Michael - Slate Hill (1), Austin - Strasburg (1); Caleb - Timberline (2)
TEAM 3: Chelsea - Parkseburg (1); Joel - Zion (2); Nic - Petra (4); Charleton - Media; Jake - Grace&Truth [sub]
TEAM 4: Jesse - Bowmansville (3); Julie - Forest Hills; Kim - Goods (1); Matthew - Weaverland (2); Nate - Hope of the Nations [sub]
TEAM 5: David - Living Rock (2); Denise - Conestoga; Maranda - Gehman; Carissa - Ridgeview (1)
In the match, Jesse from Bowmansville was the first to quiz out, and Nate from Hope of the Nations took his seat for Team 4. The second quiz out went to Charleton from Media, and Jake from Grace&Truth became the sub for Team 3. There were many quiz outs during the match, including our very own Denise, who quizzed out on 2 bonuses. If I counted correctly, there were 8. The final score was Team 1- 45; Team 2- 50; Team 3- 25; Team 4- 50; Team 5- 50. There was a 3-way tie. Now it was time for the serious playoff matches for the season win. The semifinal matchs were going to be Petra 1 vs. Petra 4 and Petra 2 vs. Slate Hill 1.
I watched Petra 2 vs. Slate Hill 1. Boy, that was quite the match to watch. After 14 questions, Slate Hill 1 was winning 80 to 50, and seemed to have the match. But then the one quizzer on Petra 2 who could get them team bonus buzzed in on "about whose" and answered it correctly for team bonus! The score ended tied, with each team having 80 points and 4 errors The match was going into extra questions. But then Slate Hill 1 dominated overtime. Slate Hill 1 got team bonus, while Petra 2 errored and lost points. Slate Hill 1 was victor after 18 questions, with the score 130 to 75. I didn't see the other match, but I heard Petra 1 beat Petra 4 105 to 65.
So the final match of the season was Slate Hill 1 vs Petra 1. This was the same final match that occurred in 2007. I remember it being a huge upset with Slate Hill 1 winning. Would it happen again? Well, Slate Hill had deja-vu with the last match because once again, the scored was tied at question 15 because of team bonus. But this time, it was Slate Hill 1 who got the late team bonus. After question 15, the score was 95 all. Now the difference was this time, the over time was close too. After question 17, the score was tied at 110. On question 18, Slate Hill 1 buzzed in and answered correctly. Congrationals to Slate Hill 1 for another season championship.
The most literal reading of the Bible is to understand the Bible in its original context: historical context, geographical context, cultural context and literary context.
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