Since I received some positive feedback from my last post (and when I say "positive feedback, I mean I got likes on Facebook), and since I will be graduating from Evangelical Seminary on Friday and my 6 year anniversary of graduating from Lancaster Bible College will happen on Saturday, I thought I would post this. This was a list I progressively created as I went through my 4 years of undergrad at Lancaster Bible College. As I shared my list in a Facebook group, I learned a lot of students from other Bible colleges could easily relate. Some even posted their own in the Facebook group. Although I wasn't on Evangelical Seminary campus a whole lot (the downfall of commuting from an hour and a half away), I could image some of these might be true for seminaries as well. So without further ado-
You know you go to a conservative Bible College when...
...Bible verses are used to defend everything from not using your cell phone in the library to proper use of washers and dryers in the laundry room.
...putting your hand on the back of your boyfriend/girlfriend is not ok, but putting your hand on the back of the chair he/she is sitting on is ok. ('cause that piece of wood/plastic makes all the difference)
...the student handbook goes into great detail about what forms of public displays of affection are allowed and not allowed, all the way down to linking arms hear other Christian colleges are going "liberal" because they are allowed to watch R rated movies, play M rated videogames, allow couples to kiss in public, and have no curfew.
...93% of the college is Republican, and if you're part of the 7% that isn't, your faith is in question.
...every chapel opens with contemporary praise and worship music, and hymns are only used once a month to please the traditional church students.
...the biggest debate on campus is Calvinism vs. Arminianism (and you know both sides). know that the term "Bedside Baptist," "Pillow Presbyterian" and "Mattress Mennonite" refers to sleeping in on Sunday morning instead of going to church, which is required on the honor system.
...your Sunday afternoons consist of your friends getting together and criticizing the church, especially the pastor, you visited that morning for church. have heard a speaker reference the Hebrew/Greek word and its definition once in a speech or sermon, and maybe you've used it once or twice yourself
...your "gen ed" course for your 4 years there consist of 1 English course, 1 Literature course, 1 Math course, and 1 Science course. That's it.
...students describe the dating scene on campus by replacing the word "BIBLE" with the word "BRIDAL" in the school name, making it "BRIDAL college"
...going on a walk to the nearest gas station convenience store with someone from the opposite gender is considered a legitimate date. know the "4 year plan" means you're friends your freshman year, dating your sophomore year, engaged your junior year and married your senior year (with kids after graduation)
...the "Senior Panic" refers to the belief that if you graduate college single, you will be single for the rest of your life. Symptoms among men include going from dorm room to dorm room, asking woman out. Symptoms among women include random bursts of crying over not having a wedding or not having children.
...single people joke at graduation they should get a partial refund for still being single
...the sports teams for the college have required devotions, and not going is penalized with a fine name your bed "The Word" so when people ask you if you're been doing your daily morning devotions, and you have just been sleeping in, you can honestly say, "I spend my morning chilling in the Word" and not feel about yourself.
...having holes in your pants is considered "immodest" dress know where the local Buddhist temple, JW Kingdom Hall, and Muslim mosque are located, just because you had to go there for some apologetics or evangelism project.
...the Bible colleges chooses October 20 to wear pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, in order to prevent anyone from wearing purple for Gay and Lesbian Awareness Day
...people spend the last couple weeks of fall semester, reminding you to keep Christ in Christmas during the winter break
The most literal reading of the Bible is to understand the Bible in its original context: historical context, geographical context, cultural context and literary context.
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