The most literal reading of the Bible is to understand the Bible in its original context: historical context, geographical context, cultural context and literary context.
Monday, January 31, 2005
I started with having church with Spring City. At Sunday School, the team had quiz practice. Going into it, I felt confident about Week 3, but not as much as Week 2. Luckily, I quizzed out twice (I have quizzed out every practice). It was a bit reasurring. Then was church service. We were afraid that we might have had to leave, but it got over just in time. We grabbed our secret sponser gifts and left
It took us and an hour to get up there. We were one Aubrey short of a Spring City quiz team. We managed. On the way up, we ate lunch and secret sponser gifts. From my secret sponser, I got 2 Recess Cups, Recess mini-pieces, and Peabut Butter Chocolate hearts. A non-edible item I got was a ruler with a calculator. I do stats on it. Mike has a cool secret sponser! He got a 12-pak of Mountain Dew. He was gracious and gave us all one. I had a lunch of my secret sponser gifts and a Mountain Dew Pitch Black. For the second half of the ride, we had rounds of questions. I did fairly well.
We arrived at Paradise 1 hour early. I have quizzed at Paradise before, but not since they remodeled. I had a look around. For the remaining time, we had more rounds of questions. Once again, I did good. With that and my sugar/caffine high, I was ready!
First was announcements, offering and joke. Then we started quizzing. Our first match was against good shepherd 2. It was a great match. I quizzed out! By the end, we won! It was a good start. Our next match was against Paradise 5. I got to sit against from [censored, due to Michael Schwager's curiosity] , perfect quizzer from last year, perfect quizzer from week 1, and downright hot chick! :-). It was an honor. She quizzed out, but I didn't. However, I managed to get away with 20 points. As a team, we won! At the end of Week 2, I maintained my aveage. I also watched the progreses of former quizmates from Ark. Josh Moss got 2 quiz outs and scored 10 points in middle match. Tim Moss quizzed out. Others were not as fortuneate. I watched Reading 2 vs. Hope Community 2. Jake Moss scored 10 points in one match. Becky Moss was second sub. Krystal had the worse case. 2 error outs, with a total of 30 points. Yikes!
We had about 2 hours between matches, so we had dinner, read the material, and had rounds of questions. My dinner consisted of one of Mike's Mountain Dew and 3 pixie stix (pixie stix - for those who can't afford heroine, lol, I love that saying!) I could have done better in pracitice (coughforeshadowingcough), but still having my sugar/caffine high, I thought nothing of it.
That was the beginning of my downfall. We had the first two matches. The first match was against Conestoga 2. I got 2 errors. Naturally, I slowed down because I didn't want to error out. Therefore, I scored zero points. I errored on technicalities. For example, I said "horse" instead of "horses". Ugh, I hate that. On top of that, our team lost. That greatly hurt me. Everybody was telling me, "Walk it off" but my spirit was broken. Entering second match, I wasn't sure if I could do it. Then I remembered my score. I needed a quiz out to keep my score alive. I was reinspired. I got my quiz out. My team tied, due to a technicality of too many errors.
Reflections: I am happy about my Week 2 scored, but my week 3 score definiately needed improvement. Maybe it was overconfidence or too much dependancy on caffeine. Maybe it was me getting down on the guilty's head what he deserves. I'll admit it, I was kinda hoping certain people ahead of me would do bad so I would do well and advance pass them. Next time, I will just concentrate on doing my best. I will be nicer to people. I will also eat healthier.
Quizzing Question of the post:
How many times did Elijah say, "Go back."?
Friday, January 28, 2005
My quizzing study skills (in proper order)
- Go through the section in your quiz book, marking the Situation questions with brackets as you read along
- Type up Situation questions to their key in one column, and put the answer in another column. Fold the paper so the one column in on the back of the other. This is a good study gude.
- Go through the section in your quizbook, highlighting numbers in orange as you read along
- Make a two column document like #2. Put clues on the left column and the number/quanity of the clue on the right column. Fold back like in #2. Another study guide
- Read through the week's material, highlighting in ONLY ONE color.
- Repeat step 5 for every separate color, each at his on time. It forces you to read the material more often.
- Memorize situations and number and, if you chose, some text.
- Listen to text on casette/CD/mp3 and follow along in your quizbook. If you don't have listening material, then just read it aloud.
- Review situations and numbers
- Practice buzzing. It can be something as simple using a clicky pen. I found video games are helpful. My favorite seeing how many buzzes I can get in a minute. This year, it's 300 buzzes a minute.
Steps 1-7 should be completed before the weekly quiz practice. You should do steps 7-10 during ANY spare time. These are just suggestions. I follow them well and am I Top 50 Quizzer (at this point). It your choice. You can follow this or your own.
Quizzing Question of the post:
When did Solomon receive the 666 talents of gold?
Quizzing Joke:
Solomon made a very neat throne. He liked all the luxary on the throne, but he wasn't sure if it was comfortable, though. So to test the feel, he got man in charge of the labor force of Joseph, who is Jeroboam, to do it. Solomon brough Jeroboam inside his palace and told him, "Sit on my throne." Jeroboam answered, "No, I can't." Solomon said, "Ah, you must be afraid of sitting on the place of such high position. Don't worry, it's okay. Sit down on the throne." Jeroboam once again said, "No, I can't." Now Solomon was beginning to lose his temper. He yelled, "AS YOUR KING, I ORDER YOU TO SIT ON MY THRONE!" Jeroboam still replied, "No, my lord, I can't." "Why not?" Solomon asked him. Jeroboam answered, "I am man of standing!" (If you don't get it see 1 Kings 11:28
Saturday, January 22, 2005
I strongly dislike snow
The story is different from me. I hate snow. Snow lands on roads. It makes driving conditions bad. If driving conditions are bad, quizzing is cancelled. That means double material 18 questions quiz matches. BOOOOO!!!! I really like quizzing and don't want one less quiz meet. This was also the meet where I might have had more spectators I knew, from close to home. That was true for a lot of quizzers on my team. Snow, ACK! Hate it. It belongs in places like Canada and Alaska, not in Pennsylvania. Just in case quizzing does happen (Which I strongly hope),I have already shoveled out my dad's F-150, which has 4 wheel drive.
Quizzing Question of the post:
What are the heavens, and there is no rain?
Quizzing Joke:
King Solomon liked building towns, so he got his forced labor to do it. They built Lower Beth Horon and Baalath. Adoniram, who was in change of the forced labor, brought Solomon down so he could see the results and approve. Adoniram asked in ambition, "Do you like these two towns?" The king shook his head no. "What do I need?" Adoniram asked puzzled. Solomon answered, "A tad more." (A tad more - Tadmor, GET IT?!)
Monday, January 17, 2005
Quizzing started out as usual. We got there, and we met friends from other teams. Deanna was the first to notice me, then came the rest of Zion. Then I saw Tim and Mrs. Moss, followed by Jake. Of course, being me, I told Josh and Tim I would "quiz out on their errors". We met up with Bethany and Seth. The team went into the auditorium. There was worship, offering, rulings, then Merv's corny joke. Then, with a mass exodus, the quizzers went off to their quiz matches.
My match wasn't until the third round of matches, so I got to watch two matches. So what better to do than scout out the competition? So I went to watch Goods 1 vs. Petra 4. Petra 4 looked all like first time quizzers. Easy, right? Wrong. On the last quiz questions, they got team bonus and won by 5. This may be a problem. Then I saw Good Shepherd 2 vs. E-Town 1. Good Shepherd won, giving me more confidence.
Then I head off to the my first quiz match. Spring City vs. Petra 4 with quizmaster Jamie Detweiler. I sat on the outside seat. The first question, I buzzed in and answered "Solomon's". That was correct. More confidence. But confidence kills the cat (actually, it's "curiosity" that kills the cat, but confidence works as well). I then got 2 errors. I didn't want to error out, so I slowed down my buzzing. My over-cautiousness caused me to miss 5 questions I could have gotten. Around question number 13, I decided to take a risk and go for it. I only got one more question. I earned 20 points and and didn't quiz out. My team had tied Petra 4, due to seven errors (ouch!). Now that I look back at it, I should have contested my second error. I also realized that the cheering of Josh Moss never helped.
A little shooken up, I headed off to my quizmatch. My buzzing began slow, but then I sped up. I quizzed out to two buzzes and one bonus. My team won greatly against E-Town 1. It seemed like everyone was watching me, especially Fred. (Funny how I remember loses better than wins?)
I finished up by watching two other matches. Maple Grove 1 vs. Paradise 1 was intereting. At the end of question 9, the score was 10-0. But by the time the match ended, Maple Grove got team bonus. The won 80-20. There was a lot of missed bonuses. I also went to the fogged up LMH windows and dissed my school (Christopher Dock) and wrote a personal ad.
Reflections: I know I could have done better. I had two quiz outs last year by this time and should have done it again. I partially blame Fred for not throwing in Situation questions. That could have helped. I will also study harder. The way I quizzed was no excuse for the amount of practicing I did. So much for being a perfect quizzer for 3 weeks. I just hope an average of 27.5 is enough to get me to be a Top 50 Quizzers List.
Quizzing Question of the post:
When may the Lord’s eyes be opened towards the temple?
Saturday, January 15, 2005
Quizzing New Year's Eve
It's time for some last minute cramming. Read the material one last time. Wrap up question writing and memorizing. Make yourself recognizable with rules and the material, just in case you need to contest. Try to lower your heart beat back down to resting stage. CALM DOWN!
For you procrastinating slackers, it's time to open your book and read it. For those who are in fear, believing they don't know enough, you may now PANIC and go into meltdown mode. For the confident, humble yourself. For first year quizzers, be prepared to be amazed and have A LOT of fun. For last year quizzers, carpe diem (Latin, English seize the moment). This is last opener for you. For quizzing staff, attempt to learn some material. For the tired, go to bed.
On most New Year's eve, people reflect back on the previous year. I will reflect on the off season (between April and December). I think my off-season practice improved somewhat. The most questions I wrote was last off season, with questions for 86 verses. This year, I wrote enough questions for 170 verses! Amazing! This year I only memorized one chapter, while last year I memorized 4.5 chapters. Maybe if I allowed more time, I could have. Also, my buzzer speed use to be 310 buzzes per minute. This year, only 300 buzzes per minute. I slowed down a bit. Excluding the last two, I was amazed at how many questions I wrote. I did well. My feelings change a bit towards quizzing through Exodus 2004. I became indignant towards some, but at the same time realized others felt the same as I. I realized that you shouldn't be part of a love triangle. I learned Moses and Aaron had different staffs. I learned that everyone isn't as passionaite about quizzing as myself. I finally understood I couldn't convert a friend to quizzer-ism. Doing so well last year, I inspiried myself to improve for next year. Quizzing got hectic last year, but I enjoyed it.
It is custom for people to make New Year's Resolutions for the New Year. So here is my Quizzing New Year's Resolution: do better than last year. How do I define that. Last year, I finished 78th with being a perfect quizzer two weeks, a top 50 quizzer for 5 weeks and had 370 points with 7 quiz outs. So to better this year, I need to achieve finishing at least 77th with at least 380 points, 8 quiz outs, 3 weeks a perfect quizzer and 6 weeks a Top 50 quizzer. I will achieve if I get at least 4/5 (two-thirds rule). I will try my hardes to achieve.
This post, I added a quizzing joke. Don't expect one every post. Only one per week. See if it's better than Merv's! This is also the last time you may see a countdown. I might do a countdown to Ohio trip.
Official Countdown to first quiz match of 2005:
Quizzing Question of the post:
Whose daughter did Solomon marry?
Quizzing Joke:
Q: In what month were the Israelites allowed to lie?
A: The eighth month, the month of Bul (lol)
Friday, January 14, 2005
More time in the mind of a quizzer
Official Countdown until the first quizmatch of 2005:
1 day, 23 hours, 32 minutes
Quizzing Question of the post:
What shadowed the ark and its carrying poles?
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
30 seconds in the mind of a quizzer
BZZZT! That is the sound of the buzzer going. You look, it's yours buzzer, you made it in. You say your audible word, "Where", parroting the first word the quizmaster said. That will give you 30 seconds to answer. You lean back in your chair. But this isn't a retreat, it's an attack. Time to do some heavy thinking.
You try to think about the answer, but too many things are going through your mind. You look to your left to two of your quizmates, looking at you in encouragement and wonder. You look to your right. Your quizmate on the end seat, which you like, has this smirk on his face. It's the "I know the answer, and I buzzed in but lost to you by a quarter second. Let's see if you know it." You look at the front row. The first two seats the quiz coaches are sitting in. You had to prove to them at practice to start you today, and now you don't want to blow it for today and future quizmatches. Next to them is the first sub. She looks on in encouragement and anticipation because she really wanted to get in this match. Next seat over is you have the second sub. He thinks he's so much better than you. He's got the same smirk as the quizzer to your right. Oh, how much you'd like to see the smirk wiped off by doing better. Behind is the second row. The row is filled with your family members. The one week they come, and you don't feel confident about yourself. You look deeper in the audience. In the corner seat in the back row is the teen you have the biggest crush on. You would really like to impress that important person. How much you have just been inspiried.
It feels like 30 seconds have gone by, but's it's only been 15 seconds. Time to get serious and think about the question. You repeat the question over and over and over in your head. After some thinking, you are able to complete the whole question in your head. Now to figure out the answer. In your head, you are flipping through the pages in the quizbook in your mind, looking for the answer. There, you found the page. You know the answer is in the last paragraph. Since it's a when question, you know the answer is highlighted in yellow. You think harder. There! There it is! But what if your wrong! Could it be another answer. Where you buzzed wasn't exactly key. You see the timekeeper hover his finger over the "time up" buzzer. That is your 5 seconds left warning. This is no time to doubt, go with your instinct. You sit up and smile. You give your answer, trying to be as cool as you can. There is almost a lull between your answer and the quizmasters decision......
Official Countdown to the first quiz match of 2005:
4 days, 23 hours, 55 minutes
Quizzing Question of the post:
Who was in charge of the forced labor?
Sunday, January 09, 2005
Quizzing or football?
Well, he's my decision. I decided to quiz instead of watching the game. It's hard, but I like quizzing more than football. I might try to sneak a walkman in. Besides, you know the Eagles will mess up in the Conference playoff. And you can still see the divisional playoff games on Saturday. At least the ACC quizing Conference has enough brains to have us quiz at 2 PM, so we make it home in time for the Super Bowl.
Official Countdown to the first in quiz match of 2005:
7 days, 3 hours, 2 minutes
Quizzing Question of the post:
What did Solomon describe?
Thursday, January 06, 2005
First Quiz Practice of 2005
Before the quiz practice, I was in panic. I got this feeling like I didn't possibly remember anything. So I entered meltdown mode. I started rattling of all I meorized: 1 Kings 3, Situation Key Words with their answers, Number questions with their answers, the three sons of Mahol and Solomon's nine daily provisions. I read the material over and over, as well as listened to it. I got so nervous I was pacing and couldn't eat. So I gulped down a glass of Mountain Dew Code Red and went off.
When I got there, I filled out a Secret Sponser Form and met all the quizzers on Spring City. I knew Mike from previous years. All seemed nice and friendly. Christine, who was at Ark with me, was also there. I met new quizzer Josh. Julie wasn't there. Mrs. Dietrich explained how Spring City quizzes, then we commenced with quizzing.
We started with reading the book. I didn't read my section in 1 Kings 3, I quoted it out of memory. It amazed everybody. Mrs. Dietrich said it was the first time in Spring City quizzing that someone did that. Then we started working with buzzers in practice quiz matches. We had 3 practice matches and I quizzed out all three. Every quiz out, I was the first one to quiz out. In the 3 matches, I had a total of only 3 errors. The team is developing, and it seems they are only going to get better. I also feel more confident in myself.
It was so exciting to quiz again! I can't wait until the next practice. Now I really really can't wait for the first quiz match.
Official Countdown to the first quiz match of 2005:
9 days, 20 hours, 35 minutes
Quizzing Question of the Post:
Who ate, drank, and were happy?
Sunday, January 02, 2005
A quizbook and a (somewhat) schedule
It was also nice to meet my coaches. We talked about quizzing a bit. I liked the fact that we met before quiz practice on Wednesday. I found at some information, too.
When I got home, I went on the official ACC quizzing website. Lo and behold, a particial schedule was up. It told dates, times, material, and possible places quizzing. I was right. The first quiz match will be January 16. It is now official. For a fact, we know the first, last and middle match would be at LMH. We also know for a fact that the ACC tournament will be LBC. We know the Invitational is in Ohio, but we don't know where. Supposedly, the place that decided to host it in West Liberty dropped out. Now we don't know if we will have it in West Liberty in March or if it's in Northwest Ohio or Wayne County. All we know is we are going to Ohio. This deliema also adjusted the schedule a bit. Now, the tournament will be during Palm Sunday weekend. It is a bit upsetting since I would always get the Friday and Monday off from school. Now since I will already have the Monday off, I will only get the Friday. I also thought the material could have been planned differently.
OFFICIAL Countdown to the first quiz match of 2005:
14 days, 2 hours, 15 minutes
Quizzing question of the post:
Whose city is Zion?
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I HATE DOCK!!!! I'm not asking for much. Just a little acknowledgement, appreciation and respect from Christopher Dock for what I do. Bu...