Due Monday:
1 to 1 1/2 page essay on the French Revolution for Global Eras
Progress update on my Inquiry project for Environmental Science
State tax worksheet for Personal Finance
Due Tuesday:
5-7 minute Informative speech for Communications
Textbook questions for Environmental Science
Due eventually:
Bible competition scholarship essasy
It's not as much the quantity of the assignments, but rather the quality of the content of the assignments that's making it so big. It's hard because I most of these I hadn't gotten started on. Especially the Inquiry project. The inquiry project is like researching for a research paper, but it is more open ended. You start out with a broad question you have to answer, but you also have to do it with little, subcatergory broad questions. Then you have to communicate your answer in a creative way. I'm not too creative, and this assignment just can't catch my attention. So of course, I have only a bare minimum done. The speech will be easier. I'm going to do it on Evangelizing to children through the Wordless Book. I've already heard it taught so many times I think I can easily parrot it. Then there's the questions in the Science textbook, which is a lot, and I haven't started. But I didn't brink home my science book, so that's no help. I really need to get started. Perhaps I should be doing homework instead of blogging.
But I really rather talk about quizzing. I'm getting quizzing homesick. I want to see everyone again and be back in the quizzing atmosphere. Just yesterday, I watched a video of myself quiz. But luckily next Sunday, our Secret Sponser Shing-ding-thing happens, in which I find out my secret sponser, so I'll see everyone again. I hope it won't be the last time until I next see them at quizzing next year.
In other news, another invitation has been added to the burn pile. This one is the senior breakfast on April 27. I look forward to sleeping in on Friday. Another invitational bites the dust. And it adds substance to the banquet invitation dust. And perhaps I am enjoying burning things a bit too much. Is it a guy thing?

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