Every year you hear me talk about my goals, but they are always personal, individual. I rarely mention anything about the team. Maybe it's because I've been let down by team in the early years. Maybe it's because that while personal goals I fully control, team goals I could only partially control. I'm dependant on them doing something.
I have to say that I struggle (use that term loosely) with my role in the team. I always use to say, "I buzz, I quiz out, and that's all I can do." If I quiz out, with 1 of 3 right answers a buzz, not only do I get the team 35 points, I have set them up for a team bonus. But 35 points alone won't win quizmatches. And the team bonus won't happen unless 3 other teammates buzz in and answer right. But is team bonus really necesary? To clinch a win in a match, all a team needs to score is 100 points. Now there are many ways to score 100 points, but one way to do it is 3 quizouts, which is 105 points. So imagine if a team has 3 solid quizzers so can quiz out every match (which would be 9 questions, so you would have be sure those 3 quizzers could get 9 questions right). Those 3 quizzers alone could get the win for their team. It almost seems like the other quizzers, whether it be 1 to 4 others, aren't needed. Besides, that will only work for tournaments, when it is goes by win/loss. During the season, it's by points, and you need as much as you can get. But that leads into the discussion whether sometimes maybe a 5 quizzer team might be better than a team of 6 quizzers. But anyway...
There's got to more to team than just strategy. I believe there is. I've noticed in the past that in these last 3 years, that the lowest scoring quizzers always bring something to the team, and it's not points. It's something else. It's the factor that unites the team. That quizzer can take a serious moment, and lighten it by cracking a joke. This quizzer is quick to join in the fun. It doesn't matter how well the team of the quizzer him/herself is doing, they always have fun. Whenever tensions are at the highest, that quizzer lowers them. (S)he can calm nerves. I believe it is a vital part of a team to have this person. Without this person, the team will fail, no matter how good. This quizzer gives the team a laid-back feel. When a team is too serious, or too tense, it will lead to tightening up, which will lead to "brain farts" which leads to failing. In short, quizzers can contribute more than points to a team than just points alone.
Why do I say this? Why am I talking about team? Because I am going to make a bold statement, so bold, I will put it in bold font: I believe Spring City has what it takes to go all the way. Now, hold on. First of all, this is not a self-exhalting quote out of pride. I will explain why later. It is taking a lot for me step out and say this. Also know that I am not saying this out of hopeful team cheering either. I do have good reason for saying. Follow along with me.
First of all, let me introduce you to my team. I am Spring City's top quizzer (once again, not saying this to boast. This can be seen statistically.) I have been Spring City's top quizzer since 2006. Only in 2005 did Brandon Tedor, a wonderful quizzer himself, surpassed me as the top quizzer, and he deserved it. But let's look at my stats since joining the Spring City team in 2005. Since the 2005 season, I scored (in chronological order from 2005) 510, 585, 530, and 600 points. I have also quizzed out 12, 15, 14, and 16 times. This had led me to finish 34th, 12th, 16th, and 8th. That's 4 consecutive years as one of the Top 50 Quizzers in all the ACC. As you can tell scoring points and quizzing out comes naturally for me. Being my last year, I've studied more than usual. As I said in my last post, I'm striving to finish my last year perfect. 630 points will be a great contribution to our team's score.
But enough about me. I am only a sixth of my team. Next on the team is Tim Moss, a solid second quizzer. If the last name isn't enough to convince you, let me give you some stats. Tim has appeared on the Top 50 Quizzers List for 3 total years. In the past two years alone, when Tim joined Spring City, Tim has scored (chronologically, starting with 2007) 480 & 530 points, quizzing out 12 & 15 times. While last year Tim's 3 matches he didn't quiz out were because of error outs, Tim is trustful for a second quiz out. Then we got Mike, a true veteran to Spring City. While only making one appearance on the Top 60 Quizzers in 2006 (the first year they decide to make it the Top 60, lol), Mike has been one of Top 100 quizzers these past 3 years. Although not recognized in ACC Quizzing, it is a feat that should be noticed. To be in the top 100, one usually has to score 300 points or more. Mike has done that 3 times straight scoring (from 2006 on) 450 points, 340 points and 340 points again. While he's not a solid quiz out during the season, he's solid for at least one buzz in, which can contribute towards team bonus. And by the time tournaments come around, he is a regular quiz out. I've talked about the old veterans of quizzing, but let's not forget the younger ones. We don't have any rookies this year, but we got Chelsea in our third year, followed by Robert and Alyssa in their second year. Chelsea is fast at the buzzer, fast enough to frustrate the old veterans when they can't get in (lol). Robert, in his rookie year, scored 105 points and got his first quiz out. Alyssa, she's that factor, the uniting factor. She gives this team something only alyssa can give. Without her, this team would not be the same. We got the right quizzers. Now how's it going to work together in this year?
We've had 4 practices, and it looks very promising. Starting with me, I have quizzed out 15 of the 16 practices matches we've had (and for the record, the one I didn't quiz out was because Tim and Mike were blocking in me. lol). Tim and Mike have been buzzing in and getting them right, just as much as they error. They have quizzed out and errored out the same. They have well known the answer and took wild guesses. So in short, they are doing the same as any year, and can be projected to be the same. Chelsea is doing the fast buzzing as usual, but it's apparent she's gaining experience. She's had a quizout at least once every practice. I wouldn't be surprised if she gets her first quiz out this year and scores in the triple digits for the first time. Speaking of suprises, Alyssa is going to be a surprise. I see her doing all kinds of things in her score column. She gets bonuses wrong, she gets bonuses right. She's buzzed in and errored, and she's buzzed in and got it right. Just the fact she can beat in everyone else buzzing is a feat alone. She can do anything. Don't underestimate her, ACC Quizzing. Robert has had a slow start, but I'm not worried in the least. Why? All those feats I told you he did last year were all in the second half the season. It might take him time to warm up, but later on in the year, don't be caught off guard when he starts taking off.
My last argument is legacy. Pure legacy. Something cannot be measure by statistics or practice evaluation. This is the Deitricks' 3rd time quizzing on Genesis. They have opened their coaching career, and might end it on the same material. This might be ending it on a good note. Every time they have quizzed on Genesis, their team has finished high up and been awarded. This could be an omen. Let's just take it back to the Old Testament. The last time ACC Bible Quizzing has quizzed on the Old Testament, it was on Judges and Kings in 2005. That year, Spring City won the ACC Tournament. Mike and I are the only remnant of that 2005 quiz team. We know what it is like. Now to share that feeling with the others.
I told you earlier my dangerous statement was not meant to be proud and selfish of myself or my team. Now to explain it. I've won a team championship in my 8 years of quizzing, and so has Mike. But the rest of the team hasn't. This may not be big to our younger quizzers like Chelsea, Alyssa or Robert. But it has meant a lot for Tim. Entering his 7th year of quizzing, his team has yet to be recognized as some kind of championship team. Yes, he's been acknowledge by both Spring City and ACC Bible Quizzing, but it's about his individuality. No team trophy. Winning the season are the tournament is no longer about me, it's about the team, it's about Tim. I know I'll be one of the winners on the team, but I'll be happier for my fellow quizzing teammates, who are experiencing this joy for the first time.
So I say my bold statement again, Spring City has what it takes to go all the way. We have 3 old veterans that are solid quizouts, and our 3 younger quizzers are all solid to get us the last buzz in right for team bonus. Some concluding reasons to give you. Spring City has an old team. If you age the total ages of our quizzers together, we are 106 years. Our experience is old, too. Not counting this year, we have 24 total years of experience, and if you count this year, it is a total 30 years experience. I think all 3 numbers could be the oldest in ACC Quizzing. Second, Spring City remembers to keep ourselves spiritually in check. We remember that what we are learning is deeper than just "quizzing material." It is God's Word. It needs to be treated with respect. It needs to be part of our lives, and encompass our whole life. Everything we do, all credit is for God. Finally, we just got a good feeling about it. I can feel in in my veins, Chelsea can feel it in her bones, and Dave can feel it in his spirit. Even if we don't go all the way to end, something great is going to happen this year. We will accept it, and we will enjoy, and we will praise God for his blessing.
Now with 17 hours and 30 minutes left until the first quiz match of the 2009 season, I am going to bed. I probably will hardly be able to sleep with all the excitement. This upcoming quizmeet will be bittersweet, as I come to realization this is the last time the quizzing season will open as me as quzzing. May I not focus on the end of my career, but the beginning of yet another year to do my best.
The most literal reading of the Bible is to understand the Bible in its original context: historical context, geographical context, cultural context and literary context.
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